Ports Search

Results 1,8311,840 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.007 seconds)
net/xmlrpc-1.13 (Score: 0.0055479947)
Library for XMLRPC support in Erlang
This is an HTTP 1.1 compliant XML-RPC library for Erlang. It is designed to make it easy to write XML-RPC Erlang clients and/or servers.
news/nzbget-16.4 (Score: 0.0055479947)
Binary newsreader supporting NZB files
NZBGet is a binary newsgrabber, which downloads files from usenet based on information given in nzb-files. Description of nzb format is available at http://docs.newzbin.com/
security/clamcour-0.3.8 (Score: 0.0055479947)
ClamAV courier filter
ClamCour is Courier filter using Clam Antivirus to check mail for viruses. http://www.becrux.com/index.php?page=projects&name=clamcour
textproc/libuninameslist-20091231 (Score: 0.0055479947)
Library of Unicode annotation data
A library with a large (sparse) array mapping each unicode code point to the annotation data for it provided in http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/NamesList.txt.
www/rejik-3.2.11 (Score: 0.0055479947)
Squid redirector used for blocking unwanted content
Rejik is a squid redirector used for blocking unwanted content basing on URLs and Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (http://www.pcre.org/).
devel/commons-modeler-2.0.1 (Score: 0.00551243)
Mechanisms to create Model MBeans compatible with JMX specification
java Management Extensions (JMX) is an API that facilitates building management applications that can configure, and perform operations on, a server applica -tion. In general, each manageable component of the server application is re -presented by a Management Bean (or MBean, for short). JMX defines three types of MBeans, of which Model MBeans are the most flexible. Model MBeans provide a way to define MBeans for many different components, without having to write a specific MBean implementation class for each one. However, this power comes at a price. It is necessary to set up a substantial amount of metadata about each MBean, including the attributes it should expose (similar to JavaBeans properties), the operations it should make available (si -milar to calling methods of a Java object via reflection), and other related information. The Modeler component is designed to make this process fairly pain -less -- the required metadata is configured from an XML description of each Model MBean to be supported. In addition, Modeler provides a factory mechanism to create the actual Model MBean instances themselves.
dns/djbdns-1.05 (Score: 0.00551243)
Collection of secure and reliable DNS tools
DJBDNS is a collection of Domain Name System tools. It includes several components: * The dnscache program is a local DNS cache. It accepts recursive DNS queries from local clients such as web browsers. It collects responses from remote DNS servers. * The tinydns program is a fast, UDP-only DNS server. It makes local DNS information available to the Internet. * The pickdns program is a load-balancing DNS server. It points clients to a dynamic selection of IP addresses. * The walldns program is a reverse DNS wall. It provides matching reverse and forward records while hiding local host information. * The dns library handles outgoing and incoming DNS packets. It can be used by clients such as web browsers to look up host addresses, host names, MX records, etc. It supports asynchronous resolution. * The dnsfilter program is a parallel IP-address-to-host-name converter. * The dnsip, dnsipq, dnsname, dnstxt, and dnsmx programs are simple command-line interfaces to DNS. * The dnsq and dnstrace programs are DNS debugging tools. Documentation is at the website below,
games/nexuiz-2.5.2 (Score: 0.00551243)
Fast-paced, chaotic, and intense multiplayer first person shooter
Nexuiz is a fast-paced, chaotic, and intense multiplayer first person shooter, focused on providing basic, old style deathmatch. Nexuiz is built on the power of the Darkplaces engine, which is a heavily modified version of the original Quake. Darkplaces features realtime lighting and stencil shadows, bumpmapping, gloss, bloom, and totally rewritten network code that supports up to 64 players on a single server. While quality gameplay was our primary goal, its graphics technology and artwork allows the game to compete with the current quality of commercial games. Any online deathmatch fan will instantly feel at home with Nexuiz' weapons and movement style. The fast server browser and quick loading time allows you to jump right into a game at a moments notice and play a quick game. Now it also comes with community map pack compiled by Strahlemann. It includes 35 maps, and a campaign mode for the user to fight through. The map pack includes Quake3 community maps, Nexuiz community maps, and some new maps from Nexuiz developers.
mail/IMAP-Client-0.13 (Score: 0.00551243)
Advanced manipulation of IMAP services w/ referral support
This module was created as a low-level inteface to any IMAP server. It was built to be a 'clear box' solution to working with an IMAP environment. The idea is that anything an IMAP client should be able to do, and any information available via the IMAP specs, should be available to a client interface and user. This way, the full strength of the IMAP protocol and data can be utilized, ideally in the most network-efficient mannger possible, rather than being contrained only to a subset of commands or data-limited responses. If the server says it, the client should be able to see it. This module also takes steps to be able to handle anticipated situations for the user rather than forcing a per-implementation behavior for such expected events, such as referrals. IMAP::Client will fully support referrals, and will transparently handle them for whatever command is issued to them (so long as the referral s for anonymous or the same user with the same password - a new user or different password would require a new username/password to be obtained. As of 0.01, this is not supported, however the framework is down.
mail/Mail-IMAPTalk-4.03 (Score: 0.00551243)
IMAP client interface with lots of features
This module communicates with an IMAP server. Each IMAP server command is mapped to a method of this object. Although other IMAP modules exist on CPAN, this has several advantages over other modules: - It parses the more complex IMAP structures like envelopes and body structures into nice Perl data structures. - It correctly supports atoms, quoted strings and literals at any point. Some parsers in other modules aren't fully IMAP compatiable and may break at odd times with certain messages on some servers. - It allows large return values (eg. attachments on a message) to be read directly into a file, rather than into memory. - It includes some helper functions to find the actual text/plain or text/html part of a message out of a complex MIME structure. It also can find a list of attachements, and CID links for HTML messages with attached images. - It supports decoding of MIME headers to Perl utf-8 strings automatically, so you don't have to deal with MIME encoded headers (enabled optionally). While the IMAP protocol does allow for asynchronous running of commands, this module is designed to be used in a synchronous manner. That is, you issue a command by calling a method, and the command will block until the appropriate response is returned. The method will then return the parsed results from the given command.