Ports 搜索

textproc/PDF-WebKit-1.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Use WebKit to Generate PDFs from HTML
PDF::WebKit uses wkhtmltopdf to convert HTML documents into PDFs. It is a port of the elegant PDFKit Ruby library. wkhtmltopdf generates beautiful PDFs by leveraging the rendering power of Qt's WebKit browser engine (used by both Apple Safari and Google Chrome browsers).
textproc/POD2-Base-0.043 (Score: 0.068937615)
Base module for translations of Perl documentation
p5-POD2-Base is an abstraction of the code in POD2::IT and POD2::FR. These modules belong to the Italian and the French translation projects of core Perl pods.
textproc/POE-Filter-XML-1.140700 (Score: 0.068937615)
POE Filter for parsing XML
POE::Filter::XML provides POE with a completely encapsulated XML parsing strategy for POE::Wheels that will be dealing with XML streams. By default the filter will attempt to use XML::Parser as its foundation for xml parsing. Otherwise it will depend upon a pure perl SAX parser included (POE::Filter::XML::Parser).
textproc/PPI-HTML-1.08 (Score: 0.068937615)
Generate syntax-highlighted HTML for Perl using PPI
PPI::HTML is the successor to the non-redundant PPI::Format::HTML.
textproc/PPI-XS-0.902 (Score: 0.068937615)
XS acceleration for the PPI perl parser
PPI::XS provides XS-based acceleration of the core PPI packages. It selectively replaces a (small but growing) number of methods throughout PPI with identical but much faster C versions.
textproc/PPIx-EditorTools-0.19 (Score: 0.068937615)
Utility methods and base class for manipulating Perl via PPI
Base class and utility methods for manipulating Perl via PPI. Pulled out from the Padre::Task::PPI code.
textproc/PPIx-Regexp-0.037 (Score: 0.068937615)
PPI regular expression parser
The purpose of the PPIx-Regexp package is to parse regular expressions in a manner similar to the way the PPI package parses Perl.
textproc/Parse-CSV-2.04 (Score: 0.068937615)
Highly flexible CSV parser for large files
Surely the CPAN doesn't need yet another CSV parsing module. Text::CSV_XS is the standard parser for CSV files. It is fast as hell, but unfortunately it can be a bit verbose to use. A number of other modules have attempted to put usability wrappers around this venerable module, but they have all focussed on parsing the entire file into memory at once. This method is fine unless your CSV files start to get large. Once that happens, the only existing option is to fall back on the relatively slow and heavyweight XML::SAXDriver::CSV module. Parse::CSV fills this functionality gap. It provides a flexible and light-weight streaming parser for large, extremely large, or arbitrarily large CSV files.
textproc/Lingua-EN-Syllable-0.251 (Score: 0.068937615)
Routine for estimating syllable count in words
Lingua::EN::Syllable::syllable() estimates the number of syllables in the word passed to it. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/Lingua-EN-Words2Nums-0.18 (Score: 0.068937615)
Convert English text to numbers
Lingua::EN::Words2Nums converts English text into numbers. It supports both ordinal and cardinal numbers, negative numbers, and very large numbers. The main subroutine, which is exported by default, is words2nums(). This subroutine, when fed a string, will attempt to convert it into a number. If it succeeds, the number will be returned. If it fails, it returns undef.