Ports 搜索

devel/poolboy-1.5.1 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Pooling library for Erlang
Poolboy is a lightweight, generic pooling library for Erlang with a focus on simplicity, performance, and rock-solid disaster recovery.
devel/geany-plugin-lipsum-1.28 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Geany plugin: Lorem Ipsum generator
GeanyLipsum is a plugin for Geany that implements a Lorem Ipsum generator to insert placeholder text into your document.
devel/go-bindata-3.0.7 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Generates Go code from any file
A small utility which generates Go code from any file. Useful for embedding binary data in a Go program.
devel/hgreviewboard-1.0 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Mercurial reviewboard extension
reviewboard extension for mercurial This extension adds a new command 'postreview' to post changesets for review to a reviewboard server.
devel/nsgenbind-0.3 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
NetSurf Generator for JavaScript bindings
genjsbind is a tool to generate javascript to dom bindings from w3c webidl files, and a binding configuration file.
devel/xstrp4-1.8.2 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
OCaml extension to expands brace expansions
This is a camlp4 extension that expands brace expansions like a shell does. See sample.ml for examples.
devel/Acme-MetaSyntactic-1.012 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Themed metasyntactic variables names
Acme::MetaSyntactic produces a sequence of meta-syntactic names (not unlike 'foo' and 'bar') using a number of schemes.
devel/cvs-1.20120905 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Version control system
CVS is a version control system. It fills a similar role to the free software RCS, PRCS, and Aegis packages.
devel/Heap-Simple-Perl-0.14 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Pure perl implementation of the Heap::Simple interface
This module provides a pure perl implementation of the interface described in Heap::Simple. Look there for a description.
devel/Make-1.1.2 (Score: 1.2820821E-4)
Perl module implementing 'make' and script
This port provides a perl version of make (in script form) as well as a module 'Make'.