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Results 5,8715,880 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.011 seconds)
devel/Config-Validator-1.3 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Schema based configuration validation
This module allows to perform schema based configuration validation. The idea is to define in a schema what valid data is. This schema can be used to create a validator object that can in turn be used to make sure that some data indeed conforms to the schema. Although the primary focus is on "configuration" (for instance as provided by modules like Config::General) and, to a lesser extent, "options" (for instance as provided by modules like Getopt::Long), this module can in fact validate any data structure.
devel/Object-Destroyer-2.01 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Make objects with circular references DESTROY normally
Object::Destroyer allows for the creation of "Destroy" handles. The handle is "attached" to the circular relationship, but is not a part of it. When the destroy handle falls out of scope, it will be cleaned up correctly, and while being cleaned up, it will also force the data structure it is attached to be destroyed as well. Object::Destroyer can call a specified release method on an object (or method DESTROY by default). Alternatively, it can execute an arbitrary user code passed to constructor as a code reference.
devel/Parallel-Scoreboard-0.07 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Perl extension of scoreboard for monitoring status of many workers
Parallel::Scoreboard is a pure-perl implementation of a process scoreboard. By using the module it is easy to create a monitor for many worker process, like the status module of the Apache HTTP server. Unlike other similar modules, Parallel::Scoreboard is easy to use and has no limitation on the format or the length of the statuses to be stored. Any arbitrary data (like JSON or frozen perl object) can be saved by the worker processes as their status and read from the manager process.
devel/Term-Screen-1.05 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Basic screen + input class
Term::Screen is a very simple screen positioning module that should work wherever `Term::Cap' does. It is set up for Unix using stty's but these dependencies are isolated by evals in the `new' constructor. Thus you may create a child module implementing Screen with MS-DOS, ioctl, or other means to get raw and unblocked input. This is not a replacement for Curses -- it has no memory. This was written so that it could be easily changed to fit nasty systems, and to be available first thing.
devel/namespace-clean-0.27 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Keep imports and functions out of your namespace
When you define a function, or import one, into a Perl package, it will naturally also be available as a method. This does not per se cause problems, but it can complicate subclassing and, for example, plugin classes that are included via multiple inheritance by loading them as base classes. The "namespace::clean" pragma will remove all previously declared or imported symbols at the end of the current package's compile cycle. Functions called in the package itself will still be bound by their name, but they won't show up as methods on your class or instances.
games/antipolix-2.1 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Simple multiplayer game for X Window System
This game is played in a parallelepipede containing PxNxN little cubes. You can first consider this 3D board as P 2D checkerboards of NxN squares. From 2 up to 10 players can confront each other. Each player begins with a certain number of pieces (or armies) that he has to move and make attack. One of his pieces represents him-self (or the chief, or the king, or anything you want). If this piece die, the player is eliminated. The last player staying alive wins. Messages can be sent to the other players , so that alliances can be implemented. A special timer assures that the game remains dynamic.
games/qstat-2.11 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Command-line program to query game servers on the net
QStat is a command-line program that displays real-time information about Internet game servers. The servers can be either down, non-responding, or running a game. For servers running a game, the server name, map name, current number of players, and response time are displayed. Server rules and player information may also be displayed. It can output templates for automatic HTML generation, and also has raw display mode for integration with custom server browsers. Incomplete list of supported games includes: - old Quake (NetQuake) - QuakeWorld - Hexen II - HexenWorld - Quake II - Unreal - Half-Life 2 - Half-Life - Doom III - Warsow - Tremulous
games/thudboard-1.8 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
The Discworld Boardgame Board
ThudBoard - The Discworld Boardgame Board ThudBoard is a computer application that can be used to play Thud battles without using the actual board. If you don't have a clue what this Thud thing is, take a look at the official Thud site at http://www.thudgame.com. Multiple battles can be stored, so you can play many games simultaneously without the onerous task of remembering where each individual piece was in this battle you have been playing with your cousin in XXXX over the last few years.
mail/mmr-1.6.0 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Curses based MIME Mail Reader
"My Mailer" is an incarnation of a UNIX text-based mailer designed to be an intermediate step between mail and pine. Features: MIME aware -- While this mailer does not implement a full set of the MIME mail extensions, it should handle most MIME mail. It also handles some Sun mail attachment formats. Threaded messages -- Articles by default are threaded by subject. This allows one to plow through huge mailing list discussions, sometimes spanning weeks, with very little effort. Automatic detection of a modified mail file, and the changes will then be merged with the current message listing. Automatically uncompresses and recompresses gzipped mailfiles Searchable message listings, including search through message text
math/octave-forge-generate_html-0.1.12 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Octave-forge package generate_html
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is generate_html. This package provides functions for generating HTML pages that contain the help texts for a set of functions. The package is designed to be as general as possible, but also contains convenience functions for generating a set of pages for entire packages.