Ports 搜索

www/cherrypy-2.3.0 (Score: 0.07276644)
Pythonic, object-oriented web development framework
CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented web development framework. CherryPy allows developers to build web applications in much the same way they would build any other object-oriented Python program. This usually results in smaller source code developed in less time. CherryPy is now more than three years old and it is has proven very fast and stable. It is being used in production by many sites, from the simplest ones to the most demanding ones.
www/atutor-2.2.2 (Score: 0.07276644)
Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS)
ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind. Administrators can install or update ATutor in minutes, develop custom themes to give ATutor a new look, and easily extend its functionality with feature modules. Educators can quickly assemble, package, and redistribute Web-based instructional content, easily import prepackaged content, and conduct their courses online. Students learn in an adaptive learning environment.
www/impresscms-1.3.7 (Score: 0.07276644)
Community Developed Content Management System
ImpressCMS is a community developed Content Management System for easily building and maintaining a dynamic web site. Keep your web site up to date with this easy to use, secure and flexible system. It is the ideal tool for a wide range of users: from business to community users, from large enterprises to people who want a simple, easy to use blogging tool. ImpressCMS is a powerful system that gets outstanding results!
www/jspwiki-2.8.4 (Score: 0.07276644)
Feature-rich and extensible Wiki engine built around J2EE
JSPWiki is a feature-rich and extensible WikiWiki engine built around the standard J2EE components (Java, servlets, JSP). It's features include: WikiMarkup/Structured Text, File attachments, Templates support, Data storage, Security, Easy plugin interface for writing your own additions,UTF-8 support, JavaServer Pages-based, Easy-ish installation, Page locking to prevent editing conflicts, Support for Multiple Wikis, etc.
www/awstats-7.5 (Score: 0.07276644)
免费的实时日志文件分析器,获得高级的 web 统计
AWStats 是高级的 Web 统计(Advanced Web Statistics)的缩写。这是一个免费的工具, 用来生成高级的 web(也可以是 ftp 或者 mail)服务器的统计、图形。 这个日志分析器作为一个 CGI 或者从命令行运行,并通过一些图形和网页告诉你你的日志里包含的 所有可能的信息。它使用部分信息文件,以便能频繁和快速地处理大的日志文件。 它能分析 IIS(W3C 日志格式)、Apache 日志文件(NCSA 联合/XLF/ELF 日志格式或者 通用/CLF 日志格式)、WebStar 和大多数 web、代理、WAP和流服务器(FTP 服务器或者 邮件日志)。
www/mediawiki-1.23.15 (Score: 0.07276644)
Wiki engine used by Wikipedia
MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and other projects. It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing too rigid a structure or workflow.
www/limesurvey-1.91 (Score: 0.07276644)
PHP-based survey building and runing system
From the website: What is PHP Surveyor? PHP Surveyor is a set of PHP scripts that interact with MySQL to develop surveys, publish surveys and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created it can be published as an online survey (displayed as single questions, group by group or all in one page) or you can use a dataentry system for administration of paper-based versions of the survey. PHP Surveyor can produced 'branching' surveys (set conditions on whether individual questions will display), can vary the look and feel of your survey through a templating system, and can provide basic statistical analysis of your survey results. PHP Surveyor includes the capacity to generate individualised 'tokens', so if you have a list of people you want to invite to participate in a survey you can issue each one with a token, and they will be able to access the survey using that token. This allows for quite good quality control of your surveys.
www/formencode-1.3.0 (Score: 0.07276644)
HTML form validation, generation, and conversion package
FormEncode is a validation and form generation package. The validation can be used separately from the form generation. The validation works on compound data structures, with all parts being nestable. It is separate from HTTP or any other input mechanism.
www/bigbluebutton-0.71 (Score: 0.07276644)
Web conferencing system for distance education
BigBlueButton enables universities and colleges to deliver a high-quality learning experience to remote students.
www/pylons-1.0.2 (Score: 0.07276644)
Python based web framework
The Pylons web framework is aimed at making webapps and large programmatic website development in Python easy. Several key points: * A framework to make writing web applications in Python easy * Inspired by Rails and TurboGears * Utilizes a minimalist, component-based philosophy that makes it easy to expand on * Harness existing knowledge about Python Pylons makes it easy to expand on your knowledge of Python to master Pylons for web development. Using a MVC style dispath, Python knowledge is used at various levels: * The Controller is just a basic Python class, called for each request. Customizing the response is as easy as overriding __call__ to make your webapp work how you want. * Myghty templating compiles directly to Python byte-code for speed and utilizes Python for template control rather than creating its own template syntax for "for, while, etc"