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Results 571580 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.012 seconds)
misc/wotsap-0.7 (Score: 0.008116039)
Web of trust statistics and pathfinder
Find paths between two keys in the OpenPGP Web of Trust, and get statistics about a key or the whole web. Observe: * We only search the largest strongly connected set. * No attempt is made to verify the signatures. For you to be able to trust a path, you must verify all signatures yourself. * Even if there exists a path between you and another key, you have to trust the other people in at least one path in the graph to trust the key. Keys can be specified as normal key IDs (0x12345678 or 12345678), or a number of space-separated case-insensitive search terms (i.e. "rms@gnu.org" or "@gnu Stallman").
textproc/aft-5.098 (Score: 0.008116039)
Document preparation system using an Almost Free Text input format
AFT (Almost Free Text) is a document preparation system. It is mostly free form meaning that there is little intrusive markup. AFT source documents look a lot like plain old ASCII text. AFT has a few rules for structuring your document and these rules have more to do with formatting your text rather than embedding commands. Right now, AFT produces pretty good (weblint-able) HTML, XHTML, LaTeX, lout and RTF. It can, in fact, be coerced into producing all types of output (e.g. roll-your-own XML). All that needs to be done is to edit a rule file. You can even customize your own HTML rule files for specialized output.
databases/mysqlbigram-1.0.1 (Score: 0.008078757)
Simple n-gram (bi-gram) fulltext parser plugin for MySQL
MySQL has fulltext index search ability for text field, but it is word based index: it cannot be used for no word delimiter language like Japanese or Chinese. It also can't search characters in the middle of a word (e.g. searching 'in' will not match word 'ping'). Starting from MySQL 5.1, MySQL supports a plugin that allows to change server components (fulltext search parser) without restarting and/or recompiling the server. This n-gram parser uses this plugin interface to implement a simple n-gram (bi-gram) fulltext index parser which can be used for languages without word delimiters.
devel/configurator- (Score: 0.008078757)
Configuration management
A configuration management library for programs and daemons. Features include: * Automatic, dynamic reloading in response to modifications to configuration files. * A simple, but flexible, configuration language, supporting several of the most commonly needed types of data, along with interpolation of strings from the configuration or the system environment (e.g. $(HOME)). * Subscription-based notification of changes to configuration properties. * An import directive allows the configuration of a complex application to be split across several smaller files, or common configuration data to be shared across several applications.
print/fig2dev-3.2.6 (Score: 0.008078757)
Tools to convert Xfig .fig files
Fig2dev is a set of tools for creating TeX documents with graphics which are portable, in the sense that they can be printed in a wide variety of environments. Drivers currently exist for the following graphics languages: AutoCad slide, BOX, (E)EPIC macros, LaTeX picture environment, PIC, PiCTeX, PNG, PostScript, Encapsulated Postscript, GIF, IBM-GL, JPEG, PCX, MF (METAFONT), TeXtyl, TIFF, TPIC, XBM (X11 Bitmap), XPM (X11 Pixmap), and TK (tcl/tk). Fig2dev can be configured with a subset of these drivers.
Log to array, with some limits applied
Log::Dispatch::ArrayWithLimits functions similarly to Log::Dispatch::Array, with a few differences: - only the messages (strings) are stored - allow specifying array variable name (e.g. "My::array" instead of \@My:array) This makes it possible to use in Log::Log4perl configuration, which is a text file. - can apply some limits Currently only max_elems (the maximum number of elements in the array) is available. Future limits will be added (see "TODO"). Logging to an in-process array can be useful when debugging/testing, or when you want to let users of your program connect to your program to request viewing the ogs being produced.
sysutils/swapd-1.0.5 (Score: 0.008034532)
Daemon that watches free memory and manages swap files
"Swapd" is a daemon that watches free memory and manages swap files. If free memory drops too low, additional swap files are created. Additionally, if there is too much free memory, swap files are deactivated and disk space may be reclaimed. "Linux swapd" (http://sourceforge.net/projects/swapd/) didn't work very well, but the idea was good. I started making a version that would work and would also be somewhat portable. It currently compiles on Linux and FreeBSD, but requires `libstatgrab' (http://www.i-scream.org/libstatgrab/) to work on platforms that don't have /proc/meminfo (i.e., platforms that aren't Linux).
mail/openemm2013-R2 (Score: 0.007998986)
OpenEMM a email marketing enterprise app
What is OpenEMM? OpenEMM is a feature-rich web-based enterprise application for email marketing, newsletters and service mails (transaction mails and event or time triggered mails). OpenEMM offers a great user interface, sophisticated bounce management, link tracking, lots of graphical realtime statistics, a CMS module and a scripting feature to implement individual tasks. OpenEMM is the first open source application for e-mail marketing. Its code base has been developed since 1999 and is used - as part of the commercial software product E-Marketing Manager (EMM) - by companies like IBM, Daimler, Siemens and Deutsche Telekom. OpenEMM offers already more than 95% of the functionality of most commercial products and some features most commercial products do not offer right now (for example MySQL support and CMS functionality).
mail/openemm2015-0 (Score: 0.007998986)
OpenEMM a email marketing enterprise app
OpenEMM is a feature-rich web-based enterprise application for email marketing, newsletters and service mails (transaction mails and event or time triggered mails). OpenEMM offers a great user interface, sophisticated bounce management, link tracking, lots of graphical realtime statistics, a CMS module and a scripting feature to implement individual tasks. OpenEMM is the first open source application for e-mail marketing. Its code base has been developed since 1999 and is used - as part of the commercial software product E-Marketing Manager (EMM) - by companies like IBM, Daimler, Siemens and Deutsche Telekom. OpenEMM offers already more than 95% of the functionality of most commercial products and some features most commercial products do not offer right now (for example MySQL support and CMS functionality).
net-mgmt/nagvis-1.8.5 (Score: 0.0079801865)
Visualization addon for Nagios
NagVis is a visualization addon for the well known network managment system Nagios. NagVis can be used to visualize Nagios Data, e.g. to display IT processes like a mail system or a network infrastructure. Key features * Display of single Hosts and Services * Visualize a complete Host- or Servicegroup with one icon * Display the summary state of a Host and all its services * Display only the real problems * Sub-map icons which represent a complete NagVis Map in one icon * Visualization of complete IT processes using self drawn graphics * Online documentation of IT environments including current states * Multilingual capabilities * Web configuration interface (WUI)