Ports 搜索

devel/bnf-1.6.10 (Score: 0.002733862)
Generate C parser given a grammar in BNF notation
The BNF parser generator takes a syntax not unlike BNF and generates a "C" parser for it, a parser that can parse either strings or files. This is a flexible tool, meant for smaller parsing tasks where bison+flex are just too big to use.
devel/l2-0.9.13 (Score: 0.002719659)
C library for a flexible and sophisticated Unix logging facility
OSSP l2 is a C library providing a very flexible and sophisticated Unix logging facility. It is based on the model of arbitrary number of channels, stacked together in a top-down data flow tree structure with filtering channels in internal nodes and output channels on the leave nodes.
math/rngstreams-1.0.1 (Score: 0.002719659)
C implementation of a high-quality uniform random number generator
RngStreams is a C implementation of a high-quality uniform random number generator that supports multiple "independent" streams of uniform random numbers. It was written by Pierre L'Ecuyer and Richard Simard, who have a website at: http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~simardr/indexe.html This GNU-style package is compiled and maintained by Josef Leydold and released under the GNU Public License (GPL).
math/data-lens-2.10.7 (Score: 0.002707707)
Used to be Haskell 98 Lenses
Used to be Haskell 98 Lenses.
devel/googletest-1.7.0 (Score: 0.0027028113)
Framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms
Google's framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Cygwin, Windows CE, and Symbian). Based on the xUnit architecture. Supports automatic test discovery, a rich set of assertions, user-defined assertions, death tests, fatal and non-fatal failures, type-parameterized tests, various options for running the tests, and XML test report generation.
devel/poco-1.4.3 (Score: 0.002701966)
C++ libraries with a network/internet focus (full version)
The C++ Portable Components currently consist of four libraries. The Foundation library contains a platform abstraction layer (including classes for multithreading, file system access, logging, etc.), as well as a large number of useful utility classes, such various stream buffer and stream classes, URI handling, and many more. The remaining libraries include: o Crypto - Encrypt/decrypt data or I/O streams o Data - database access ODBC, SQLite, MySQL client o Net - network classes (sockets, HTTP, etc.) o NetSSL - SSL/TLS protocol sockets based on OpenSSL o PageCompiler - C++ Server Page Compiler, for dynamic HTML in C++ apps o XML - parser with SAX2 and DOM interfaces and an XMLWriter o Util - config files and command line arguments, various utility classes o Zip classes for (de)compressing data or I/O streams This is now known as the '-all' distribution by the Poco project, but the FreeBSD port remains named -ssl for hysterical raisins.
devel/XML-Pastor-1.0.4 (Score: 0.0026867436)
Generate Perl classes with XML bindings from a W3C XSD schema
Java has Castor, and now Perl has XML::Pastor! If you know what Castor does in the Java world, then XML::Pastor should be familiar to you. If you have a W3C XSD schema, you can generate Perl classes with roundtrip XML bindings.
devel/libtpl-1.6 (Score: 0.0026808553)
Tpl is a library for serializing C data
You can use tpl to store and reload your C data quickly and easily. Tpl works with files, memory buffers and file descriptors so it's suitable for use as a file format, IPC message format or any scenario where you need to store and retrieve your data.
lang/chibi-scheme-0.7.3 (Score: 0.0026808553)
Minimal Scheme implementation for use as a C extension language
Chibi-Scheme is a very small library intended for use as an extension and scripting language in C programs. In addition to support for lightweight VM-based threads, each VM itself runs in an isolated heap allowing multiple VMs to run simultaneously in different OS threads. The default language is the R7RS (scheme base) library.
devel/gengetopt-2.22.6 (Score: 0.0026721554)
Tool for generating a C function which parses command line arguments
This program generate a C function that uses getopt_long function to parse the command line options, validate them and fill a struct. Thus your program can now handle options such as: myprog --input foo.c -o foo.o --no-tabs -i 100 *.class And both long options (those that start with --) and short options (start with - and consist of only one character) can be handled. For standards about short and long options you may want to take a look at the GNU Coding Standards.