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net/proxy-suite- (Score: 0.0031188247)
The SuSE Proxy-Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security
The SuSE Proxy-Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security. The first (and currently only) component being released is the FTP-Proxy. * Securely relays FTP connections between clients and servers * Can switch connections from active to passive and vice versa * Utilizes port ranges for both control and data connections * Provides extensive auditing (via syslog or rotating log files) * Can separate user related from system triggered audit events * Provides command restriction based on logged in user name * Allows command argument checking with regular expressions * Is able to retrieve configuration data from an LDAP directory * Has been thoroughly tested against buffer overflow attacks * Fully conforms to RFC 959 and 1123 (the basic FTP RFCs) * Planned to support RFC 1579 ("Firewall Friendly FTP") * Planned to support RFC 2428 (IPv6 Extensions for FTP) * Based on GNU AutoConf, supposed to run on many UNIX systems Ported to FreeBSD using OpenBSD port by Camiel Dobbelaar <cd@sentia.nl>, with updates contributed by Marius Tomaschewski <mat@mt-home.net>.
net/queso-980922 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Determine the remote OS using simple TCP packets
former QueSO home page <URL:http://www.apostols.org/projectz/queso/>: How we can determine the remote OS using simple TCP packets? Well, it's easy, they're packets that don't make any sense, so the RFCs don't clearly state what to answer in these kind of situations. Facing this ambiguous, each TCP/IP stack takes a different approach to the problem, and this way, we get a different response. In some cases (like Linux, to name one) some programming mistakes make the OS detectable. QueSO sends: 0 SYN * THIS IS VALID, used to verify LISTEN 1 SYN+ACK 2 FIN 3 FIN+ACK 4 SYN+FIN 5 PSH 6 SYN+XXX+YYY * XXX & YYY are unused TCP flags All packets have a random seq_num and a 0x0 ack_num.
net/remmina-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0031188247)
GTK+ Remote Desktop Client
Remmina is a remote desktop client written in GTK+, aiming to be useful for system administrators and travellers, who need to work with lots of remote computers in front of either large monitors or tiny netbooks. Remmina supports multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistant user interface. The Remmina main program: * A pure GTK+ 2.0 application! * Maintain a list of remote desktop files, organized by groups * Make quick connections by directly putting in the server name * Remote desktops with higher resolutions are scrollable/scalable in both window and fullscreen mode * Viewport fullscreen mode: remote desktop automatically scrolls when the mouse moves over the screen edge. * Floating toolbar in fullscreen mode, allows you to switch between modes, toggle keyboard grabbing, minimize, etc. * Tabbed interface, optionally managed by groups * Supported network protocols: RDP, NX, Telepathy, VNC, XDMCP, SSH, Avahi
news/cleanfeed-20110224 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Spam filter for Usenet news servers
This is a new release of the popular cleanfeed usenet spam filter written by Jeremy Nixon. I will continue releasing new versions until I get tired or somebody else will step forward. There is no real documentation, so if you never used cleanfeed please download the original package from and enjoy trying to understand what changed. If you already have an existing cleanfeed installation please double check your cleanfeed.local, because it may not be compatibile with this release. cleanfeed.conf does not exist anymore, the bad_cancel_paths config option is now read from a configuration file and most local_* functions changed their name. Please read the CHANGES file for details about these and other things. When in doubt, check the source code.
print/libpaper- (Score: 0.0031188247)
Library providing routines for paper size management
The paper library and accompanying files are intended to provide a simple way for applications to take actions based on a system- or user-specified paper size. This release is quite minimal, its purpose being to provide really basic functions (obtaining the system paper name and getting the height and width of a given kind of paper) that applications can immediately integrate. A more complete library, using a capabilities file for papers (giving, in addition to the size, informations like paper weigth, color, etc) will be released later. See the sources for paperconf(1) in src/paper.c for how to use the library. Copyright (C) Yves Arrouye <yves@debian.org>, 1996 Adrian Bunk <bunk@fs.tum.de> , 2000
security/pidentd-3.0.19 (Score: 0.0031188247)
RFC1413 identification server
This is a program that implements the RFC1413 identification server. It was very much inspired by Dan Bernstein's original 'authd' (but unlike that program doesn't use 'netstat' to get some of the information) It uses the kernel information directly. (And is due to that fact a lot faster). Dan has now written another version of the 'authd' daemon that uses his 'kstuff' to read the kernel information. Unlike that daemon, this will use only normally available kernel access functions (and is due to that more limited in the different machines it support). Please note that this daemon used to be called pauthd but has changed name to better reflect what it does (and to conform to the new RFC).
sysutils/smbnetfs-0.6.0 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Mount smb shares (Fuse filesystem)
SMBNetFS is a filesystem that allow you to use samba/microsoft network in the same manner as the network neighborhood in Microsoft Windows. Featuries: * you can use Samba/Microsoft network as a regular Unix filesystem * workgroup/computer/share entries are dynamically created * Windows domain supported * kerberos support (New) * user defined workgroup/link/hosts are supported * national character supported * in config files you can specify different user/password to access different network shares * you can access any computer in the world by "cd mountpoint/ip-addr" command, where "ip-addr" is the IP address of the desired computer. Do not warry that there is no file with such name :-) * command "cd mountpoint/username:password@computer_or_ip" allows you to access "computer_or_ip" as user "username" with password "password" (this is insecure, but usefull)
sysutils/diskscrub-2.5.2 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Writes patterns on files to make retrieving the data more difficult
Scrub iteratively writes patterns on files or disk devices to make retrieving the data more difficult. Scrub operates in one of three modes: 1. The special file corresponding to an entire disk is scrubbed and all data on it is destroyed. This mode is selected if file is a character or block special file. This is the most effective method. 2. A regular file is scrubbed and only the data in the file (and optionally its name in the directory entry) is destroyed. The file size is rounded up to fill out the last file system block. This mode is selected if file is a regular file. 3. A file is created, expanded until the file system is full, then scrubbed as in item 2. This mode is selected with the -X option. Scrub implements user-selectable pattern algorithms that are compliant with DoD 5520.22-M or NNSA NAP-14.x.
sysutils/Schedule-Cron-1.01 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Schedule::Cron - cron-like scheduler for Perl subroutines
This module provides a simple but complete cron like scheduler. I.e this modules can be used for periodically executing Perl subroutines. The dates and parameters for the subroutines to be called are specified with a format known as crontab entry (see manpage crontab(5) or documentation of Schedule::Cron). The philosophy behind Schedule::Cron is to call subroutines periodically from within one single Perl program instead of letting cron trigger several (possibly different) Perl scripts. Everything under one roof. Furthermore Schedule::Cron provides mechanism to create crontab entries dynamically, which isn't that easy with cron. Schedule::Cron knows about all extensions (well, at least all extensions I'm aware of, i.e those of the so called "Vixie" cron) for crontab entries like ranges including 'steps', specification of month and days of the week by name or coexistence of lists and ranges in the same field. And even a bit more (like lists and ranges with symbolic names).
sysutils/u-boot-2015.04 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Cross-build U-Boot loader for Banana Pi
U-Boot loader for Banana Pi. To install this bootloader, follow the instructions in http://linux-sunxi.org/Bootable_SD_card#Bootloader This version is patched so that: * ELF and API features are enabled. * The default environment is trimmed to just what's needed to boot. * The saveenv command writes to the file u-boot.env on the FAT partition. * The DTB file name is chosen based on the board model and passed to ubldr using the fdtfile env variable. ubldr loads the DTB from /boot/dtb/ on the FreeBSD partition. * By default, it loads ELF ubldr from file ubldr on the FAT partition to address 0x42000000, and launches it. For information about running FreeBSD on Banana Pi, see https://wiki.freebsd.org/FreeBSD/arm/Allwinner For general information about U-Boot see WWW: http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot