Ports 搜索

devel/Pragmatic-1.7 (Score: 1.888634E-4)
Adds pragmata to Exporter
Pragmatic implements a default import method for processing pragmata before passing the rest of the import to Exporter. Perl automatically calls the import method when processing a use statement for a module. Modules and use are documented in perlfunc and perlmod. (Do not confuse Pragmatic with pragmatic modules, such as less, strict and the like. They are standalone pragmata, and are not associated with any other module.)
devel/Path-Iterator-Rule-1.008 (Score: 1.888634E-4)
Perl extension for iterative, recursive file finder
This module iterates over files and directories to identify ones matching a user-defined set of rules. The API is based heavily on File::Find::Rule, but with more explicit distinction between matching rules and options that influence how directories are searched. A Path::Iterator::Rule object is a collection of rules (match criteria) with methods to add additional criteria. Options that control directory traversal are given as arguments to the method that generates an iterator.
devel/Perl6-Form-0.04 (Score: 1.888634E-4)
Implements the Perl 6 'form' built-in
Perl6::Form - Implements the Perl 6 'form' built-in This module implements virtually all of the functionality of the Perl 6 Form.pm module. The only differences are: Option pairs must be passed in a hash reference; Array data sources must be passed as array references; Options specified on the use Perl6::Form line are not (yet) lexically scoped; User-defined line-breaking subroutines are passed their data source as a reference to a scalar;
devel/SVN-Notify-2.86 (Score: 1.888634E-4)
Subversion activity notification
This class may be used for sending email messages for Subversion repos- itory activity. There are a number of different modes supported, and SVN::Notify is fully subclassable, to easily add new functionality. By default, a list of all the files affected by the commit will be assem- bled and listed in a single message. An additional option allows diffs to be calculated for the changes and either appended to the message or added as an attachment.
devel/Sub-Alias-0.03 (Score: 1.888634E-4)
Simple subroutine alias
This module does a compile-time code injection to let you define subroutine aliases based on its name. This differs from p5-Sub-Name in that it defines a typeglob in a more correct way and keeps you from manipulating the symbols table directly. You can use the subroutine as if it was defined the ordinary way then. This is particularly useful in the cases when you need to have several identical subroutines with different names.
devel/Tie-iCal-0.15 (Score: 1.888634E-4)
Tie iCal files to Perl hashes
Tie::iCal represents an RFC2445 iCalendar file as a Perl hash. Each key in the hash represents an iCalendar component like VEVENT, VTODO or VJOURNAL. Each component in the file must have a unique UID property as specified in the RFC 2445. A file containing non-unique UIDs can be converted to have only unique UIDs (see samples/uniquify.pl). The module makes very little effort in understanding what each iCalendar property means and concentrates on the format of the iCalendar file only.
devel/Time-timegm-0.01 (Score: 1.888634E-4)
Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
The POSIX standard provides three functions for converting between integer epoch values and 6-component "broken-down" time representations. localtime and gmtime convert an epoch into the 6 components of seconds, minutes, hours, day of month, month and year, in either local timezone or UTC. The mktime function converts a local broken-down time into an epoch value. However, POSIX does not provide a UTC version of this. This module provides a function timegm which has this ability.
devel/Testing_Selenium-0.4.4 (Score: 1.888634E-4)
PEAR Binding - Once more unto the breach
PHP Client for the Selenium Remote Control test tool Selenium Remote Control (SRC) is a test tool that allows you to write automated web application UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any mainstream JavaScript-enabled browser. SRC provides a Selenium Server, which can automatically start/stop/control any supported browser. It works by using Selenium Core, a pure-HTML+JS library that performs automated tasks in JavaScript; the Selenium Server communicates directly with the browser using AJAX (XmlHttpRequest).
devel/perlconsole-0.4 (Score: 1.888634E-4)
Light program that lets you evaluate Perl code interactively
Perl Console is a light program that lets you evaluate Perl code interactively. It uses Readline for grabbing input and provides completion with all the namespaces loaded during your session. This is pretty useful for Perl developers that write modules. You can load a module in your session and test a function exported by the module. Readline is used to grab user input and provides then all the facilities your are used to : completion, key bindings, ...
devel/etcd-2.3.7 (Score: 1.888634E-4)
Highly-available key value store and service discovery
A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery. etcd is inspired by zookeeper and doozer, with a focus on: * Simple: curl'able user facing API (HTTP+JSON) * Secure: optional SSL client cert authentication * Fast: benchmarked 1000s of writes/s per instance * Reliable: Properly distributed using Raft Etcd is written in Go and uses the raft consensus algorithm to manage a highly-available replicated log.