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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第10,87110,880项(搜索用时0.017秒)
devel/libhoard-3.10 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Fast, scalable, and memory-efficient allocator for MP
The Hoard memory allocator is a fast, scalable, and memory-efficient memory allocator for shared-memory multiprocessors. Multithreaded programs that perform dynamic memory allocation do not scale because the heap is a bottleneck. When multiple threads simultaneously allocate or deallocate memory from the heap, they will be serialized while waiting for the heap lock. Programs making intensive use of the heap actually slow down as the number of processors increases. (Note: If you make a lot of use of the STL, you may not know it, but you are making a lot of use of the heap.) Hoard is a fast allocator that solves this problem. In addition, it has very reasonable bounds on memory consumption.
devel/Config-IniFiles-2.91 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Read .ini-style configuration files
Config::IniFiles provides a way to have readable configuration files outside your Perl script. The configuration can be safely reloaded upon receipt of a signal. Configurations can be imported (inherited, stacked,...), sections can be grouped, and settings can be accessed from a tied hash. USAGE Get a new Config::IniFiles object with the *new* method: $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => "/path/configfile.ini" ); $cfg = new Config::IniFiles -file => "/path/configfile.ini"; Optional named parameters may be specified after the configuration file name. See the *new* in the METHODS section, below. INI files consist of a number of sections, each preceded with the section name in square brackets. Parameters are specified in each section as Name=Value. Any spaces around the equals sign will be ignored, and the value extends to the end of the line.
devel/Config-Setting-0.04 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Class that provides an easy interface to use config files
A perl module that is designed to provide easy to use settings files for your project. You subclass the basic Config::Setting class in one of your own modules, and then provide an interface to your code using it. When set up, you can then override the settings on a per-host basis, or even using an environment variable. By default a win.ini style of configuration is used, but this can be overridden and an XML based configuration is also included. The access mechanism can also be overridden, the setting don't have to come from a file, but (maybe) from a web site. You'll have to write your own there, though.
devel/Data-Flow-1.02 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Perl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
The module Data::Flow provides its services via objects. The objects may be obtained by the usual $request = new Data::Flow $recipes; paradigm. The argument $recipes is a hash reference, which provides the rules for request processing. The objects support two methods, set() and get(). The first one is used to provide input data for processing, the second one to obtain the output. The unit of requested information is a field. The method set() takes a pair field => value, the method get() takes one argument: the field. Every object is created without any fields filled, but it knows how to construct fields basing on other fields or some global into. This knowledge is provided in the argument $recipe of the new() function. This is a reference to a hash, keyed by fields. The values of this hash are hash references themselves, which describe how to acquire the field which is the corresponding key of the initial hash.
devel/File-ShareDir-PAR-0.06 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Perl5 File::ShareDir module with PAR support
File::ShareDir::PAR provides the same functionality as File::ShareDir but tries hard to be compatible with PAR packaged applications. The problem is, that the concept of having a distribution or module specific share directory becomes a little hazy when you're loading everything from a single file. PAR uses an @INC hook to intercept any attempt to load a module. File::ShareDir uses the directory structure that is typically found in the directories that are listed in @INC for storing the shared data. In a PAR enviroment, this is not necessarily possible. WARNING: This module contains highly experimental code. If you want to load modules from .par files using PAR and then access their shared directory using File::ShareDir, you probably have no choice but to use it.
devel/Media-Type-Simple-0.02 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
MIME Media Types and their file extensions
Media::Type::Simple gives a simple functions for obtaining common file extensions from media types, and from obtaining media types from file extensions. It is also relaxed with respect to having multiple media types associated with a file extension, or multiple extensions associated with a media type, and it includes media types for encodings such as gzip. It is defined this way in the default data, but this does not meet your needs, then you can have it use a system file (e.g. /etc/mime.types) or custom data. By default, there is a functional interface, although you can also use an object-oriented inteface. (Different objects will not share the same data.)
devel/noweb-2.11b (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Simple, extensible literate-programming tool
INTRODUCTION --- WHAT IS NOWEB, ANYWAY? noweb is a literate-programming tool like FunnelWEB or nuweb, only simpler. A noweb file contains program source code interleaved with documentation. When noweb is invoked, it writes the program source code to the output files mentioned in the noweb file, and it writes a TeX file for typeset documentation. noweb is designed to meet the needs of literate programmers while remaining as simple as possible. Its primary advantages are simplicity, extensibility, and language-independence. noweb works ``out of the box'' with any programming language, and supports TeX, latex, and HTML (Mosaic) back ends. A back end to support full hypertext or indexing takes about 250 lines; a simpler one can be written in 40 lines of awk. The primary sacrifice relative to WEB is that code is not prettyprinted. If you're brand new to literate programming, check out the FAQ for the USENET newsgroup comp.programming.literate. There are also some resources available through the noweb home page:
devel/Test-Warnings-0.026 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Test for warnings and the lack of them
If you've ever tried to use Test::NoWarnings to confirm there are no warnings generated by your tests, combined with the convenience of done_testing to not have to declare a test count, you'll have discovered that these two features do not play well together, as the test count will be calculated before the warnings test is run, resulting in a TAP error. (See examples/test_nowarnings.pl in this distribution for a demonstration.) This module is intended to be used as a drop-in replacement for Test::NoWarnings: it also adds an extra test, but runs this test before done_testing calculates the test count, rather than after. It does this by hooking into done_testing as well as via an END block. You can declare a plan, or not, and things will still Just Work.
devel/pinba-2012.03.20 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
PHP-extension part of statistics server for PHP
Pinba is a statistics server for PHP using MySQL as a read-only interface. It accumulates and processes data sent over UDP by multiple PHP processes and displays statistics in a nice human-readable form of simple "reports", also providing a read-only interface to the raw data to enable generation of more sophisticated reports. With the Pinba extension, users can also measure particular parts of the code using timers with arbitrary tags. Pinba is not a debugging tool in the common sense, since you're not supposed to do debugging on production servers, but its main goal is to help developers to locate bottlenecks in realtime and direct their attention to the code that really needs it.
devel/pinba_engine-2011.08.18 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Mysql-engine part of statistics server for PHP
Pinba is a statistics server for PHP using MySQL as a read-only interface. It accumulates and processes data sent over UDP by multiple PHP processes and displays statistics in a nice human-readable form of simple "reports", also providing a read-only interface to the raw data to enable generation of more sophisticated reports. With the Pinba extension, users can also measure particular parts of the code using timers with arbitrary tags. Pinba is not a debugging tool in the common sense, since you're not supposed to do debugging on production servers, but its main goal is to help developers to locate bottlenecks in realtime and direct their attention to the code that really needs it.