Ports 搜索

x11-clocks/stopwatch-3.5 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Stopwatch enables hand timing much like a physical stopwatch
Stopwatch does what its name implies - enables hand timing much like a physical stopwatch. It can also be used as a countdown timer. Stopwatch has millisecond accuracy and no artificial limit on hours. Stopwatch runs on UNIX, Windows, and MacOS.
x11-fonts/dejavu-2.35 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Bitstream Vera Fonts clone with a wider range of characters
The DejaVu fonts are a font family based on the Bitstream Vera Fonts. Its purpose is to provide a wider range of characters while maintaining the original look and feel through the process of collaborative development.
x11-toolkits/pangoxsl- (Score: 0.0010153471)
Implements Pango library with a PDF backend for PDF output
PangoXSL implements a version of the Pango library with a PDF backend for creating PDF output. This library also implements several of the inline properties defined by XSL that are not currently implemented by Pango.
x11-toolkits/kiwi-1.9.38 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Framework and a set of enhanced widgets based on PyGTK
kiwi offers a set of enhanced widgets for Python based on PyGTK. It also includes a framework designed to make creating Python applications using PyGTK and libglade much simpler.
audio/cmt-1.16 (Score: 0.0010144267)
The Computer Music Toolkit - a collection of LADSPA plugins
The Computer Music Toolkit (CMT) is a collection of LADSPA plugins for use with software synthesis and recording packages
databases/DBICx-MapMaker-0.03 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Perl 5 module to automatically create a DBIx::Class mapping table
The Perl 5 module DBICx::MapMaker automatically creates a DBIx::Class result source for "many to many" relationship.
databases/amalgalite-1.5.0 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Embeds the SQLite database engine in a Ruby extension
Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine in a ruby extension. There is no need to install SQLite separately.
deskutils/easystroke-0.6.0 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Easystroke is a gesture-recognition application for X11
Easystroke is a gesture-recognition application for X11. Gestures or strokes are movements that you make with your mouse (or your pen, finger etc.) while holding down a specific mouse button. Easystroke will execute certain actions if it recognizes the stroke; currently easystroke can emulate key presses, execute shell commands, hold down modifiers and emulate a scroll wheel. The program was designed with Tablet PCs in mind and can be used effectively even without access to a keyboard.
devel/yac-0.9.2 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Yac is a shared memory user data cache for PHP
Yac is a shared memory user data cache for PHP it can be used to replace APC or local memcached.
devel/App-local-lib-helper-0.07 (Score: 0.0010144267)
Make it easy to run code against a local-lib
Helper for 'local' libs versions This is an object which provide the functionality to create a local::lib 'helper' script in either the currently loaded local::lib environment or in a target directory of choice. i By default the script is called localenv and can be used to invoke a command under the local::lib which it was built against. For example, assume you build a local::lib like so: cpanm --local-lib ~/mylib App::local::lib::helper