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Results 1,7411,750 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.012 seconds)
www/Flask-FlatPages-0.6 (Score: 0.0025305972)
Provides flat static pages to a Flask application
Provides flat static pages to a Flask application, based on text files as opposed to a relational database.
games/mahjong-1.14 (Score: 0.002527434)
Networked Mah Jong program, together with a computer player
This is a set of three programs which provide a networked Mah Jong program, together with a computer player. Thus the game can be played by four humans, by a human and three computer players, or any other combination. There is a server program, which handles the game. An X client to allow humans to play naturally, and a computer player.
security/shimmer-0.1.0 (Score: 0.002527434)
Perl implementation that hides a valuable port on your server
shimmer is a pair of small programs (a client and a server) that provide an alternative to port knocking program such as tumbler and are used to hide a valuable port (such as a hidden web server or SSH) on a public IP address.
x11-fm/emelfm2-0.9.1 (Score: 0.002527434)
The gtk2+ port of emelfm, a fast graphical filemanager
This is a port of emelFM2. emelFM2 is a file manager that implements the popular two-pane design. It features a simple GTK+ interface, a flexible file typing scheme, and a built-in command line for executing commands without opening a xterm.
audio/Text_Spell_Audio-0.1.0 (Score: 0.0025141146)
Generates a sound clip saying the contents of a string of characters
Joins up multiple wav file sound clips of letters/numbers being spoken, optionally adding distortion and echo. This could be use to complement an image-based CAPTCHA to enable people who are unable to read the security image hear it read out instead.
devel/File-Copy-Link-0.140 (Score: 0.0025141146)
Extension for replacing a link with a copy of linked file
The distribution File-Copy-Link includes the modules File::Spec::Link and File::Copy::Link and the script copylink. They include routines to read and copy links.
benchmarks/autobench-2.1.2 (Score: 0.0025106783)
Automating the process of benchmarking a web server
Autobench is a simple Perl script for automating the process of benchmarking a web server (or for conducting a comparative test of two different web servers). The script is a wrapper around httperf. Autobench runs httperf a number of times against each host, increasing the number of requested connections per second on each iteration, and extracts the significant data from the httperf output, delivering a CSV or TSV format file which can be imported directly into a spreadsheet for analysis/graphing.
databases/AsciiDB-TagFile-1.06 (Score: 0.0025106783)
Perl tie class for a simple ASCII database
Usually when you have to store persistent data you don't need a full-blown database server, just a ASCII database would do the trick. AsciiDB::Tag allows you to access a simple ASCII database using a perl hash variable. The database format is straightforward so you can edit it by hand if you need so. Each record is stored into a file, and a record is just a set of values tagged by the field name.
databases/couchdb-1.6.1 (Score: 0.002500838)
Document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API
Couchdb is a document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API. It has an ad-hoc and schema-free with a flat address space. CouchDB is distributed, featuring robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and management. It features a table oriented reporting engine that uses Javascript as a query language.
games/mt_dolphin_ia-0.1.98 (Score: 0.002500838)
Basic AI for MaitreTarot, a Tarot card game
MaitreTarot is a Tarot card game. Understand a game like freecell or poker, nothing to do with astrology. Tarot is rather a French game. This is a basic AI to play against your machine. Check the port games/mt_gtk_client for a GTK+ client.