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Results 7,5617,570 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.015 seconds)
games/xpilot-4.5.5 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Xpilot(client) and xpilots(server)
XPilot is a multi-player tactical manouvring game for X and Unix workstations. Players have a fighter which they move along in an artificial world and shoot each other using various kinds of weapons like bullets, mines, smart missiles, heat seekers and so on. It is a fast paced game with a lot of tactics. There are also robots flying around shooting players and other robots. Players can pickup special bonuses to improve the possibilities of their ship like more engine power or special weapons. The aim of the game is to score points and to have a lot of fun.
graphics/gdal-2.1.0 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Translator library for raster geospatial data formats
GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library GDAL/OGR is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an Open Source license. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. Current translators provide read (and sometimes write) access to a variety of formats including ESRI Shapefiles, S-57, SDTS, PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, Mapinfo mid/mif and TAB, GeoTIFF, Erdas Imagine, ESRI .BIL, .aux labelled raw, DTED, SDTS DEM, JPEG, PNG and Arc/Info Binary/ASCII Grid. A full list of supported data formats is available on the official website.
graphics/piddle-1.0.15 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Graphical Drawing library for Python
PIDDLE - Plug-In Drawing, Does Little Else ------------------------------------------ PIDDLE is a Python module for creating two-dimensional graphics in a manner that is both cross-platform and cross-media; that is, it can support screen graphics (e.g. QuickDraw, Windows, Tk) as well as file output (PostScript, PDF, GIF, etc.). It makes use of the native 2D drawing calls of each backend, for maximum efficiency and quality. It works by defining a base class (piddle.Canvas) with methods for all supported drawing primitives. A particular drawing context is provided in the form of a derived class. PIDDLE applications will be able to automatically select an appropriate backend for the user's environment.
graphics/povray-3.7.0.r6 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
POV-Ray(TM) Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer The Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray-Tracer creates three-dimensional, photo-realistic images using a rendering technique called ray-tracing. It reads in a text file containing information describing the objects and lighting in a scene and generates an image of that scene from the view point of a camera also described in the text file. Ray-tracing is not a fast process by any means, but it produces very high quality images with realistic reflections, shading, perspective and other effects.
graphics/stltools-3.2 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Converts STL models to POV-Ray meshes or PostScript/PDF images
The modules in the stltools package can read and write STL files, perform 3D coordinate transforms and projections. These modules are used by the following provided scripts; stl2pov: Converts the STL model to a mesh usable with the POV-ray raytracer. stl2ps: Creates a view of the STL model in scalable PostScript. stl2pdf: Creates a view of the STL model as a PDF. Requires graphics/py-cairo. stlinfo: Either displays some information about a STL file or prints it in text format.
lang/nim-0.11.2 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Nim programming language
Nim (formerly known as "Nimrod") is a statically typed, imperative programming language that tries to give the programmer ultimate power without compromises on runtime efficiency. This means it focuses on compile-time mechanisms in all their various forms. Beneath a nice infix/indentation based syntax with a powerful (AST based, hygienic) macro system lies a semantic model that supports a soft realtime GC on thread local heaps. Asynchronous message passing is used between threads, so no "stop the world" mechanism is necessary. An unsafe shared memory heap is also provided for the increased efficiency that results from that model.
lang/racket-6.6 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Interactive, integrated, graphical Scheme programming environment
Racket is a set of tools for writing and running the PLT scheme programming language. It includes a graphical IDE (drracket) that features highlighting of the source of syntax and run-time errors, support for multiple language levels, an algebraic stepper, objects, modules, a GUI library, TCP/IP, and much more. It includes an extensive, hyper-linked help system called Help Desk, available from the Help menu, the plt-help command line tool, or through a web browser. The racket-textual port provides a text-only version of the Racket environment without X11 dependencies.
math/coq-8.4.6 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Theorem prover based on lambda-C
From the website: Developed in the LogiCal project, the Coq tool is a formal proof management system: a proof done with Coq is mechanically checked by the machine. In particular, Coq allows: * the definition of functions or predicates, * to state mathematical theorems and software specifications, * to develop interactively formal proofs of these theorems, * to check these proofs by a small certification "kernel". Coq is based on a logical framework called "Calculus of Inductive Constructions" extended by a modular development system for theories. Coq is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence Version 2.1 (LGPL). CoqIde is installed if the x11-toolkits/ocaml-lablgtk2 port is installed.
math/gmm++-4.3 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Generic matrix template library
Gmm++ is a generic C++ template library for sparse, dense and skyline matrices. It is built as a set of generic algorithms (mult, add, copy, sub-matrices, dense and sparse solvers ...) for any interfaced vector type or matrix type. It can be view as a glue library allowing cooperation between several vector and matrix types. However, basic sparse, dense and skyline matrix/vector types are built in Gmm++, hence it can be used as a standalone linear algebra library. Interfacing a vector or matrix type means writing "traits" objects called "linalg_traits", which describe their properties. The library offers predefined dense, sparse and skyline matrix types.
math/grace-5.1.25 (Score: 1.5560088E-4)
Powerful 2D plotting tool (successor of xmgr)
Grace is a WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for the X Window System and M*tif, successor of ACE/gr (Xmgr). A few of its features are: * User defined scaling, tick marks, labels, symbols, line styles, colors. * Batch mode for unattended plotting. * Read and write parameters used during a session. * Polynomial regression, splines, running averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation. * Exports high-resolution graphics to (E)PS, PDF, MIF, and SVG formats * Supports cross-platform PNM, JPEG and PNG formats While grace has a convenient point-and-click interface, most parameter settings and operations are available through a command line interface (found in Data/Commands).