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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第441450项(搜索用时0.013秒)
mail/adcomplain-3.52 (Score: 0.004893837)
Complain about inappropriate commercial use (f.e. SPAM) of usenet/e-mail
Composes and mails a complaint about inappropriate commercial use of usenet/e-mail. Sends complaint his/her provider by default, but destination is configurable. Can be used with as few as three keystrokes. A third-party forwarding service called Abuse.net is used for complaints to the offender's provider. This ensures that the best known complaint address is used. The first time you use Abuse.net, you will receive a message asking you to register. See www.abuse.net. This was created in the belief that a single, concise message is the most appropriate way to complain. Mail bombing (e-mailing megabytes of useless data) and public flaming (replying on usenet, causing your complaint to be duplicated on every machine in the network) are discouraged.
devel/atlassian-plugin-sdk-6.0.1 (Score: 0.00459118)
Atlassian Plugin SDK
Software Development Kit for Atlassian's family of applications (JIRA, Confluence, and others). This port strips out the Maven bits bundled with the SDK by Altassian relying instead on the Maven installed from one of the FreeBSD mvn-ports.
editors/gate-2.06 (Score: 0.004523368)
Simple and unobtrusive line-oriented text editor
Gate is text-gatherer. A text-gatherer is like a text-editor, but much more lightweight and unobtrusive. If you have a program or shell script that asks people to enter a small chunk of text, a text-gatherer like Gate is a good way to do it. It doesn't clear the screen (annoying if there were just some instructions printed there). It doesn't require you to know a lot of obscure editing commands. It doesn't make excessive demands on the intelligence of your terminal emulation software. It does provide a number of features that make it easier for novice users to produce good text. It does word-wrap, prints a prompt on each new line, and allows backspacing from the currently line onto previous lines. It also provides features that a more experienced user can use. You can call up normal editor, or use some of gate's simple-minded editing commands. You can read in files, or save your text to a file. You can filter your text through something like the Unix "fmt" command. It provides a nice spell-checking interface too.
mail/drac-1.12 (Score: 0.0044784425)
Dynamic Relay Authorization Control, a POP-before-SMTP implementation
DRAC is a daemon that dynamically updates a relay authorization map for Sendmail, Postfix and other MTAs that support it. It provides a way for legitimate users to relay mail through an SMTP server, while preventing non-authorized users from using it as a spam relay. Authenticated users have their IP address added to the map immediately after they have authenticated via POP, IMAP, or any other daemon which supports the DRAC API. By default, map entries expire after 30 minutes, but can be renewed by additional authentication. Periodically checking mail on a POP server sufficiently does this. DRAC does not require that the POP/IMAP and SMTP server be on the same physical host.
security/amavis-stats-0.1.12 (Score: 0.004474502)
Simple AMaViS statistics generator based on rrdtool
amavis-stats is a simple AMaViS statistics generator based on rrdtool. It produces graphs of clean emails, spam emails and infected emails broken down by virus, from amavis log entries. RRD files are created and updated by a perl script run from cron. Graphs are generated by a php script and viewed with a web browser.
sysutils/uniutils-2.27 (Score: 0.004409428)
Unicode Description Utilities
Uniutils consists of five programs for finding out what is in a Unicode file. They are useful when working with Unicode files when one doesn't know the writing system, doesn't have the necessary font, needs to inspect invisible characters, needs to find out whether characters have been combined or in what order they occur, or needs statistics on which characters occur. uniname defaults to printing the character offset of each character, its byte offset, its hex code value, its encoding, the glyph itself, and its name. unidesc reports the character ranges to which different portions of the text belong. It can also be used to identify Unicode encodings (e.g. UTF-16be) flagged by magic numbers. unihist generates a histogram of the characters in its input, which must be encoded in UTF-8 Unicode. ExplicateUTF8 is intended for debugging or for learning about Unicode. It determines and explains the validity of a sequence of bytes as a UTF8 encoding. Unirev is a filter that reverses UTF-8 strings character-by-character (as opposed to byte-by-byte).
mail/sauserprefs-1.10 (Score: 0.004365801)
Roundcube plugin to manage SpamAssassin prefs
Roundcube plugin to manage SpamAssassin preferences. Adds a 'Spam' tab to the 'Personal Settings' to allow the user to change their SpamAssassin preferences. Preferences must be stored in a SQL database. Default preferences are used when no user preference is found.
textproc/nux-1.6 (Score: 0.004362664)
Small open-source XQuery extension of the XOM library
Nux is a small, straightforward, and surprisingly effective open-source extension of the XOM XML library. Nux is geared towards versatile embedded integration and interchange, in particular for high-throughput server container environments (e.g. large-scale Peer-to-Peer messaging network infrastructures over high-bandwidth networks, scalable MOMs, etc). But its simplicity also makes it useful for client side XML query/transformation workflow pipelines. Features include: - Seamless W3C XQuery support for XOM. - Efficient and flexible pools and factories for XQueries, XSL Transforms, as well as Builders that validate against various schema languages, including W3C XML Schemas, DTDs, RELAX NG, Schematron, etc. - For simple and complex continuous queries and/or transformations over very large or infinitely long XML input, a convenient streaming path filter API combines full XQuery support with straightforward filtering. - Glue for integration with JAXB and for queries over ill-formed HTML. - All this is rock-solid, dependable, well documented, and ships in a jar file that weighs just 60 KB.
mail/simscan-1.4.0 (Score: 0.004288937)
Fast Content/Anti-virus Scanner for qmail Written in C
Simscan is a simple program that enables qmail-smtpd to reject viruses, spam and block attachments during the SMTP conversation so the email never makes it into your computers. It is completely open source and uses other open source components. Very efficient and written in C.
mail/spamstats-0.6c (Score: 0.004288937)
Tool to generate statistics for spamd of Mail::SpamAssassin
A script that generates statistics about spam you receive at your site. The script parses maillog file, generated by exim/postfix/sendmail and spamd. The script will currently not work with other mailers than exim, postfix or sendmail (contributions will be welcome) or if you do not use spamd.