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www/childtickets-2.5.2 (Score: 2.0606686E-4)
Support for having child-tickets in Trac
Having child-tickets is extremely useful when it comes to managing multiple releases (ie. a single 'bug-report' ticket and a single 'bug-fix' ticket for each milestone/branch of development), for managing sub-tasks of an issue and for managing 'bug-fixes' required when developing a new (larger) enhancement. This plugin modifies the ticket description box and adds a child ticket listing table and a 'create' button for adding new child tickets. It has the following features: It is possible to control in trac.ini the following aspects of child-ticket creation/viewing: allow/disallow child-tickets for a certain type of ticket to define the table headers displayed in the parent ticket to define a default for the child type to be created restrict the type of child-tickets to define which fields are inherited by child-tickets
www/webfs-1.21 (Score: 2.0606686E-4)
Simple http server for static content
This is a simple http server for purely static content. You can use it to serve the content of a ftp server via http for example. It is also nice to export some files quickly by starting an http server in a few seconds without editing a config file first. Features/Design: ================ * single process: select() + non-blocking I/O * automatically generates directory listings when asked for a directory (check for index.html available as option), caches the listings. * no config file, just a few switches. Try "webfsd -h" for a list. * Uses ${PREFIX}/etc/webfsd/mime.types to map file extentions to mime/types (not included). * supports keep-alive and pipelined requests. * serves byte ranges. * optional logging in common log file format.
x11-clocks/xfce4-timer-plugin-1.6.0 (Score: 2.0606686E-4)
Timer plugin for Xfce
The plugin is quite simple - it displays a progressbar showing the percentage of the time elapsed. Left-clicking on the plugin area opens a menu of available alarms. After selecting one, the user can start or stop the timer by selecting start/stop timer entry in the same menu. New alarms are added through the preferences window. Each alarm is either a countdown or is run at a specified time. By default a simple dialog pops up at the end of the countdown. The user can choose an external command to be run as the alarm and may also choose to have this repeated a specified number of times with a given interval between repetitions.
x11-fm/xplore-1.2a (Score: 2.0606686E-4)
Yet another Motif file manager
Xplore is a powerful and highly configurable Motif file manager with an Explorer-like user interface. Besides the usual tree and file views, xplore also has a "shelf", a kind of clipboard inspired by the NeXT file manager, and a "log" pane for capturing output from launched programs. The builtin automounter allows you to access special devices in a transparent manner. Files can be moved and copied using simple mouse operations, and you can execute type-specific shell commands when a file is opened, used as the target of a drag and drop operation, or manipulated using popup menus. File types can be defined in terms of arbitrary filename and MIME type patterns. Full keyboard navigation is also supported, including an incremental filename search facility. Last not least, xplore speaks all standard X11 session management protocols and thus integrates nicely with most popular desktop environments.
x11-toolkits/gtk-1.2.10 (Score: 2.0606686E-4)
Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (previous stable version)
GTK is a library for creating graphical user interfaces similar to the Motif "look and feel". It is designed to be small and efficient, but still flexible enough to allow the programmer freedom in the interfaces created. GTK allows the programmer to use a variety of standard user interface widgets such as push, radio and check buttons, menus, lists and frames. It also provides several "container" widgets which can be used to control the layout of the user interface elements. GTK provides some unique features. (At least, I know of no other widget library which provides them). For example, a button does not contain a label, it contains a child widget, which in most instances will be a label. However, the child widget can also be a pixmap, image or any combination possible the programmer desires. This flexibility is adhered to throughout the library.
x11-toolkits/OpenGLRaw- (Score: 2.0606686E-4)
Raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system
OpenGLRaw is a raw Haskell binding for the OpenGL 3.2 graphics system and lots of OpenGL extensions. It is basically a 1:1 mapping of OpenGL's C API, intended as a basis for a nicer interface. OpenGLRaw offers access to all necessary functions, tokens and types plus a general facility for loading extension entries. The module hierarchy closely mirrors the naming structure of the OpenGL extensions, making it easy to find the right module to import. All API entries are loaded dynamically, so no special C header files are needed for building this package. If an API entry is not found at runtime, a userError is thrown. OpenGL is the industry's most widely used and supported 2D and 3D graphics application programming interface (API), incorporating a broad set of rendering, texture mapping, special effects, and other powerful visualization functions.
devel/PEAR_PackageFileManager-1.7.2 (Score: 1.9703762E-4)
PEAR class to maintain PEAR packages
PEAR::PEAR_PackageFileManager revolutionizes the maintenance of PEAR packages. With a few parameters, the entire package.xml is automatically updated with a listing of all files in a package. Features include - can detect PHP and extension dependencies using PHP_CompatInfo - reads in an existing package.xml file, and only changes the release/changelog - a plugin system for retrieving files in a directory. Currently two plugins exist, one for standard recursive directory content listing, and one that reads the CVS/Entries files and generates a file listing based on the contents of a checked out CVS repository - incredibly flexible options for assigning install roles to files/directories - ability to ignore any file based on a * ? wildcard-enabled string(s) - ability to include only files that match a * ? wildcard-enabled string(s) - ability to manage dependencies - can output the package.xml in any directory, and read in the package.xml file from any directory. - can specify a different name for the package.xml file PEAR_PackageFileManager is fully unit tested.
emulators/bochs-2.6.8 (Score: 1.9703762E-4)
IA-32 (x86) PC emulator that runs DOS, Win 95, and more
Bochs is a highly portable open source IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS. Currently, bochs can be compiled to emulate a 386, 486, Pentium, Pentium Pro or AMD64 CPU, including optional MMX, SSE, SSE2 and 3DNow instructions. Bochs is capable of running most Operating Systems inside the emulation including Linux, DOS, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT/2000/XP. Bochs was written by Kevin Lawton and is currently maintained by the Bochs project. Bochs can be compiled and used in a variety of modes, some which are still in development. The 'typical' use of bochs is to provide complete x86 PC emulation, including the x86 processor, hardware devices, and memory. This allows you to run OS's and software within the emulator on your workstation, much like you have a machine inside of a machine. For instance, let's say your workstation is a Unix/X11 workstation, but you want to run Win'95 applications. Bochs will allow you to run Win 95 and associated software on your Unix/X11 workstation, displaying a window on your workstation, simulating a monitor on a PC.
games/icebreaker-1.9.8 (Score: 1.9703762E-4)
Game similar to Jezzball or Barrack
IceBreaker is a game similar to Jezzball or Barrack. So, uh, there's a bunch of penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica. You have been selected to catch them so they can be shipped to Finland, where they are essential to a secret plot for world domination. In order to trap the penguins, you'll need to break the iceberg into small chunks. (They're afraid of water, for no apparent reason.) You do this by melting lines in the ice with Special High-Tech GNU Tools. If a penguin hits a line in progress, however, it vanishes with a loud noise, and you lose a life. (Yes, a life. This story is really breaking down, isn't it? But never fear -- I'll keep going until it's completely dead.) Once 80% or more of the iceberg is gone, the remaining chunks are small enough for shipping. Of course, if you manage to get rid of more than that, you'll save on postage, thus earning you exponential amounts of Geek Cred (a.k.a. "score"). After you ship off one batch of penguins, it's time to move on to the next. Each subsequent 'berg will have one more penguin, and you'll have one more life. This will continue until you lose, or until you exceed level one hundred or so, which Ain't Gonna Happen.
mail/vmailmgr-0.97 (Score: 1.9703762E-4)
Virtual domain manager for qmail
VMailMgr (short for Virtual MAIL ManaGeR) is a package of programs designed to manage multiple domains of mail addresses and mailboxes on a single host. It co-operates with qmail for mail delivery and program control. It features: * A password checking interface between qmail-popup and qmail-pop3d which replaces the usual checkpassword, as well as an authentication module for Courier IMAP, that provide access to the virtual mailboxes by one of three methods: o IP-based virtual server access (invisible to the POP3 user) o username-based access (username-virtualuser) o hostname-based access (virtualuser@virtual.host or virtualuser:virtual.host) * CDB-based password tables to speed up access for domains of any size. * Tools to setup a virtual domain, add and delete individual virtual users and aliases, and to change passwords. CGI programs to accomplish the * above tasks from a set of web pages. * A native PHP library to complement or replace the CGIs. * A daemon process that securely directs the operation of the CGIs and PHP code. * A separate delivery agent that automatically deals with any address inside a virtual domain from a single .qmail-default file.