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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第10,37110,380项(搜索用时0.009秒)
x11-toolkits/swt-3.7.1 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Standard Widget Toolkit for Java
SWT is the software component that delivers native widget functionality for the Eclipse platform in an operating system independent manner. This port provides SWT without requiring a full download and build of Eclipse.
x11-toolkits/tile- (Score: 0.0010835839)
Themed widget set for Tk
The Tile Widget Set is a next-generation re-implementation of many of the core Tk widgets, along with the addition of several new widgets. With Tile, Tk applications can achieve an appearance much closer to native platform widgets, as well as take advantage of a modern, highly dynamic theme engine to produce a wide variety of alternative user interface styles. Tile widgets complement the existing Tk widgets, and Tile is currently being incorporated directly into Tk.
x11-toolkits/unique-1.1.6 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Library for single instance applications
Unique is a library for writing single instance application. If you launch a single instance application twice, the second instance will either just quit or will send a message to the running instance. Unique makes it easy to write this kind of applications, by providing a base class, taking care of all the IPC machinery needed to send messages to a running instance, and also handling the startup notification side. Unique aims to replace the BaconMessageConnection code that has been copied by many projects and the code using Bonobo and D-Bus.
x11-toolkits/vtkfox-1.0.1 (Score: 0.0010835839)
FOX/VTK Widget and Interactor
FOX/VTK canvas widget and interactor to allow VTK to interact with your FOX application. Allows VTK to render inside a FOX application via the FXGLCanvas control. Keyboard and mouse events are translated to allow for "native" VTK functionality.
x11-toolkits/XmHTML-1.1.10 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Motif widget set for displaying HTML 3.2 documents
XmHTML is a Motif widget capable of displaying HTML 3.2 documents. Features include a very good HTML parser (which is as also available as a Widget) with excellent document verification and repair capabilities. Features built in support for X11 bitmaps, pixmaps, GIF87a & GIF89a (using a patent free LZW decoding method), animated gifs, JPEG (baseline and progressive) and PNG (all features supported), anchor highlighting, text justification, full HTML <FRAME> support, HTML frames and many more. It also comes with four examples demonstrating possible use of the XmHTML widget.
x11-wm/antiwm-0.0.5 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Minimalist window manager inspired by Ratpoison
AntiWM is a small and simple window manager with a focus on productivity and utility. Inspired by ratpoison, AntiWM is keyboard driven and handles all windows fullscreen.
x11-wm/awesome-vicious-2.1.3 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Widgets for the awesome window manager
Vicious is a modular widget library for the "awesome" window manager, derived from the 'Wicked' widget library. It has some of the old Wicked widget types, a few of them rewritten, and a good number of new ones.
x11-wm/compiz-0.8.8 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Compiz Composite/Window Manager
Compiz is an OpenGL compositing manager that use GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap for binding redirected top-level windows to texture objects. It has a flexible plug-in system and it is designed to run well on most graphics hardware.
x11-wm/emerald-0.8.8 (Score: 0.0010835839)
Emerald Window Decorator
Emerald is a window decorator for beryl. It comes with a themes editor called emerald-theme-manager and the decorator. You need beryl to use emerald.
x11-wm/gcompmgr-0.21 (Score: 0.0010835839)
GNOME interface to xcompmgr
gcompmgr is a GNOME interface to xcompmgr. Through xcompmgr it allows you to use your graphics card to create effects in your GNOME window manager.