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Results 691700 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.003 seconds)
devel/Sort-ArrayOfArrays-1.00 (Score: 0.032514982)
Sort an arbitrary array of arrays
Sort::ArrayOfArrays was written to sort an arbitrary array of arrays, in powerful, different ways.
devel/Test-Deep-1.123 (Score: 0.032514982)
Test data structures for differences deeply
Test::Deep gives you very flexible ways to check that the result you got is the result you were expecting. At it's simplest it compares two structures by going through each level, ensuring that the values match, that arrays and hashes have the same elements and that references are blessed into the correct class. It also handles circular data structures without getting caught in an infinite loop.
devel/Uniq-0.01 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl extension for managing a uniq list of values
Perl extension for managing list of values.
devel/gecode-4.4.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Generic Constraint Development Environment
Gecode is a toolkit for developing constraint-based systems and applications. Gecode provides a constraint solver with state-of-the-art performance while being modular and extensible.
devel/generate-2.8 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple text pre-processor
Generate is a text preprocessor that I originally wrote to help me write custom accounting applications based on the Progress database product. I felt that the built in wasn't useful enough so I designed a new one and implemented it. It actually started life as a package configuration and batch file generator for DOS and mutated to a simple script interpreter to replace shar file distribution. At this point it has almost nothing in common with that first program. The basic idea behind generate is to create a script which generates files. There is some simple flow control constructs but the power lies in its macro processing. I have shamelessly stolen ideas from cpp, m4, make and David Tilbrook's dtree.
devel/generatorrunner-0.6.16 (Score: 0.032514982)
Tool to create binding generators for C++ and Qt libraries
GeneratorRunner is a tool that eases the development of binding generators for C++ and Qt-based libraries by providing a framework to help automating most of the process. It uses the ApiExtractor library to parse the header files and manipulate the classes information while generating the binding code using front-end modules provided by the user. GeneratorRunner is based on the QtScriptGenerator project
devel/gengetopt-2.22.6 (Score: 0.032514982)
Tool for generating a C function which parses command line arguments
This program generate a C function that uses getopt_long function to parse the command line options, validate them and fill a struct. Thus your program can now handle options such as: myprog --input foo.c -o foo.o --no-tabs -i 100 *.class And both long options (those that start with --) and short options (start with - and consist of only one character) can be handled. For standards about short and long options you may want to take a look at the GNU Coding Standards.
devel/geoip-1.2.8 (Score: 0.032514982)
Java bindings for GeoIP API
MaxMind provides IP intelligence through the GeoIP brand. Over 5,000 companies use GeoIP data to locate their Internet visitors and show them relevant content and ads, perform analytics, enforce digital rights, and efficiently route Internet traffic. Businesses can obtain additional insights into their customers' connection speeds, ISPs, and more using GeoIP data.
devel/msghack-0.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Alter gettext po files in special ways
Msghack can be used to alter gettext .po files in ways no sane mind would think about. It is a reimplementation of the original msghack in Python.
devel/gettext-runtime- (Score: 0.032514982)
GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs
GNU gettext is a framework of libraries and tools for internationalisation and localisation of software. This package contains the runtime libraries and programs.