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devel/App-perlbrew-0.75 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl Environment manager
perlbrew is a program to automate the building and installation of perl in an easy way. It provides multiple isolated perl environments, and a mechanism for you to switch between them. Everything are installed unter ~/perl5/perlbrew. You then need to include a bashrc/cshrc provided by perlbrew to tweak the PATH for you. You then can benefit from not having to run 'sudo' commands to install cpan modules because those are installed inside your HOME too. For the documentation of perlbrew usage see perlbrew command on CPAN, or by running perlbrew help. The following documentation features the API of App::perlbrew module, and may not be remotely close to what your want to read.
devel/App-scan_prereqs_cpanfile-1.03 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl extension for scanning prerequisite modules to generate cpanfile
This script scans prerequisite modules from your code, and generate CPANfile. You can also list missing prerequisite modules.
devel/AppConfig-Std-1.10 (Score: 0.032514982)
Subclass of AppConfig that provides standard options
AppConfig::Std is a Perl module that provides a set of standard configuration variables and command-line switches. It is implemented as a subclass of AppConfig; AppConfig provides a general mechanism for handling global configuration variables.
devel/Array-Iterator-0.11 (Score: 0.032514982)
Set of array iterators
This module implements several types of array iterators: - simple unidirectional - bidirectional - circular - reusable
devel/Array-Unique-0.08 (Score: 0.032514982)
Tie-able array that allows only unique values
This package lets you create an array which will allow only one occurrence of any value. In other words no matter how many times you put in 42 it will keep only the first occurrence and the rest will be dropped. You use the module via tie and once you tied your array to this module it will behave correctly. Uniqueness is checked with the 'eq' operator so among other things it is case sensitive. As a side effect the module does not allow undef as a value in the array.
devel/Array-Window-1.02 (Score: 0.032514982)
Calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays
Many applications require that a large set of results be broken down into a smaller set of 'windows', or 'pages' in web language. Array::Window implements an algorithm specifically for dealing with these windows. It is very flexible and permissive, making adjustments to the window as needed.
devel/Async-Interrupt-1.21 (Score: 0.032514982)
Allow C/XS libraries to interrupt perl asynchronously
This module implements asynchronous notifications that enable you to signal running perl code from another thread, asynchronously, and sometimes even without using a single syscall.
devel/Async-MergePoint-0.04 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl modules that resynchronise diverged control flow
Often in program logic, multiple different steps need to be taken that are independent of each other, but their total result is needed before the next step can be taken. In synchonous code, the usual approach is to do them sequentially. An asynchronous or event-based program could do this, but if each step involves some IO idle time, better overall performance can often be gained by running the steps in parallel. A Async::MergePoint object can then be used to wait for all of the steps to complete, before passing the combined result of each step on to the next stage. This module was originally part of the IO::Async distribution, but was removed under the inspiration of Pedro Melo's Async::Hooks distribution, because it doesn't itself contain anything IO-specific.
devel/AtExit-2.03 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perform exit processing for a program or object
The AtExit module provides ANSI-C style exit processing modeled after the atexit function in the standard C library (see atexit(3C)). Various exit processing routines may be registered by calling atexit and passing it the desired subroutine along with any desired arguments. Then, at program-exit time, the subroutines registered with atexit are invoked with their given arguments in the reverse order of registration (last one registered is invoked first). Registering the same subroutine more than once will cause that subroutine to be invoked once for each registration.
devel/AppConfig-1.71 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl module for reading configuration files
From the README file for AppConfig: AppConfig is a Perl5 module for managing application configuration information. It maintains the state of any number of variables and provides methods for parsing configuration files and command line arguments. Variables values may be set via configuration files. Variables may be flags (On/Off), take a single value, or take multiple values stored as a a list or hash. The number of arguments a variable expects is determined by its configuration when defined.