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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第17,12117,130项(搜索用时0.012秒)
Automatically encode columns
This DBIx::Class component can be used to automatically encode a column's contents whenever the value of that column is set.
Perl extension to use fixtures with DBIx::Class
Dump fixtures from source database to filesystem then import to another database (with same schema) at any time. Use as a constant dataset for running tests against or for populating development databases when impractical to use production clones. Describe fixture set using relations and conditions based on your DBIx::Class schema.
Store virtual columns inside another column
This module allows you to store multiple columns in one and transparently use this columns as if they were normal columns in your table.
databases/DBIx-Class-Helpers-2.032000 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Simplify the common case stuff for DBIx::Class
DBIx::Class::Helpers is a collection of tools to help simplify the common tasks in DBIx::Class.
Inflate/deflate columns to Authen::Passphrase instances
Provides inflation and deflation for Authen::Passphrase instances from and to either RFC 2307 or crypt encoding.
Perl extension to {in,de}flate columns to Path::Class::File objects
Provides inflation to a Path::Class::File object allowing file system storage of BLOBS. The storage path is specified with fs_column_path. Each file receives a unique name, so the storage for all FS columns can share the same path. Within the path specified by fs_column_path, files are stored in sub-directories based on the first 2 characters of the unique file names. Up to 256 sub-directories will be created, as needed. Override _fs_column_dirs in a derived class to change this behavior. fs_new_on_update will create a new file name if the file has been updated.
Component to auto-create NetAddr::IP objects from columns
The Perl 5 module DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::IP is a DBIx::Class component to declare columns as IP addresses and treat them as NetAddr::IP objects.
Introspect many-to-many shortcuts
Because the many-to-many relationships are not real relationships, they can not be introspected with DBIx::Class. Many-to-many relationships are actually just a collection of convenience methods installed to bridge two relationships. This DBIx::Class component can be used to store all relevant information about these non-relationships so they can later be introspected and examined. This module is fairly esoteric and, unless you are dynamically creating something out of a DBIC Schema, is probably the wrong solution for whatever it is you are trying to do. Please be advised that compatibility is not guaranteed for DBIx::Class 0.09000+. We will try to mantain all compatibility, but internal changes might make it impossible.
databases/DBIx-Class-Loader-0.21 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Dynamic definition of DBIx::Class sub classes
Dynamic definition of DBIx::Class sub classes.
databases/DBIx-Class-Migration-0.057 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Perl extension to make migrating your DBIx::Class databases easier
Tools to make migrating your DBIx::Class databases easier.