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Results 771780 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.003 seconds)
Port of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate texteditor
Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate is a port to perl of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate text editor. The language xml files of kate have been rewritten to perl modules using a script. These modules function as plugins to this module.
textproc/TeX-Encode-1.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Encode/decode Perl utf-8 strings into TeX
This module provides encoding to LaTeX escapes from utf8 using mapping tables in Pod::LaTeX and HTML::Entities. This covers only a subset of the Unicode character table (undef warnings will occur for non-mapped chars). Mileage will vary when decoding (converting TeX to utf8), as TeX is in essence a programming language, and this module does not implement TeX. I use this module to encode author names in BibTeX and to do a rough job at presenting LaTeX abstracts in HTML. Using decode rather than seeing $\sqrt{\Omega^2\zeta_n}$ you get something that looks like the formula. The next logical step for this module is to integrate some level of TeX grammar to improve the decoding, in particular to handle fractions and font changes (which should probably be dropped).
textproc/String-Strip-1.02 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl extension for fast, commonly used, string operations
String::Strip is an XS extension that implements four white space removal routines: StripSpace (remove all white space), StripLSpace (strip leading white space), StripTSpace (strip trailing white space), and StripLTSpace (strip leading and trailing white space). All four of these routines work directly on the input argument, rather than passing back a result. The routines tend to be roughly 30% faster than equivalent function regex code. -Anton <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
textproc/Template-Declare-0.46 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perlish declarative templates
Template::Declare is a pure-perl declarative HTML templating system. A few key features and buzzwords: - All templates are 100% pure perl code - Simple declarative syntax - No angle brackets - Mixins - Inheritance - Public and private templates
textproc/Template-Extract-0.41 (Score: 0.068937615)
Use TT2 syntax to extract data from documents
This module adds template extraction functionality to the Template toolkit. It can take a rendered document and its template together, and get the original data structure back, effectively reversing the Template::process function.
textproc/String-Trim-0.005 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl extension to trim whitespace from your strings
String::Trim trims whitespace off your strings. chomp trims only $/ (typically, that's newline), but trim will trim all leading and trailing whitespace.
textproc/Template-Magic-1.39 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl Module with magic merger of runtime values with templates
Template-Magic is a "magic" interface between programming and design. It makes "magically" available all the runtime values - stored in your variables or returned by your subroutines - inside a static template file. Usually no need to assign values to the object.
Template Toolkit interface to Text::Autoformat module
Template Toolkit plugin interface to Text::Autoformat module. This is a separate distribution as of Template-Toolkit 2.22.
textproc/Template-Plugin-CSV-0.04 (Score: 0.068937615)
Template::Plugin::CSV - Plugin for generating CSV
This is a very simple TT2 Plugin for generating CSV. A CSV object will be instantiated via the following directive: [% USE CSV %]
textproc/Template-Semantic-0.09 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl extension to use pure XHTML/XML as a template
Template::Semantic is a template engine for XHTML/XML based on XML::LibXML that doesn't use any template syntax. This module takes pure XHTML/XML as a template, and uses XPath or CSS selectors to assign values.