Ports 搜索

japanese/qkc-1.0 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Quick Kanji Code Converter (C version)
Qkc is a kanji code converter capable of SHIFT-JIS, EUC and JIS. Unlike nkf, qkc can handle multiple files at a time. Qkc also has functionality to change end-of-line characters, ie, from CR+LF to LF, or to CR, and vice versa.
japanese/skkinput3-3.0.6 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
SKK-like Japanese input method for X11
Skkinput is an input method for X11 applications that want Japanese text input. A client that wants kana-kanji conversion service for Japanese text sends a request to skkinput. Skkinput receives the request, does kana-kanji conversion, and sends converted text back to the client. From version 3.0, skkinput becomes an emacs-lisp like interpreter, and uses skk.el in skk-8.6 as an conversion engine.
japanese/skkinput-2.06.4 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
SKK-like Japanese input method for X11
Skkinput is an input method for X11 applications that want Japanese text input. A client that wants kana-kanji conversion service for Japanese text sends a request to skkinput. Skkinput receives the request, does kana-kanji conversion, and sends converted text back to the client.
java/commons-pool-1.6 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Jakarta Object-pooling API
The Pool Component Pool provides an Object-pooling API, with three major aspects: 1. A generic object pool interface that clients and implementors can use to provide easily interchangable pooling implementations. 2. A toolkit for creating modular object pools. 3. Several general purpose pool implementations.
java/javahelp-2.0.05 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Online help support for Java applications
The JavaHelp system is an online help system that developers can use to add online help to their Java platform applications. The JavaHelp system is both a JCP specification (JSR 97) and a reference implementation of that specification. The JavaHelp system open source project includes the source to the reference implementation.
java/jta-1.0.1 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Java Transaction API (JTA)
Java Transaction API (JTA) specifies standard Java interfaces between a transaction manager and the parties involved in a distributed transaction system: the resource manager, the application server, and the transactional applications. The JTA specification was developed by Sun Microsystems in cooperation with leading industry partners in the transaction processing and database system arena. See JSR 907.
java/jflex-1.4.2 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
The Fast Lexical Analyser Generator for Java[tm]
JFlex is a lexical analyzer generator for Java written in Java. It is also a rewrite of the very useful tool JLex which was developed by Elliot Berk at Princeton University. As Vern Paxon states for his C/C++ tool flex: They do not share any code though.
java/netbeans-8.1.b (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Full-featured integrated environment for Java
The NetBeans IDE is a world-class development environment written in Java. It can be used to develop code in Java, HTML, XML, JSP, C/C++ and other languages. The IDE is modular, and there is a huge variety of commercial and free extensions to it to support various technologies.
java/netbeans-8.1 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Modular, standards-based integrated development environment
The NetBeans IDE is a world-class development environment written in Java. It can be used to develop code in Java, HTML, XML, JSP, C/C++ and other languages. The IDE is modular, and there is a huge variety of commercial and free extensions to it to support various technologies.
java/aparapi-1.0.0 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Open source API for expressing data parallel workflows in Java
aparapi is an open source API for expressing data parallel workflows in Java. Originally an AMD product, Aparapi was released to open source on September 14, 2011. Aparapi is an API for expressing data parallel workloads in Java and a runtime component capable of converting the Java# bytecode of compatible workloads into OpenCL# so that it can be executed on a variety of GPU devices.