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Results 2,1012,110 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
devel/Import-Base-1.002 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Import a set of modules into the calling module
This module makes it easier to build and manage a base set of imports. Rather than importing a dozen modules in each of your project's modules, you simply import one module and get all the other modules you want. This reduces your module boilerplate from 12 lines to 1.
devel/Log-Agent-Logger-0.2 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Log::Agent::Logger - a logging interface for perl
The Log::Agent::Logger class defines a generic interface for application logging. It must not be confused with the interface provided by Log::Agent, which is meant to be used by re-usable modules that do not wish to commit on a particular logging method, so that they remain true building blocks.
devel/Object-Import-1.004 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Import methods of an object as functions to a package
This module lets you call methods of a certain object more easily by exporting them as functions to a package. The exported functions are not called as methods and do not receive an object argument, but instead the object is fixed at the time you import them with this module.
devel/PerlX-Maybe-1.001 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Return a pair only if they are both defined
Moose classes (and some other classes) distinguish between an attribute being unset and the attribute being set to undef. To ensure that the Person constructor does not try to set a name or age at all when they are undefined, ugly looking code is often used. A slightly more elegant solution is the maybe function.
devel/Pod-Coverage-0.23 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
Developers hate writing documentation. They'd hate it even more if their computer tattled on them, but maybe they'll be even more thankful in the long run. Even if not, perlmodstyle tells you to, so you must obey. This module provides a mechanism for determining if the pod for a given module is comprehensive.
devel/Symbol-Global-Name-0.05 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Finds name and type of a global variable
Symbol::Global::Name takes a reference and optional package name. It returns the name of the referenced variable as long as it's in the package or sub-package and it's a global variable. Returned name is prefixed with type sigil, eg. '$', '@', '%', '&' or '*'.
devel/Term-ProgressBar-Quiet-0.31 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Perl extension to display a progress bar, if interactive
Term::ProgressBar is a wonderful module for showing progress bars on the terminal. This module acts very much like that module when it is run interactively. However, when it is not run interactively (for example, as a cron job) then it does not show the progress bar.
devel/Tie-Cache-0.21 (Score: 0.0023984204)
LRU Cache in Memory through a tie interface
From README: This module implements a least recently used (LRU) cache in memory through a tie interface. Any time data is stored in the tied hash, that key/value pair has an entry time associated with it, and as the cache fills up, those members of the cache that are the oldest are removed to make room for new entries. So, the cache only "remembers" the last written entries, up to the size of the cache. This can be especially useful if you access great amounts of data, but only access a minority of the data a majority of the time. The implementation is a hash, for quick lookups, overlaying a doubly linked list for quick insertion and deletion. On a WinNT PII 300, writes to the hash were done at a rate 3100 per second, and reads from the hash at 6300 per second. Work has been done to optimize refreshing cache entries that are frequently read from, code like $cache{entry}, which moves the entry to the end of the linked list internally.
devel/json-py-3.4 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Python implementation of a JSON (http//:json.org) reader/writer
json-py is a simple, pure-python implementation of a JSON (http://json.org) reader and writer. JSON is used to exchange data across systems written in various languages. It is particularly suited to dynamic languages like Python, Javascript, etc. JSON = Javascript Object Notation implies it is suitable for AJAX applications that exchange data from servers to Javascript applications running on web browser clients.
devel/rauth-0.7.2 (Score: 0.0023984204)
Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly consumers
This package provides OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly consumer support. The package is wrapped around the superb Python Requests. * Supports OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0 and Ofly * Service wrappers for convenient connection initialization * Authenticated session objects providing nifty things like keep-alive * Well tested (100% coverage) * Built on Requests