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sysutils/fortunelock-0.1.2 (Score: 0.0021461037)
Locks a terminal while showing fortunes
Fortunelock is a "keep it simple, stupid" program to lock a terminal while showing fortunes. It was designed to be as small and simple as possible and therefore does not support PAM, NIS, shadow passwords or even regular passwords: the user must enter a lock password to lock the terminal.
textproc/dictfmt-1.12.1 (Score: 0.0021461037)
Formats a DICT protocol dictionary database
The Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT) is a TCP transaction based query/response protocol that allows a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. RFC 2229 describes the DICT client/server protocol. dictfmt converts databases in various formats into working databases and indices for the DICT server.
textproc/rl-0.2.7 (Score: 0.0021461037)
Randomizes lines from a specified input file
rl is a command-line tool that reads lines from an input file or stdin, randomizes the lines and outputs a specified number of lines. It does this with only a single pass over the input while trying to use as little memory as possible.
www/Net-Trac-0.16 (Score: 0.0021461037)
Interact with a remote Trac instance
Net::Trac is simple client library for a remote Trac instance. Because Trac doesn't provide a web services API, this module currently "fakes" an RPC interface around Trac's webforms and the feeds it exports. Because of this, it's somewhat more brittle than a true RPC client would be.
x11/xidle-26052015 (Score: 0.0021461037)
Run a program on X inactivity
xidle uses the XScreenSaver(3) extension to receive inactivity events when a timeout is specified, running a specific program after the elapsed time. xidle also monitors the very corner of the given position for pointer activity and runs a program if the pointer sits there for more than the specified number of seconds. This behavior is always present, whether -timeout is specified or not.
devel/Term-VT102-0.91 (Score: 0.0021410007)
Class to emulate a DEC VT102 terminal
The VT102 class provides emulation of most of the functions of a DEC VT102 terminal. Once initialised, data passed to a VT102 object is processed and the in-memory "screen" modified accordingly. This "screen" can be interrogated by the external program in a variety of ways. This allows your program to interface with full-screen console programs by running them in a subprocess and passing their output to a VT102 class. You can then see what the application has written on the screen by querying the class appropriately.
net/Net-NIS-Listgroup-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0021410007)
Lists hosts/users in a netgroup group
A library used to get groups or members of a netgroup NIS map. listgroup() without any parameters or listgroups() lists all the available netgroup groups. With groupname parameters listgroup, listgroup_user, listgroup_host will recusively list the members of the named groups. If the groupname is preceded with a - members of that group will be excluded from the returned list. Each member in a group is a triplet of (host,user,domain). The host portion or user portion of the members is returned by listgroup_host() and listgroup(), the user portion of the members is returned by listgroup_user().
security/skein- (Score: 0.0021410007)
Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions
Skein is a family of fast secure cryptographic hash functions designed by Niels Ferguson, Stefan Lucks, Bruce Schneier, Doug Whiting, Mihir Bellare, Tadayoshi Kohno, Jon Callas and Jesse Walker. This package uses bindings to the optimized C implementation of Skein. We provide a high-level interface (see module Crypto.Skein) to some of the Skein use cases. We also provide a low-level interface (see module Crypto.Skein.Internal) should you need to use Skein in a different way. Currently we have support for Skein as cryptographic hash function as Skein as a message authentication code (Skein-MAC).
math/Math-MatrixReal-2.12 (Score: 0.0021388242)
Perl module implementing a Matrix of Reals
p5-MatrixReal is port of the perl module Math::MatrixReal, implementing a matrix of Reals. Math::MatrixReal needs support for operator overloading to support operations on matrixes as though they were just another basic perl type. In addition to the basics (+, -, *) also supported are: matrix norm, matrix transposition, matrix inverse, determinant of a matrix, order and numerical condition of a matrix, scalar product of vectors, vector product of vectors, vector length, projection of row and column vectors, a comfortable way for reading in a matrix from a file, the keyboard or your code, solving linear equations, etc. It also has an implementation of Kleene's algorithm for finding minimal costs for paths in a graph.
devel/CPAN-Checksums-2.12 (Score: 0.0021342812)
Perl module to write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN
CPAN::Checksums - Write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN