Ports 搜索

security/pulledpork-0.7.0 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Script to update snort-2.8+ rules
pulledpork is a Perl script which helps to update your Snort 2.9+ rules. -= Features and Capabilities =- * Automated downloading, parsing, state modification and rule modification for all of your snort rulesets. * Checksum verification for all major rule downloads * Automatic generation of updated sid-msg.map file * Capability to include your local.rules in sid-msg.map file * Capability to pull rules tarballs from custom urls * Complete Shared Object support * Complete IP Reputation List support * Capability to download multiple disparate rulesets at once * Maintains accurate changelog * Capability to HUP processes after rules download * Aids in tuning of rulesets * Verbose output so that you know EXACTLY what is happening * Minimal Perl Module dependencies * A sweet smokey flavor throughout the pork!
sysutils/rsyslog-8.21.0 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Syslogd supporting SQL, TCP, and TLS
Rsyslog is an enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with a focus on security and reliability. Among others, it offers support for on-demand disk buffering, reliable syslog over TCP, SSL, TLS and RELP, writing to databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and many more), email alerting, fully configurable output formats (including high-precision timestamps), the ability to filter on any part of the syslog message, on-the-wire message compression, and the ability to convert text files to syslog. It is a drop-in replacement for stock syslogd and able to work with the same configuration file syntax. Its advanced features make it suitable for enterprise-class, encryption protected syslog relay chains while at the same time being very easy to setup for the novice user. Tracking v7-devel
sysutils/dt-17.07 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Data Test Program - disk/tape error diagnostic tool
dt is a generic data test program used to verify proper operation of peripherals, file systems, device drivers, or any data stream supported by the operating system. In its simplest mode of operation, dt writes and then verifies its default data pattern, then displays performance statistics and other test parameters before exiting. Since verification of data is performed, dt can be thought of as a generic diagnostic tool. dt has been used to successfully test disks, tapes, serial lines, parallel lines, pipes, and memory mapped files. In fact, dt can be used for any device that allows the standard open, read, write, and close system calls. Special support is necessary for some devices, such as serial lines, for setting up the speed, parity, data bits, etc.
sysutils/dvd+rw-tools-7.1 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
DVD burning software
DVD+RW Tools by Andy Polyakov. This software allows one to perform DVD recording using a DVD burner, primarily via the "growisofs" utility. growisofs was originally designed as a frontend to mkisofs to facilitate appending of data to ISO9660 volumes residing on random-access media such as DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, plain files, hard disk partitions. In the course of development general purpose DVD recording support was implemented, and as of now growisofs supports not only random-access media, but even mastering of multi-session DVD media such as DVD+R and DVD-R/-RW. In addition growisofs supports first-/single-session recording of arbitrary pre-mastered image (formatted as UDF, ISO9660, or any other file system, if formatted at all) to all supported DVD media types.
sysutils/and-1.2.2 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Auto Nice Daemon
The Auto Nice Daemon activates itself in certain intervals and renices jobs according to their priority and CPU usage. Jobs owned by root are left alone. Jobs are never increased in their priority. AND is very flexible. The renice intervals can be adjusted as well as the default nice level and the activation intervals. A priority database stores user/group/job tuples along with their renice values for three CPU usage time ranges. Negative nice levels are interpreted as signals to be sent to a process, triggered by CPU usage; this way, Netscapes going berserk can be killed automatically. The strategy for searching the priority database can be configured. AND also provides network-wide configuration files with host-specific sections, as well as wildcard/regexp support for commands in the priority database.
sysutils/smbnetfs-0.6.0 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Mount smb shares (Fuse filesystem)
SMBNetFS is a filesystem that allow you to use samba/microsoft network in the same manner as the network neighborhood in Microsoft Windows. Featuries: * you can use Samba/Microsoft network as a regular Unix filesystem * workgroup/computer/share entries are dynamically created * Windows domain supported * kerberos support (New) * user defined workgroup/link/hosts are supported * national character supported * in config files you can specify different user/password to access different network shares * you can access any computer in the world by "cd mountpoint/ip-addr" command, where "ip-addr" is the IP address of the desired computer. Do not warry that there is no file with such name :-) * command "cd mountpoint/username:password@computer_or_ip" allows you to access "computer_or_ip" as user "username" with password "password" (this is insecure, but usefull)
sysutils/fusepak-0.5 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Mount packed data files of various games (PACK, WAD, etc.)
Fusepak is a small program that makes it possible to mount PACK or WAD files (used in many games, most notably by id Software) under a directory. This is achieved by using FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace). The following formats are supported: - WAD, can be found in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny games - PACK, can be found in Quake, Quake2, and other games based on id Software's Quake engine - WAD2, can be found inside of PACK files - LGP, can be found in PC version of Final Fantasy VII - PAK, can be found in Dune 2 - KSGRP, can be found in Duke Nukem 3D Secondary goal of fusepak is to provide simple framework which allows one to quickly add support for another file format.
sysutils/kiconvtool-0.97 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Tool to preload kernel iconv charset tables
On FreeBSD, it's possible to allow plain users to mount filesystems without using su or sudo. This is enabled via vfs.usermount sysctl. However, if file name conversion is used when mounting a filesystem, in most cases mount will fail with `mount_XXX: XXX_iconv: Operation not permitted denied' error. This is caused by the fact that character set conversion tables need to be loaded into kernel, but, apart from mounting, that's not allowed to plain users, because charset tables are large enough to initiate a denial of service by filling kernel memory with many tables. This utility allows you to load only specific charset tables into kernel, so usermounts with file name conversions won't fail and in the same time it's not possible to bring the system down by filling kernel memory.
sysutils/password-store-1.6.5 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely
Password management should be simple and follow Unix philosophy. With pass, each password lives inside of a gpg encrypted file whose filename is the title of the website or resource that requires the password. These encrypted files may be organized into meaningful folder hierarchies, copied from computer to computer, and, in general, manipulated using standard command line file management utilities. pass makes managing these individual password files extremely easy. All passwords live in ~/.password-store, and pass provides some nice commands for adding, editing, generating, and retrieving passwords. It is a very short and simple shell script. It's capable of temporarily putting passwords on your clipboard and tracking password changes using git. You can edit the password store using ordinary Unix shell commands alongside the pass command. There are no funky file formats or new paradigms to learn. There is bash completion so that you can simply hit tab to fill in names.
sysutils/multitail-6.4.2 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Tail multiple files on console with ncurses
MultiTail lets you view one or multiple files like the original tail program. The difference is that it creates multiple windows on your console (with ncurses). It can also monitor wildcards: if another file matching the wildcard has a more recent modification date, it will automatically switch to that file. That way you can, for example, monitor a complete directory of files. Merging of 2 or even more logfiles is possible. It can also use colors while displaying the logfiles (through regular expressions), for faster recognition of what is important and what not. It can also filter lines (again with regular expressions). It has interactive menus for editing given regular expressions and deleting and adding windows. One can also have windows with the output of shell scripts and other software. When viewing the output of external software, MultiTail can mimic the functionality of tools like 'watch' and such.