Ports 搜索

editors/morla-0.16.1 (Score: 0.030553464)
RDF editor
Morla is a RDF editor written in C. It is based on the libnxml and librdf libraries. With Morla you can manage more RDF documents simultaneously, visualize graphs and use templates for quick writing. With Morla you can import RDFS documents and use their contents to write new RDF triples. Templates are also RDF documents and they make Morla easily personalizable and expandable. You can also use Morla as a RDF navigator, wandering among the net knots of the RDF documents present on Internet exactly as we are used to do with normal browsers.
games/wargus-2.3.0 (Score: 0.030553464)
Warcraft 2 mod that allows you to play Warcraft 2 with Stratagus
Wargus is a Warcraft 2 mod that allows you to play Warcraft 2 with the Stratagus engine, as opposed to playing it with the original Warcraft 2 one. You will need a legal copy of Warcraft 2 (original DOS version required, won't work with the Battle.net Edition) since Wargus doesn't come with any graphics or sounds itself. Since Wargus uses a different engine, not all things will work the same as they did in the original game. If you want an absolutely unchanged Warcraft 2 experience, you will still have to play the original.
graphics/netpbm-10.35.98 (Score: 0.030553464)
Toolkit for conversion of images between different formats
Netpbm is a toolkit for conversion of images between a variety of different formats, as well as to allow a few basic image operations. Netpbm is based on the widely spread Pbmplus package (release: 10 Dec 91). On top of that, a lot of improvements and additions have been made. After the latest release of Pbmplus, a lot of additional filters have been circulating on the net. The aim of Netpbm was, to collect these and to turn them into a package. This work has been performed by a group of programmers all over the world.
graphics/exif-0.9 (Score: 0.030553464)
Python library to extract EXIF metadata from JPEG and TIFF image files
Pyexif is a Python library and associated command line tool to extract EXIF format metadata from the headers of JPEG and TIFF image files. EXIF information is typically included in images created using digital imaging devices such as digital cameras and digital film scanners. Currently, pyexif provides the following functionality: - Parse EXIF headers in JPEG files. - Parse EXIF headers in TIFF files. - Support for camera-specific MakerNote tags (e.g. Nikon, Canon, etc.). - Provide a simple cmdline interfaces to format the data in human-readable format. EXIF specification: http://www.pima.net/standards/it10/PIMA15740/exif.htm
sysutils/fetchlog-1.4 (Score: 0.030553464)
Fetch and convert new messages of a logfile
The fetchlog utility displays the last new messages of a logfile. It is similar like tail (1) but offers some extra functionality like pattern matching with regular expressions or output formatting. To show only the new messages appeared since the last call fetchlog uses a bookmark to remember which messages have been fetched. fetchlog works on syslog generated logfiles as well as other logfiles. fetchlog can be used standalone or as a Nagios (TM) plugin. Together with Net-SNMP one can look at/monitor new messages in remote logfiles. -Alexander Haderer alexander.haderer@loescap.de
comms/ebook2cwgui-0.1.2 (Score: 0.030223366)
gui front end for ebooks2cw
ebook2cwgui is a GUI front end for ebook2cw created in WxWidgets with support for both Linux and Windows. Written by Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK <mail@fkurz.net>
misc/chef-19930426 (Score: 0.030223366)
Feelter thet cunferts Ingleesh text tu Muck Cheenese-a
Cheff is a feelter thet cunferts Ingleesh text tu Muck Cheenese-a (Svedeesh Cheff). Cheff reeds frum stunderd inpoot und vreetes tu stunderd ooootpoot. Bork Bork Bork! VVV: http://myseete-a.fereezun.net/ibroone-a72/cheff/index.html
mail/vrfy-1.0 (Score: 0.030214258)
Verify mail address
Verify mail address,is it exists. For example, % vrfy -n -vv kaz@kobe1995.net NAKAMURA Kazushi@KOBE <mailto:kaz@kobe1995.net>
www/CGI-FCKeditor-0.02 (Score: 0.030214258)
This's FCKeditor Controller for Perl OOP
CGI::FCKeditor is FCKeditor(http://www.fckeditor.net/) Controller for Perl OOP. FCKeditor(http://www.fckeditor.net/) is necessary though it is natural.
graphics/ImageMagick- (Score: 0.030030971)
ImageMagick是一个用来对图像进行显示和交互操作的包。这个包包含了图像转换、注释、合成、动画 和剪辑工具。ImageMagick能读写各种流行的图像格式(如,JPEG、TIFF、PNM、XPM、Photo CD等)。 这个工具包可以在没有GUI(X11)的支持的情况下编译——它将没有显示、导入和动画功能,但仍保留极为有用 的图像处理功能。 这个可选的“显示”实用工具和port下的同名实用工具misc/display冲突。 http://imagemagick.sourceforge.net/