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www/hinventory-client-1.2.5 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
H-Inventory Client for FreeBSD
This is the FreeBSD client for the h-inventory Web application. This is a sh script that creates an XML file and can upload it. You will obtain the hardware/software on your FreeBSD computer.
www/HTTP-4000.2.20 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Library for client-side HTTP
The HTTP package supports client-side web programming in Haskell. It lets you set up HTTP connections, transmitting requests and processing the responses coming back, all from within the comforts of Haskell. It's dependent on the network package to operate, but other than that, the implementation is all written in Haskell. A basic API for issuing single HTTP requests + receiving responses is provided. On top of that, a session-level abstraction is also on offer (the BrowserAction monad); it taking care of handling the management of persistent connections, proxies, state (cookies) and authentication credentials required to handle multi-step interactions with a web server. The representation of the bytes flowing across is extensible via the use of a type class, letting you pick the representation of requests and responses that best fits your use. Some pre-packaged, common instances are provided for you (ByteString, String.)
www/gitit-0.11.1 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Wiki using happstack, git or darcs, and pandoc
Gitit is a wiki backed by a git, darcs, or mercurial filestore. Pages and uploaded files can be modified either directly via the VCS's command-line tools or through the wiki's web interface. Pandoc is used for markup processing, so pages may be written in (extended) markdown, reStructuredText, LaTeX, HTML, or literate Haskell, and exported in ten different formats, including LaTeX, ConTeXt, DocBook, RTF, OpenOffice ODT, and MediaWiki markup. Notable features include: * plugins: dynamically loaded page transformations written in Haskell. * conversion of TeX math to MathML for display in web browsers. * syntax highlighting of source code files and code snippets. * Atom feeds (site-wide and per-page). * a library, Network.Gitit, that makes it simple to include a gitit wiki in any happstack application.
www/http-reverse-proxy-0.4.2 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Reverse proxy HTTP requests, either over raw sockets or with WAI
Provides a simple means of reverse-proxying HTTP requests. The raw approach uses the same technique as leveraged by keter, whereas the WAI approach performs full request/response parsing via WAI and http-conduit.
www/recaptcha- (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Functions for using the reCAPTCHA service in web applications
The reCAPTCHA [1] is a service that provides captchas for preventing automated spam in web applications. The recaptcha-hs provides functions for using reCAPTCHA in Haskell web applications. [1] http://recaptcha.net/
www/yesod-core-1.4.13 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications
Yesod is a framework designed to foster creation of RESTful web application that have strong compile-time guarantees of correctness. It also affords space efficient code and portability to many deployment backends, from CGI to stand-alone serving.
www/drush-8.1.3 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Drupal command line and scripting interface
Drush is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for the Drupal CMS and is designed to make life easier for those who spend some of their working hours hacking away at the command prompt.
www/httpcore-4.3.3 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Java components implementing the base HTTP protocol
The HttpCore components implement the most fundamental aspects of the HTTP protocol. They are nonetheless sufficient to develop basic client-side and server-side HTTP services with a minimal footprint and no external dependencies. The HttpCore base module contains the public API and the default implementation based on the Java classic (blocking) I/O model. It requires a Java 1.3 compatible runtime and has no dependency on any external libraries. HttpCore NIO extensions contain optional components that leverage the event driven, non-blocking I/O (NIO) model. HttpCore NIO extensions require a Java 5.0 compatible runtime and the HttpCore base module. HttpCore NIO extensions are intended for those usage scenarios where raw throughput is less important than the ability to handle thousands of simultaneous HTTP connections in a resource efficient manner.
www/mod_asn-1.7 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Look up the AS and network prefix of IP address
mod_asn is an Apache module that uses BGP routing data to look up the autonomous system (AS) and the network prefix (subnet) which contains a given (clients) IP address.
www/mod_limitipconn-0.24 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Allows you to limit the number of simultaneous connexions
Apache module mod_limitipconn, which allows web server administrators to limit the number of simultaneous downloads permitted from a single IP address. Proxy tracking possibility is not supported yet since apache isn't patched.