Ports 搜索

net-mgmt/check_multi-0.19 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Multi-purpose wrapper plugin for Nagios
check_multi is kind of a wrapper plugin which takes benefit of the Nagios 3.x capability to display multiple lines of plugin output. It calls multiple child plugins and displays their output in the long_plugin_output. A summary is given in the standard plugin output. The child return code with the highest severity becomes the parent (check_multi) plugin return code. The configuration is very simple: a NRPE-stylish config file contains a tag for each child plugin and then the check command line. check_multi can cover complex Business Process Views - using a builtin state evaluation mechanism. The second benefit is cluster monitoring with no need for extra services. All you need is provided by check_multi. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
net-mgmt/hawk-0.6 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Track uptime and DNS status for machines on your networks
Hawk is a web based utility for monitoring and comparing hosts on your network with what is in DNS. Hosts that are answering pings but are not in DNS may be unauthorized, and addresses in DNS which are not answering may be able to be reclaimed. Hawk monitors all hosts on the networks you specify and lets you view them via a web page. Hawk consists of a backend written in Perl that monitors hosts by ICMP pings and writes the status to a mysql database. The frontend is in PHP and lets you select which network to view, and how to view it. This version has several enhancements to the original; including cleaner Perl code, a user-definable string to designate unused addresses that are in DNS, testing that the forward and reverse hostnames match, and the daemon forks one process pre subnet.
net-mgmt/ipaudit-0.95 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
IP traffic summarizer
Would you like to summarize and/or log network activity down to the ip address and port level of detail, but not record every packet? Ipaudit provides that ability. Ipaudit listens to a network device in promiscuous mode, and records of every 'connection', each conversation between two ip addresses. A unique connection is determined by the ip addresses of the two machines, the protocol used between them and the port numbers (if they are communicating via UDP or TCP). It uses a hash table to keep track of the number of bytes and packets in both directions. When ipaudit receives a signal SIGTERM (kill) or SIGINT (kill -2, usually the same as a Control-C), it stops collecting data and writes the tabulated results. Ipaudit is built using the pcap packet capture library to read the network port from LBNL Network Research Group.
net-mgmt/NSNMP-0.5 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
NSNMP - fast, flexible, low-level, pure-Perl SNMP library
This is an SNMP message encoding and decoding library, providing very low-level facilities; you pretty much need to read the SNMP RFCs to use it. It is, however, very fast (it's more than an order of magnitude faster than Net::SNMP, and it can send a request and parse a response in only slightly more time than the snmpd from net-snmp takes to parse the request and send a response), and it's relatively complete --- the interface is flexible enough that you can use it to write SNMP management applications, SNMP agents, and test suites for SNMP implementations. The package also includes NSNMP::Simple, which lets you get or set a single OID via SNMP with a single line of code. It's easier to use, and roughly an order of magnitude faster, than Net::SNMP.
net/hping-2.0.0r3 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Network auditing tool
hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer. The interface is inspired to the ping(8) Unix command, but hping isn't only able to send ICMP echo requests. It supports TCP, UDP, ICMP and RAW-IP protocols, has a traceroute mode, the ability to send files between a covered channel, and many other features. While hping was mainly used as a security tool in the past, it can be used in many ways by people that don't care about security to test networks and hosts. A subset of the stuff you can do using hping: - Test firewall rules - [spoofed] port scanning - Test net performance using different protocols, packet size, TOS (type of service) and fragmentation. - Path MTU discovery - Files transfering even between really fascist firewall rules. - Traceroute like under different protocols. - Firewalk like usage. - Remote OS fingerprint. - TCP/IP stack auditing.
net/ilbc-r3951 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Internet Low Bit Rate codec (RFC3951)
iLBC (internet Low Bitrate Codec) iLBC is a FREE speech codec suitable for robust voice communication over IP. The codec is designed for narrow band speech and results in a payload bit rate of 13.33 kbit/s with an encoding frame length of 30 ms and 15.20 kbps with an encoding length of 20 ms. The iLBC codec enables graceful speech quality degradation in the case of lost frames, which occurs in connection with lost or delayed IP packets. Features: * Bitrate 13.33 kbps (399 bits, packetized in 50 bytes) for the frame size of 30 ms and 15.2 kbps (303 bits, packetized in 38 bytes) for the frame size of 20 ms * Basic quality higher then G.729A, high robustness to packet loss * Computational complexity in a range of G.729A * Royalty Free Codec
net/Frontier-RPC-0.07.b4 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Frontier::RPC implements UserLand Software's XML RPC
Frontier::RPC implements UserLand Software's XML RPC (Remote Procedure Calls using Extensible Markup Language). Frontier::RPC includes both a client module for making requests to a server and a daemon module for implementing servers. Frontier::RPC uses RPC2 format messages. RPC client connections are made by creating instances of Frontier::Client objects that record the server name, and then issuing `call' requests that send a method name and parameters to the server. RPC daemons are mini-HTTP servers (using HTTP::Daemon from the `libwww' Perl module). Daemons are created by first defining the procedures you want to make available to RPC and then passing a list of those procedures as you create the Frontier::Daemon object. The Frontier::RPC2 module implements the encoding and decoding of XML RPC requests using the XML::Parser Perl module.
net/Net-EPP-Proxy-0.04 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Proxy server for the EPP protocol
EPP is the Extensible Provisioning Protocol. EPP (defined in RFC 3730) is an application layer client-server protocol for the provisioning and management of objects stored in a shared central repository. Specified in XML, the protocol defines generic object management operations and an extensible framework that maps protocol operations to objects. As of writing, its only well-developed application is the provisioning of Internet domain names, hosts, and related contact details. RFC 3734 defines a TCP based transport model for EPP, and this module implements a proxy server for this model. You can use it to construct a daemon that maintains a single connection to the EPP server that can be used by many local clients, thereby reducing the overhead for each transaction. Net::EPP::Proxy is based on the Net::Server framework and Net::EPP::Client, which it uses to communicate with the server.
net/Net-FTP-File-0.06 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
Perl extension for simplifying FTP file operations
Is this module just like Net::FTP? No it is not! 1. It is a subclass and not a new class that uses Net::FTP underneath. That means the object is a normal Net::FTP object and has all the methods Net::FTP has. 2. It does not override Net::FTP methods (IE does not have methods the same name as Net::FTP) which means you don't have to sort through how the function differs from the standard version in the Net::FTP module. 3. Its waaaay simpler to use without a bunch of weird config stuff to cloud the issue, odd hard to remember arguments, obscure methods to replace valid existing ones that are part of Net::FTP, or new methods that are badly named (IE think "grep" on this one). There are other things as well. 4. It follows the paradigm of Perl name spaces, objects, and general good practice much better and in a way that is more intuitive and expandable.
net/relayd-5.5.20140810 (Score: 7.239821E-5)
OpenBSD relay daemon
This is the FreeBSD port of the OpenBSD relayd and relayctl. relayd is a daemon to relay and dynamically redirect incoming connections to a target host. Its main purposes are to run as a load-balancer, application layer gateway, or transparent proxy. The daemon is able to monitor groups of hosts for availability, which is determined by checking for a specific service common to a host group. When availability is con- firmed, Layer 3 and/or layer 7 forwarding services are set up by relayd. Layer 3 redirection happens at the packet level; to configure it, relayd communicates with pf(4). The following relayd functionality is not (yet) implemented in FreeBSD: - carp demote - modifying routing tables - snmp traps The relayctl program controls the relayd(8) daemon.