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Results 8,6118,620 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.013 seconds)
graphics/exifprobe-2.0.1 (Score: 7.982873E-5)
Probes JPEG or TIFF images and reports contents and structure
[From exifprobe(1)] Exifprobe examines and reports the contents and structure of JPEG and TIFF image files. It will recognize all standard JPEG markers (including APPn markers) and will report the contents of any properly structured TIFF IFD encountered, even when entry tags are not recognized. Recognized TIFF and TIFF/EP tags are expanded, including EXIF2.2 sections and camera MakerNotes which are found to be in TIFF IFD format. Location, size, and format of image data is reported by default.
graphics/libgfx-1.1.0 (Score: 7.982873E-5)
OpenGL/FLTK development
The purpose of this library is to simplify the creation of computer graphics software. Specifically, it is targeted towards cross-platform development using the OpenGL rendering API and the FLTK interface toolkit. It attempts to provide facilities which are useful in the majority of graphics programs. This release introduces some (relatively small) incompatible changes with 1.0.x versions of the library. Details on changes can be found below.
graphics/seexpr-2.9 (Score: 7.982873E-5)
Embeddable expression evaluation language
SeExpr is simple expression language that provided artistic control and customization to your software. It can be used for procedural geometry synthesis, image synthesis, simulation control, and much more. Major features: * Arithmetic expression of scalar/vector types * Large library of built-in functions * Extensible variables and functions (including with DSOs) * Simple to embed in any program * High-level UI components to manipulate and visualize expressions
graphics/tifmerge-1.0 (Score: 7.982873E-5)
Library to merge TIFF files into multi-page TIFF files
Library to convert TIFF files into multi-page TIFF files. It contains only one function callable by programs: int TiffAppend(const char *outfile, const char *infile); It will insert images from infile as additional pages to outfile. Infile and outfile must be names of two existing TIFF files. The function returns 0 on success, non-0 otherwise. The code for this library was written by Peter van Vloten <pixelpan@aol.com> and was published in May 1999 issue of Windows Developer's Journal (sic!).
japanese/ne-3.05 (Score: 7.982873E-5)
VZ-like full-screen text editor with Japanese support
NxEdit (ne) is modeless full-screen text editor expected to be compatible with VZ Editor, which has been popular editor among MS-DOS users in Japan. NxEdit provides most features of VZ Editor, such as: - Stackable cut and delete buffers - Less cursor movement - Static line buffer - Keyboard macros - Built-in two-window file manager - Profile management - Automatic profile saving on emergency-like signals - Automatic detection of Japanese code sets (EUC/SJIS/JIS)
java/commons-httpclient-3.1 (Score: 7.982873E-5)
Package implementing the client side of the HTTP standard
The Jakarta Commons HttpClient component provides an efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent HTTP standards and recommendations. Designed for extension while providing robust support for the base HTTP protocol, the HttpClient component may be of interest to anyone building HTTP-aware client applications such as web browsers, web service clients, or systems that leverage or extend the HTTP protocol for distributed communication.
math/Math-Derivative-0.04 (Score: 7.982873E-5)
Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
This Perl package exports functions for performing numerical first (Derivative1) and second Derivative2) order differentiation on vectors of data. They both take references to two arrays containing the x and y ordinates of the data and return an array of the 1st or 2nd derivative at the given x ordinates. Derivative2 may optionally be given values to use for the first dervivative at the start and end points of the data - otherwiswe 'natural' values are used.
math/triangle-1.6 (Score: 7.982873E-5)
Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator
Triangle generates exact Delaunay triangulations, constrained Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, and quality conforming Delaunay triangulations. The latter can be generated with no small angles, and are thus suitable for finite element analysis. Show Me graphically displays (using X) the contents of geometric files, especially those generated by Triangle, my two-dimensional quality mesh generator and Delaunay triangulator. Show Me can also write PostScript images to files.
misc/getopt-1.1.6 (Score: 7.982873E-5)
Replacement for getopt(1) that supports GNU-style long options
Rewrite of getopt(1) with the following features: * It can do anything that the GNU getopt(3) routines can do. * It can cope with spaces and shell metacharacters within arguments. * It can parse long parameters. * It can shuffle parameters, so you can mix options and other parameters on the command-line. * It can be easily identified as an enhanced getopt(1) from within shell scripts. * It can report parse errors as coming from the shell script. * It compiles cleanly with both libc-5 and glibc-2.
misc/Geo-Postcodes-NO-0.31 (Score: 7.982873E-5)
Norwegian postcodes with associated information
Tired of entering the postal location all the time? This is not necessary, as it is uniquely defined from the postcode. Request the postcode only, and use this library to get the postal name. The library can also tell you in which borough by name or number and county by name the postcode is located. The borough number can be handy, as it is used when reporting wages and tax to the Norwegian Tax Administration.