Ports 搜索

math/patsy-0.4.1 (Score: 0.004186276)
Python package for statistical models and design matrices
Patsy is a Python library for describing statistical models (especially linear models, or models that have a linear component) and building design matrices. Patsy brings the convenience of R "formulas" to Python.
math/simd-viterbi-2.0.3 (Score: 0.004186276)
Fast Viterbi CODEC library
This is a port of Phil Karn's SIMD assisted Viterbi CODEC library. This package may be useful to programmers working on data communications software.
math/statsmodels-0.6.1 (Score: 0.004186276)
Complement to SciPy for statistical computations
Statsmodels is a Python package that provides a complement to scipy for statistical computations including descriptive statistics and estimation and inference for statistical models. Main Features: * linear regression models: GLS (including WLS and LS aith AR errors) and OLS. * glm: Generalized linear models with support for all of the one-parameter exponential family distributions. * discrete: regression with discrete dependent variables, including Logit, Probit, MNLogit, Poisson, based on maximum likelihood estimators * rlm: Robust linear models with support for several M-estimators. * tsa: models for time series analysis - univariate: AR, ARIMA; multivariate: VAR and structural VAR * nonparametric: (Univariate) kernel density estimators * datasets: Datasets to be distributed and used for examples and in testing. * stats: a wide range of statistical tests, diagnostics and specification tests * iolib: Tools for reading Stata .dta files into numpy arrays, printing table output to ascii, latex, and html * miscellaneous models * sandbox: statsmodels contains a sandbox folder with code in various stages of * developement and testing which is not considered "production ready", including Mixed models, GARCH and GMM estimators, kernel regression, panel data models.
math/truthtable-1.2.2 (Score: 0.004186276)
Truth Tables generator (written in Java)
TruthTable is a truth table generator that does the dirty work for you. This Java program handles the following operations: Not, And, Or, XOR, Implication, and the Biconditional.
math/analitza-4.14.3 (Score: 0.004186276)
Library from KDE Education project
Analitza library from KDE Education project.
math/solitaire-19980817 (Score: 0.004186276)
Reference implementation of the Solitaire encryption algorithm
Solitaire is an encryption system based on a deck of cards by Bruce Schneier. Although it is designed to be worked out by a human, it can work on computers. This is the reference implementation programmed in Perl. The program itself is installed as 'solitaire', and the source code and test vectors are installed in share/doc/solitaire. Please read the web site below before relying on this for real security.
math/taucs-2.2 (Score: 0.004186276)
C library of sparse linear solvers
The current version of the library includes the following functionality: * Multifrontal Supernodal Cholesky Factorization. * Left-Looking Supernodal Cholesky Factorization. * Drop-Tolerance Incomplete-Cholesky Factorization. * LDL^T Factorization. * Out-of-Core, Left-Looking Supernodal Sparse Cholesky Factorization. * Out-of-Core Sparse LU with Partial Pivoting Factor and Solve. * Ordering Codes and Interfaces to Existing Ordering Codes. * Matrix Operations. * Matrix Input/Output. * Matrix Generators. * Iterative Solvers. * Vaidya's Preconditioners. * Recursive Vaidya's Preconditioners. * Multilevel-Support-Graph Preconditioners. * Utility Routines. Copyright (c) 2001 by Sivan Toledo, Tel-Aviv University, stoledo@tau.ac.il. All Rights Reserved.
math/units-2.13 (Score: 0.004186276)
Unit conversion and calculation
The Free Software Foundation's "units" unit conversion and calculation utility. GNU units converts quantities expressed in various scales to their equivalents in other scales. Units can only handle multiplicative scale changes. For example, it cannot convert Celsius to Fahrenheit but it can convert temperature differences between those temperature scales. The units are defined externally in an extensive, well annotated data file that defines over 2000 units. You can also provide your own data file. Note that this port will install the utility with a 'g' prefix, e.g. gunits, but the texinfo documentation will refer to it without the 'g' prefix.
math/crlibm-1.0.b4 (Score: 0.004186276)
Correctly-rounded mathematics library
CRlibm is an efficient and proven mathematical library, which provides implementations of the double-precision C99 standard elementary functions, correctly rounded in the four IEEE-754 rounding modes, and sufficiently efficient in average time, worst-case time, and memory consumption to replace existing libms transparently. The distribution includes extensive documentation with the proof of each function (currently more than 100 pages), as well as all the Maple scripts used to develop the functions. This makes this library an excellent tutorial on software elementary function development. CRlibm also includes a lightweight library for multiple precision, scslib (Software Carry Save Library). This library has been developed specifically to answer the needs of the CRlibm project: precision up to a few hundred bits, portability, compatibility with IEEE floating-point standards, performance comparable to or better than GMP, and a small footprint. It uses a data-structure which allows carry propagations to be avoided during multiple-precision multiplications, and supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and conversions.
misc/cpuid-3.3 (Score: 0.004186276)
CPU identification utility
This is a fairly complete CPU identification utility. It has been tested on several Intel, AMD and Cyrix CPUs. If the Pentium III serial number misfeature is present and enabled, this program will display it.