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Results 16,66116,670 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.014 seconds)
comms/tcpser-1.0.r12 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
TCPSER turns serial port into an emulated Hayes compatible modem
TCPSER turns a PC serial port into an emulated Hayes compatible modem that uses TCP/IP for incoming and outgoing connections. It can be used to allow older applications and systems designed for modem use to operate on the Internet. TCPSER supports all standard Hayes commands, and understands extended and vendor proprietary commands (though it does not implement many of them). TCPSER can be used for both inbound and outbound connections.
comms/usrp-3.4.3 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Ettus Research USRP driver framework
UHD is the "Universal Software Radio Peripheral" (USRP) Hardware Driver. It works on all major platforms (Linux, Windows, and Mac); and can be built with GCC, Clang, and MSVC compilers. The goal of UHD is to provide a host driver and API for current and future Ettus Research products. Users will be able to use the UHD driver standalone or with third-party applications such as: GNU Radio LabVIEW Simulink OpenBTS
converters/Convert-IBM390-0.28 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Functions for manipulating mainframe data
Convert::IBM390 -- functions for manipulating mainframe data Convert::IBM390 is a Perl module. It supplies various functions that you may find useful when messing with IBM System/3[679]0 data. See the POD documentation in the module, or "man Convert::IBM390" after you have installed it. asc2eb, eb2asc, eb2ascp: ASCII/EBCDIC conversion packeb, unpackeb: pack/unpack and convert an EBCDIC record hexdump: dump memory in an MVS-like format
converters/XML-WBXML-0.09 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Convert between XML and WBXML using libwbxml2
This module is a wrapper around Aymerick Jehanne's libwbxml (or perhaps libwbxml2, I am not sure what the distinction is) library for handling Wireless Binary XML. You must install libwbxml2 prior to installing this module. The library can be found at http://libwbxml.aymerick.com/ (libwbxml2 itself requires the expat library to be installed.) The module defines two functions: xml_to_wbxml and wbxml_to_xml.
databases/cppdb-0.3.1 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Platform and database independent SQL connectivity library
CppDB is a SQL connectivity library that is designed to provide platform and database independent connectivity API similarly to what JDBC, ODBC and other connectivity libraries do. It supports Sqlite3, PostgreSQL, MySQL and as many RDBMSs as possible via cppdb-odbc bridge. It was written with performance, simplicity in use and locale safety as the primary goals in mind. It also provides both explicit verbose API and brief and nice syntactic sugar.
databases/mysqlnd_ms-1.5.2 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Replication and load balancing plugin for mysqlnd
The replication and load balancing plugin is a plugin for the mysqlnd library. It can be used with PHP MySQL extensions (ext/mysql, ext/mysqli, PDO_MySQL) if they are compiled to use mysqlnd. The plugin inspects queries to do read-write splitting. Read-only queries are send to configured MySQL replication slave servers all other queries are redirected to the MySQL replication master server. Very little, if any, application changes required, dependent on the usage scenario required.
databases/esqueleto-2.4.1 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Type-safe EDSL for SQL queries on persistent backends
esqueleto is a bare bones, type-safe EDSL for SQL queries that works with unmodified persistent SQL backends. Its language closely resembles SQL, so you don't have to learn new concepts, just new syntax, and it's fairly easy to predict the generated SQL and optimize it for your backend. Most kinds of errors committed when writing SQL are caught as compile-time errors---although it is possible to write type-checked esqueleto queries that fail at runtime.
databases/adodb-4.99.2 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Database library for PHP
ADOdb stands for Active Data Objects Data Base. ADOdb is a database abstraction library for PHP. The PHP version currently supports an amazing number of databases, thanks to the wonderful ADOdb community: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, Informix, Oracle, MS SQL, Foxpro, Access, ADO, Sybase, FrontBase, DB2, SAP DB, SQLite, Netezza, LDAP, and generic ODBC, ODBTP. The Sybase, Informix, FrontBase and PostgreSQL, Netezza, LDAP, ODBTP drivers are community contributions.
databases/DBIWrapper-0.24 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Perl extension for generic DBI database access
DBIWrapper is a generic database Perl module for accessing the Perl DBI database interface. It provides the lowest level of functionality needed by any program wanting to access databases via the DBI. Currently, DBIWrapper is only aware of Pg (PostgreSQL), mysql (MySQL) and ODBC DBD modules and how to work with them correctly. Support for transactions on MySQL is now checked for and if found to be available, the AutoCommit flag is turned off so that transactions will be used.
databases/DBIx-Recordset-0.26 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Perl module for abstraction and simplification of database access
DBIx::Recordset is a perl module for abstraction and simplification of database access. The goal is to make standard database access (select/insert/update/delete) easier to handle and independend of the underlying DBMS. Special attention is made on web applications to make it possible to handle the state-less access and to process the posted data of formfields, but DBIx::Recordset is not limited to web applications.