OpenSIPS (Open SIP Server) is a mature Open Source implementation
of a SIP server.
It includes application-level functionalities and is the core component
of any SIP-based VoIP solution. With a very flexible and customizable
routing engine, OpenSIPS unifies voice, video, IM and presence
services in a highly efficient way, thanks to its scalable (modular)
It is reliable and fast, for enterprise or carrier-grade use cases.
SMS::Send::TW::emome is a SMS::Send driver
which allows you to send messages through
This module implements an alternative "event dispatcher" for Net::SNMP, using
AnyEvent as a backend.
It integrates Net::SNMP into AnyEvent: You can make non-blocking Net::SNMP
calls and as long as other parts of your program also use AnyEvent (or some
event loop supported by AnyEvent) and they will run in parallel.
Libopennet allows you to open_net() remote files as easily as you open()
local files.
Cryptcat is the standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption.
Twofish is courtesy of counterpane, and cryptix. We started with the
Java version of twofish from cryptix, converted it to C++ (don't ask why),
and enhanced it by adding CBC mode and the ciphertext stealing technique
from Applied Cryptography (pg. 196)
How do you use it?
Machine A: cryptcat -l -p 1234 < testfile
Machine B: cryptcat <machine A IP> 1234
This is identical to the normal netcat options for doing exactly the
same thing. However, in this case the data transferred is encrypted.
For more information about netcat see net/netcat port.
Yahoo! GeoPlanet helps bridge the gap between the real and virtual
worlds by providing an open, permanent, and intelligent infrastructure
for geo-referencing data on the Internet.
Net::GeoPlanet provides access to Yahoo's GeoPlanet location service.
The Net::SNMP module implements an object oriented interface to the
Simple Network Management Protocol. Perl applications can use the
module to retrieve or update information on a remote host using the
SNMP protocol. The module supports SNMP version-1, SNMP version-2c
(Community-Based SNMPv2), and SNMP version-3. The Net::SNMP module
assumes that the user has a basic understanding of the Simple Network
Management Protocol and related network management concepts.
Net::Domain::ExpireDate gets WHOIS information of given domain
using Net::Whois::Raw and tries to obtain expiration date of
domain. Unfortunately there are too many different whois servers
which provides whois info in very different formats.
Net::Domain::ExpireDate knows more than 40 different formats of
expiration date representation provided by different servers (almost
all gTLD registrars and some ccTLD registrars are covered).
Now obtaining of domain creation date is also supported.
Net::DAAP::DMAP is a Perl module for reading and writing DMAP
structures, the binary structure used in Apple's DAAP protocol.
Net::DNS::Codes provides forward and reverse lookup for most common C
library DNS codes as well as all the codes for the DNS HEADER field.