Ports 搜索

textproc/R2HTML-2.3.2 (Score: 2.1635917E-4)
HTML exportation for R objects
This package includes HTML function and methods to write in an HTML file. Thus, making HTML reports is easy. Includes a function that allows redirection on the fly, which appears to be very usefull for teaching purpose, as the student can keep a copy of the produced output to keep all that he did during the course. Package comes with a vignette describing how to write HTML reports for statistical analysis. Finally, a driver for Sweave allows to parse HTML flat files containing R code and to automatically write the corresponding outputs (tables and graphs).
textproc/mgdiff-1.0 (Score: 2.1635917E-4)
Graphical front end to the UNIX diff command
This is mgdiff, a graphical front end to the UNIX diff command based upon X11R[456] and the Motif widget set. It allows the user to select two files for comparison, runs the diff command, parses the output, and presents the results graphically. This presentation can also be used to generate a user-specified merge of the two files into a third file. This program's appearance is based upon a program called gdiff, which runs only on Silicon Graphics workstations and for which source code is not provided.
textproc/Pod-POM-2.01 (Score: 2.1635917E-4)
POD Object Model
This module implements a parser to convert Pod documents into a simple object model form known hereafter as the Pod Object Model. The object model is generated as a hierarchical tree of nodes, each of which represents a different element of the original document. The tree can be walked manually and the nodes examined, printed or otherwise manipulated. In addition, Pod::POM supports and provides view objects which can automatically traverse the tree, or section thereof, and generate an output representation in one form or another.
textproc/words-1.97F (Score: 2.1635917E-4)
Latin-English Dictionary Program
WORDS is a free Latin-English dictionary program which takes keyboard input or a file of Latin text lines and provides an analysis/morphology (declension, conjugation, case, tense, etc.) of each word individually, the dictionary form, and the translation (meaning). The dictionary contains over 30000 entries and, through additional word construction with hundreds of prefixes and suffixes, may generate more, leading to many hundreds of thousands of 'words' that can be formed by declension and conjugation. Present emphisis is on classical Latin and late Latin, but medieval Latin entries are increasing. WORDS provides a tool to help in translations for the Latin student and a memory jog for researchers.
textproc/xmlcatmgr-2.2 (Score: 2.1635917E-4)
SGML and XML catalog manager
XML Catalog Manager (xmlcatmgr in its short form) is a small utility used to manipulate SGML and XML catalogs. It is extremely small and lightweight, specially designed to be run from packaging systems. Basically, it allows adding and removing entries from catalogs in a completely automated way. A catalog is a lookup mechanism used to translate entities into other different entities. They can, for example, map public identifiers to local files or URIs. This allows you to tell the parser where to look for entities without having to modify the original document source.
www/cntlm-0.92.3 (Score: 2.1635917E-4)
NTLM / NTLM Session Response / NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy
Cntlm is an NTLM/NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy. It takes the address of your proxy or proxies (host1..N and port1..N) and opens a listening socket, forwarding each request to the parent proxy (moving in a circular list if the active parent stops working). Along the way, a connection to the parent is created anew and authenticated or, if available, previously cached connection is reused to achieve higher efficiency and faster responses. When the chain is set up, cntlm should be used as a proxy in your applications. Cntlm also integrates transparent TCP/IP port forwarding (tunneling) through the parent (incl. authentication).
www/yesod-auth-hashdb- (Score: 2.1635917E-4)
Authentication plugin for Yesod
This package is the Yesod.Auth.HashDB plugin, originally included in yesod-auth, but now modified to be more secure and placed in a separate package. It provides authentication using hashed passwords stored in a database, and works best in situations where an administrator is involved in setting up a user with an initial password. The complete login process, including a default form, is implemented by this plugin, but the application developer must design the interfaces for setting up users and allowing them to change their own passwords, since only the low-level password-setting functions are provided by this package.
www/Feersum-1.403 (Score: 2.1635917E-4)
PSGI engine for Perl based on EV/libev
Feersum is an HTTP server built on EV. It fully supports the PSGI 1.03 spec including the psgi.streaming interface and is compatible with Plack. PSGI 1.1, which has yet to be published formally, is also supported. Feersum also has its own "native" interface which is similar in a lot of ways to PSGI, but is not compatible with PSGI or PSGI middleware. Feersum uses a single-threaded, event-based programming architecture to scale and can handle many concurrent connections efficiently in both CPU and RAM. It skips doing a lot of sanity checking with the assumption that a "front-end" HTTP/HTTPS server is placed between it and the Internet.
www/URI-ParseSearchString-3.51 (Score: 2.1635917E-4)
Parse Apache referer logs and extract search engine query strings
This module provides a simple function to parse and extract search engine query strings. It was designed and tested having Apache referrer logs in mind. It can be used for a wide number of purposes, including tracking down what keywords people use on popular search engines before they land on a site. It makes use of URI::split to extract the string and URI::Escape to un-escape the encoded characters in it. Although a number of existing modules and scripts exist for this purpose, the majority of them are either outdated using obsolete search strings associated with each engine.
www/twig-1.24.1 (Score: 2.1635917E-4)
Flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
Twig is a modern template engine for PHP. * Fast: Twig compiles templates down to plain optimized PHP code. The overhead compared to regular PHP code was reduced to the very minimum. * Secure: Twig has a sandbox mode to evaluate untrusted template code. This allows Twig to be used as a template language for applications where users may modify the template design. * Flexible: Twig is powered by a flexible lexer and parser. This allows the developer to define its own custom tags and filters, and create its own DSL.