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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第15,75115,760项(搜索用时0.011秒)
textproc/Number-Format-1.75 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension for formatting numbers
Number::Format is a library for formatting numbers. Functions are provided for converting numbers to strings in a variety of ways, and to convert strings that contain numbers back into numeric form. The output formats may include thousands separators - characters inserted between each group of three characters counting right to left from the decimal point. The characters used for the decimal point and the thousands separator come from the locale information or can be specified by the user. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/Number-Spell-0.04 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension for spelling out numbers
Number::Spell provides functionality for spelling out numbers. Currently only integers are supported. By default Number::Spell does American formatting, but can be configured to do European formatting by calling it with the "Format => 'eu'" option.
textproc/Perl-MinimumVersion-1.38 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code
Perl::MinimumVersion takes Perl source code and calculates the minimum version of perl required to be able to run it. Because it is based on PPI, it can do this without having to actually load the code.
textproc/PDF-API3-3.001 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
The Next Generation of Text::PDF::API2
After much time, effort, and with well received results, Alfred Reibenschuh is abandoning PDF::API2. However we have seen great progress in moving towards paperless methods. Furthermore the PDF specification is now an ISO standard. Now is the time to really push forward with the development of an even better perl pdf solution. This is a beginning toward that goal. This version starts with PDF::API2 0.73, creating a new one of PDF::API3.
textproc/PerlPoint-Converters-1.02.05 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Convert PerlPoint docs into various formats
pp2html creates a set of HTML files for a foilset based on a simple textfile slide_text. Due to its formatting features and the capability of creating navigation, table of contents and index pages, pp2html is also a suitable tool for writing online documentation. pp2latex creates a LaTeX file from a PerlPoint input file.
textproc/PerlPoint-Package-0.45.2 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
PerlPoint is both a presentation and a documentation toolset
PerlPoint is both a presentation and a documentation toolset. More precise, its a toolset to generate presentations and documentations. You will write a simple text and start a converter to make the final documents from this source. The final format is your choice, depending on the used converter. So you can make a presentation, speaker notes, handouts, an internet documentation and a brochure all from the same text source, but looking very individual. Because of this two step architecture PerlPoint authors deal both with the text format and several converters. The text source describes structure and contents of your document, while a converter adds layout. Let's start.
textproc/Petal-CodePerl-0.06 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Make Petal go faster by compiling the expressions
This module provides a CodeGenerator for Petal that inherits almost everything from Petal::CodeGenerator but modifies how expressions are dealt with. Petal normally includes code like this $hash->get( "not:user" ) in the compiled template. This means the path has to be parsed and interpreted at runtime. Using Petal::CodePerl, Petal will now produce this ! ($hash->{"user"}) which will be much faster. It uses Parse::RecDescent to parse the PETALES expressions which makes it a bit slow to load the module but this won't matter much unless you have turned off caching. It won't matter at all for something like Apache's mod_perl.
textproc/PDF-Writer-0.06 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
PDF writer abstraction layer
This is a generalized API that allows a module that generates PDFs to transparently target multiple backends without changing its code.
textproc/Petal-Mail-0.31 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Format text e-mail using Petal
Petal::Mail processes a Petal XML template, and then turns the resulting XML into a text email which can be sent through sendmail or other. The XML has to follow a certain syntax which is defined in this documentation. Since Petal::Mail's is a subclass of Petal, its API is the same. Which means you need to read about Petal before you can use Petal::Mail.
textproc/Petal-Utils-0.06 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Useful template modifiers for Petal
The Petal::Utils package contains commonly used Petal modifiers (or plugins), and bundles them with an easy-to-use installation interface. By default, a set of modifiers are installed into Petal when you use this module. You can change which modifiers are installed by naming them after the use statement: # use the default set: use Petal::Utils qw( :default ); # use the date set of modifiers: use Petal::Utils qw( :date ); # use only named modifiers, plus the debug set: use Petal::Utils qw( UpperCase Date :debug ); # don't install any modifiers use Petal::Utils qw(); You'll find a list of plugin sets throughout this document. You can also get a complete list by looking at the variable: %Petal::Utils::PLUGIN_SET; For details on how the plugins are installed, see the "Advanced Petal" section of the Petal documentation.