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Results 201210 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.012 seconds)
devel/bicyclerepair-0.9 (Score: 0.032514982)
Python refactoring tool
Bicycle Repair man is a tool for refactoring Python programs. It integrates with the Python IDE in either IDLE or emacs.
devel/bin86-0.16.21 (Score: 0.032514982)
16-bit assembler and loader
This consists of a 16-bit assembler and loader for x86 or 6809 CPUs. Unlike the GNU binutils in the base system (recent versions of which have 16-bit capability), these are for code written with Intel syntax.
devel/libkgapi-2.2.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
KDE-based library for accessing various Google services
LibKGAPI is a KDE-based library for accessing various Google services via their public API.
devel/bison-2.7.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with Yacc
Bison is a tool used to write parsers, such as the parser for GNU cc. It is similar to Yacc, which is included in the base FreeBSD system. The main difference between Bison and Yacc that I know of is that Bison supports the @N construction, which gives you access to the starting and ending line number and character number associated with any of the symbols in the current rule. Also, Bison supports the command `%expect N' which says not to mention the conflicts if there are N shift/reduce conflicts and no reduce/reduce conflicts. The differences in the algorithms stem mainly from the horrible kludges that Johnson had to perpetrate to make Yacc fit in a PDP-11. Also, Bison uses a faster but less space-efficient encoding for the parse tables (see Corbett's PhD thesis from Berkeley, "Static Semantics in Compiler Error Recovery", June 1985, Report No. UCB/CSD 85/251), and more modern technique for generating the lookahead sets. (See "Efficient Construction of LALR(1) Lookahead Sets" by F. DeRemer and A. Pennello, in ACM TOPLS Vol 4 No 4, October 1982. Their technique is the standard one now.)
devel/bisoncpp-4.10.01 (Score: 0.032514982)
LALR(1) parser generator that generates C++ classes
The program bisonc++ creates a C++ parser function and -class having a cleaner setup than the code generated by Alain Coetmeur's bison++. Furthermore, since bisonc++ more closely follows current-day ideas about C++ programming its code is easier to read.
devel/blame-1.3.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Display last modification for each line in an RCS file
Blame displays the last modification for each line in an RCS file. It is the RCS equivalent of CVS's annotate command.
devel/osc-0.155.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Command Line Interface to work with an openSUSE Build Service
osc is a command-line client fot openSUSE build service. It is written in Python, and in addition to the commandline interface it also provides a Python module, for use by other Python programs. osc is a subversion-like client. It serves as client for the source code repository component of the build service, and it is used to edit metadata or query about build results.
devel/bzr-2.7.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Distributed version control system by Canonical
Bazaar (bzr) is a decentralized revision control system, designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Bazaar is part of the GNU project to develop a complete free operating systemand a project of Canonical. Bazaar directly supports both central version control (like cvs/svn) and distributed version control (like git/hg).
devel/aap-1.094 (Score: 0.032514982)
Build tool alternative to make with internet access and CVS support
A-A-P is an Open Source build tool. It does everything that make does in a better way. Includes Internet access for uploading and downloading files. Integrated CVS support: obtain a module from a CVS server and check changes into a CVS server. Can be used to build programs, maintain web sites, distribute software, download and install an application, etc.
devel/swoole-1.8.11 (Score: 0.032514982)
Asynchronous & concurrent & distributed networking framework
Asynchronous & concurrent & distributed networking framework for PHP. * event-driven * full asynchronous non-blocking * multi-thread reactor * multi-process worker * millisecond timer * async MySQL * async task * async read/write file system * async dns lookup * support IPv4/IPv6/UnixSocket/TCP/UDP