Ports Search

Results 5,5915,600 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.011 seconds)
net-mgmt/ipaudit-0.95 (Score: 2.8055764E-4)
IP traffic summarizer
Would you like to summarize and/or log network activity down to the ip address and port level of detail, but not record every packet? Ipaudit provides that ability. Ipaudit listens to a network device in promiscuous mode, and records of every 'connection', each conversation between two ip addresses. A unique connection is determined by the ip addresses of the two machines, the protocol used between them and the port numbers (if they are communicating via UDP or TCP). It uses a hash table to keep track of the number of bytes and packets in both directions. When ipaudit receives a signal SIGTERM (kill) or SIGINT (kill -2, usually the same as a Control-C), it stops collecting data and writes the tabulated results. Ipaudit is built using the pcap packet capture library to read the network port from LBNL Network Research Group.
converters/MIME-Base64-3.15 (Score: 2.7867433E-4)
Perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
This package contains a base64 encoder/decoder and a quoted-printable encoder/decoder. These encoding methods are specified in RFC 2045 - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). The base64 encoding is designed to represent arbitrary sequences of octets in a form that need not be humanly readable. A 65-character subset ([A-Za-z0-9+/=]) of US-ASCII is used, enabling 6 bits to be represented per printable character. The quoted-printable encoding is intended to represent data that largely consists of bytes that correspond to printable characters in the ASCII character set. Non-printable characters are represented by a triplet consisting of the character "=" followed by two hexadecimal digits. The MIME::Base64 and MIME::QuotedPrint modules used to be part of libwww-perl package. They are now distributed separately (this package). The main improvement is that the base64 encoder/decoder is implemented by XS functions. This makes it about 20 times faster than the old implementation in perl.
devel/dmucs-0.6.1 (Score: 2.7867433E-4)
Distributed Multi-User Compilation System (for use with distcc)
DMUCS is a system that allows a group of users to share a compilation farm. Each compilation request from each user will be sent to the fastest available machine, every time. The system has these fine qualities: * Supports multiple users compiling simultaneously, and scales well to handle the new loads. * Supports multiple operating systems in the compilation farm. * Uses all processors of a multi-processor compilation host. * Makes best use of compilation hosts with widely differing CPU speeds. * Guarantees that a compilation host will not be overloaded by compilations. * Takes into account the load on a host caused by non-compilation tasks. * Supports the dynamic addition and removal of hosts to the compilation farm. * Works with distcc, which need not be altered in any way.
devel/pit-0.1.0 (Score: 2.7867433E-4)
Command-line project manager that integrates with Git
Pit is a command-line project manager that integrates with Git. Basic Pit entities are projects, tasks, and notes. One project can have multiple tasks, and a task can have multiple notes. Each entity has a number of attributes. For example, project has name and status, task has name, status, priority, date, and time, and within note there is message body. All attributes except name and message body are optional and can be omitted. The attributes have no semantic meaning, and do not have a pre-defined set of values. For example, depending on the particular need, the time attribute could be used as projected time in weeks, hours spent on the task, or days left to finish the task. Pit tries to maintain a notion of "current" project, task, or note. When you create new project, it automatically becomes current. If you do not specify project number when creating a task, the new task will be associated with the current project.
devel/Iterator-0.03 (Score: 2.7867433E-4)
General-purpose iterator class
This module is meant to be the definitive implementation of iterators, as popularized by Mark Jason Dominus's lectures and recent book (Higher Order Perl, Morgan Kauffman, 2005). An "iterator" is an object, represented as a code block that generates the "next value" of a sequence, and generally implemented as a closure. When you need a value to operate on, you pull it from the iterator. If it depends on other iterators, it pulls values from them when it needs to. Iterators can be chained together (see Iterator::Util for functions that help you do just that), queuing up work to be done but not actually doing it until a value is needed at the front end of the chain. At that time, one data value is pulled through the chain. Iterator.pm provides a class that simplifies creation and use of these iterator objects. Other Iterator:: modules (see "SEE ALSO") provide many general-purpose and special-purpose iterator functions.
net/Google-SAML-Response-0.14 (Score: 2.7867433E-4)
SAML responses for Google SSO implementation
Google::SAML::Response can be used to generate a signed XML document that is needed for logging your users into Google using SSO. You have some sort of web application that can identify and authenticate users. You want users to be able to use some sort of Google service such as Google mail. When using SSO with your Google partner account, your users will send a request to a Google URL. If the user isn't already logged in to Google, Google will redirect him to a URL that you can define. Behind this URL, you need to have a script that authenticates users in your original framework and generates a SAML response for Google that you send back to the user whose browser will then submit it back to Google. If everything works, users will then be logged into their Google account and they don't even have to know their usernames or passwords.
textproc/Pod-Abstract-0.20 (Score: 2.7867433E-4)
Abstract document tree for Perl POD documents
POD::Abstract provides a means to load a POD (or POD compatible) document without direct reference to it's syntax, and perform manipulations on the abstract syntax tree. This can be used to support additional features for POD, to format output, to compile into alternative formats, etc. While Pod looks like a simple format, the specification calls for a number of special cases to be handled, and that makes any software that works on Pod as text more complex than it needs to be. In addition to this, Pod does not lend itself to a natural structured model. This makes it difficult to manipulate without damaging the validity of the document. Pod::Abstract solves these problems by loading the document into a structured tree, and providing consistent traversal, searching, manpulation and re-serialisation. Pod related utilities are easy to write using Pod::Abstract.
games/unrealgold-436 (Score: 2.767848E-4)
Unreal Gold for Linux
Your ship has just crashed on an unknown planet. Your best friend has just been eaten by an alien. And all you have got is a desire to go home. This can't be real, you tell yourself. This can't be real. It's not. It's Unreal! Unreal Gold contains the original Unreal game as well as the mission pack, Return to Na Pali. You need an original game CD to use this port: Unreal Gold CD Unreal Anthology DVD Unreal Gold CD for Linux by ravage Also this port requires Unreal Tournament 436 (games/linux-ut) to be installed and working.
sysutils/sleuthkit-4.3.0 (Score: 2.767848E-4)
Tools and library for filesystem forensic analysis
The Sleuth Kit (TSK) is a library and collection of command line tools that allow you to investigate volume and file system data. The library can be incorporated into larger digital forensics tools and the command line tools can be directly used to find evidence. The media management tools allow you to examine the layout of disks and other media. The Sleuth Kit supports DOS partitions, BSD partitions (disk labels), Mac partitions, Sun slices (Volume Table of Contents), and GPT disks. With these tools, you can identify where partitions are located and extract them so that they can be analyzed with file system analysis tools.
sysutils/fsbackup-1.2.1 (Score: 2.767848E-4)
File system backup and synchronization utility
fsbackup.pl is a incremental backup creation utility. fsbackup.pl support backup compression and encryption. Backup can be stored on local file system and on remote host stored over SSH or FTP. Some addition scripts allow backups SQL tables from PostgreSQL and MySQL (pgsql_backup.sh and mysql_backup.sh)), save system configuration files and list of installed packages (sysbackup.sh). Backuped with fsbackup.pl files can be recovered by script fsrestore.sh, backuped with sysbackup.sh system packeges can be reinstalled by sysrestore.sh.