Ports 搜索

math/sivp-1.0.0.r286 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox
SIVP stands for Scilab Image and Video Processing toolbox. SIVP intends to do image processing and video processing tasks. SIVP is meant to be a useful, efficient, and free image and video processing toolbox for Scilab.
math/stp-1436 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Decision Procedure for Bitvectors and Arrays
STP is a constraint solver (also referred to as a decision procedure or automated prover) aimed at solving constraints generated by program analysis tools, theorem provers, automated bug finders, intelligent fuzzers and model checkers. STP has been used in many research projects at Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, CMU and other universities. It is also being used at many companies such as NVIDIA, some startup companies, and by certain government agencies. The input to STP are formulas over the theory of bit-vectors and arrays (This theory captures most expressions from languages like C/C++/Java and Verilog), and the output of STP is a single bit of information that indicates whether the formula is satisfiable or not. If the input is satisfiable, then it also generates a variable assignment to satisfy the input formula.
math/timbl-6.4.2 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Tilburg Memory Based Learner
The TiMBL software package is a fast, decision-tree-based implementation of k-nearest neighbor classification. The package includes the IB1, IB2, TRIBL, TRIBL2, and IGTree algorithms, and offers various weighting metrics.
math/crlibm-1.0.b4 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Correctly-rounded mathematics library
CRlibm is an efficient and proven mathematical library, which provides implementations of the double-precision C99 standard elementary functions, correctly rounded in the four IEEE-754 rounding modes, and sufficiently efficient in average time, worst-case time, and memory consumption to replace existing libms transparently. The distribution includes extensive documentation with the proof of each function (currently more than 100 pages), as well as all the Maple scripts used to develop the functions. This makes this library an excellent tutorial on software elementary function development. CRlibm also includes a lightweight library for multiple precision, scslib (Software Carry Save Library). This library has been developed specifically to answer the needs of the CRlibm project: precision up to a few hundred bits, portability, compatibility with IEEE floating-point standards, performance comparable to or better than GMP, and a small footprint. It uses a data-structure which allows carry propagations to be avoided during multiple-precision multiplications, and supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and conversions.
math/xgraph- (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Program that helps you plot graphs
xgraph is a program that will help you draw graphs. It is pretty old (based on X11R3!) and required lots of hacks to make it compile. Tell me if it does something odd.
math/xspread-3.1.1c (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Spreadsheet program for X and terminals
The program xspread is a public domain spreadsheet which runs under X Window system or ascii terminals. Xspread uses the X Window system if available or curses and term[cap/info] for ascii displays.
misc/cpuid-3.3 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
CPU identification utility
This is a fairly complete CPU identification utility. It has been tested on several Intel, AMD and Cyrix CPUs. If the Pentium III serial number misfeature is present and enabled, this program will display it.
misc/countrycodes-1.0.5 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
ISO 3166 country code finder
Countrycodes is an ISO 3166 country code finder. It is mainly used to know the country a domain name belongs to. It also allows searching by 2 or 3 letters codes, country number and country name.
misc/ansiweather-1.08 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Shell script for displaying the current weather in your terminal
AnsiWeather is a Shell script for displaying the current weather conditions in your terminal, with support for ANSI colors and Unicode symbols. Weather data comes from the OpenWeatherMap free weather API.
misc/gkrellshoot-0.4.4 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Screen locking and screen capture plugin for GKrellM 2
This plugin puts a lock and shoot button on your GKrellM 2, It uses ImageMagick for screen capture and can be configured for your screen saver program. Known to work with either Xlock or xscreensaver.