Ports 搜索

JavaScript plugin for WWW::Scripter
This module is a plugin for WWW::Scripter that provides JavaScript capabilities.
www/mod_umask-0.1.0 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Apache 2.x module to set umask of created files
mod_umask sets the Unix umask of the Apache HTTPd process after it has started. This is useful when accessing Subversion from both mod_dav_svn and via a local client with a file:// url. Without setting a proper umask the file permissions can create a repository that is not easily accessable from both.
www/owncloud-9.1.0 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Personal cloud which runs on your own server
Owncloud is a system for the creation and management of personal cloud resources.
www/gatling-0.13 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
High performance webserver with scalability benchmark tools
gatling is a high-performance HTTP and FTP server. Some scalability benchmark tests are included, too.
Simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application::Dispatch
CGI::Application::Dispatch::Server A simple HTTP server for developing apps that use CGI::Application::Dispatch
www/CGI-Application-Server-0.063 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application
CGI::Application::Server A simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application.
www/CGI-Cookie-Splitter-0.05 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Split big cookies into smaller ones
RFC 2109 recommends that the minimal cookie size supported by the client is 4096 bytes. This has become a pretty standard value, and if your server sends larger cookies than that it's considered a no-no. This module provides a pretty simple interface to generate small cookies that are under a certain limit, without wasting too much effort.
Apply roles to action instances
Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole is a perl module that apply roles to action instances.
www/Catalyst-Model-Memcached-0.02 (Score: 5.3006617E-5)
Wrapper for memcached imitating Catalyst models
Catalyst::Model::Memcached is a simple Model for Catalyst for storing data in memcached.
OpenID Authentication
Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::OpenID implements support for OpenID authentication in a Catalyst application. For more information on OpenID, take a look at http://www.openid.net/. In most cases, you'll want to use this plugin in combination with a session plugin for Catalyst. For example, Catalyst::Plugin::Session::FastMmap, which uses a memory-mapped database to store session data.