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archivers/xpk-0.1.4 (Score: 0.011843925)
The eXternal PacKer (XPK) library system
This the Unix port of the Amiga XPK library. The XPK system consists of a master library (libxpkmaster.so) and several (un)packer sublibraries (libxpkXXXX.so). Application programs only use the master library directly: the master library takes care of loading and using the sublibraries. Each sublibrary implements one type of compression. There are different libraries for different types of data. When unpacking the applications do not need to know which library was used to pack the data -- the appropriate library needs to be installed.
archivers/zip-3.0 (Score: 0.011843925)
Create/update ZIP files compatible with PKZIP
Zip is a compression and file packaging utility. It is compatible with PKZIP 2.04g (Phil Katz ZIP) for MSDOS systems. There is a companion to zip called unzip (of course) which you can also install from the ports/package system.
archivers/zipmix-20070221 (Score: 0.011843925)
Produce .ZIP file from two other ones with the best compressed files
Sometimes, when you run 2 different .ZIP programs on the same data (PKZIP & KZIP for example), some files get compressed better in one program, while other files get compressed better in the other. ZIPMIX will take the best files from each one and create a new output file, which is guaranteed to be equal to or smaller in size to both of the input files. ZIPMIX can also be used to perform boolean operations on ZIP files, such as merging 2 ZIP files together, or updating a new file (with some tricks).
archivers/zutils-1.5 (Score: 0.011843925)
Utilities for searching in bzip2, gzip, lzip, and xz archives
Zutils is a collection of utilities able to deal with any combination of compressed and non-compressed files transparently. If any given file, including standard input, is compressed, its decompressed content is used. Compressed files are decompressed on the fly; no temporary files are created. The provided utilities are: Zcat - Decompresses and copies files to standard output. Zcmp - Decompresses and compares two files byte by byte. Zdiff - Decompresses and compares two files line by line. Zgrep - Decompresses and searches files for a regular expression. Ztest - Tests integrity of compressed files. Zupdate - Recompresses files to lzip format. The supported compressors are bzip2, gzip, lzip, and xz.
astro/mkgmap-r3598 (Score: 0.011843925)
Convert OpenStreetMap data into a Garmin format
This program converts OpenStreetMap data into a map that can be loaded onto a Garmin GPS device. It does the conversion in one step without depending on any other program.
astro/phoon-2005 (Score: 0.011843925)
Displays the phase of the moon
Phoon displays the phase of the moon, either currently or at a specified date / time. Unlike other such programs, which just tell you how long since first quarter or something like that, phoon shows you the phase with a cute little picture. You can vary the size of the picture with the -l flag, but only some sizes have pictures defined - other sizes use @'s.
astro/ptiger-2.2 (Score: 0.011843925)
Displays U.S. Census Bureau populated places on a map
ptiger is a Tcl/Tk/Tkgeomap script that uses wdgeomap to display U.S. Census Burea populated places on an interactive geographic map. To run it, type ptiger on the command line. After a few seconds, a map should appear. Adjust the view by Dragging or Double-Clicking. As the cursor moves, a label below the map displays the cursor location and the azimuth and range from the + marker to the cursor. Move the + marker by Right-Double-Clicking. The map has dots at places with population greater than a user selected threshold. Moving the cursor over a dot labels the place with its name and displays the population in another label below the map. In addition to the wdgeomap menus, a Places menu enables adjustment of the population threshold and dot size. There is also a Find menu that does a case insensitive regular expression search for a named place.
astro/RO-3.6.9 (Score: 0.011843925)
Package of Python astronomical utilities
py-RO is a collection of utilities including general algorithms, astronomical transformations and Tkinter widgets.
astro/saoimage-1.35.1 (Score: 0.011843925)
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory image utility for X
SAOimage (pronounced S-A-0-image) displays astronomical images in the X11 window environment. It was written by Mike Van Hilst while he was at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) in 1990 and is now maintained by Doug Mink also at the SAO. Online help and documentation are on the webpage. Image files can be read directly, or image data may be passed through a named pipe (Unix) or a mailbox (VMS) from IRAF display tasks. SAOimage provides a large selection of options for zooming, panning, scaling, coloring, pixel readback, display blinking, and region specification. User interactions are generally performed with the mouse, but keyboard alternatives are often available. The SAOimage desktop includes, a main image display window, a button menu panel, a display magnifier, a pan and zoom reference image, and a color bar. A color table graph window can be brought up by clicking on the color bar.
astro/weatherspect-1.11 (Score: 0.011843925)
Weather simulation in ASCII art
WeatherSpect provides a reasonably accurate simulation of what the weather looks like outside, in ASCII art. It includes rain, snow, lightning, sleet, and hail. The windspeed and cloudiness are reflected in the velocity and quantity of clouds. There are trees that age, reproduce and die over the course of an hour, and a sun and moon that follow the actual sun and moonrise. There's also a dancing turtle.