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lang/eperl-2.2.14 (Score: 0.039849535)
Perl Modules of ePerl package: Parse::ePerl, Apache::ePerl
____ _ ___| _ \ ___ _ __| | / _ \ |_) / _ \ '__| | | __/ __/ __/ | | | \___|_| \___|_| |_| ePerl -- Embedded Perl 5 Language ePerl interprets an ASCII file bristled with Perl 5 program statements by evaluating the Perl 5 code while passing through the plain ASCII data. It can operate in various ways: As a stand-alone Unix filter or integrated Perl 5 module for general file generation tasks and as a powerful Webserver scripting language for dynamic HTML page programming.
mail/libspf-1.0.0.p5 (Score: 0.039849535)
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) library and client
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) library and client in C. SPF is a standard under development for email envelope sender verification. Domain owners can specify who is qualified to send mail for the domain by publishing SPF TXT records in DNS. Read all about SPF at http://spf.pobox.com/
misc/iselect-1.4.0 (Score: 0.039849535)
Interactive Selection Tool
iSelect is an interactive line selection tool for ASCII files, operating via a full-screen Curses-based terminal session. It can be used either as an user interface frontend controlled by a Bourne-Shell/Perl/Tcl backend as its control script or in batch mode as a pipeline filter (usually between grep and the final executing command).
misc/iso-codes-3.69 (Score: 0.039849535)
Lists of the country, language, and currency iso names
This package aims to provide a central list of the country, language, and currency names and their translations. The data comes from ISO standards 639 (language names), 3166 (country names), 3166-2 (sub-territory) and 4217 (currency). The translations are from the Translation Project. The data is provided in tabular files as well as XML.
misc/libisocodes-1.2.2 (Score: 0.039849535)
Interaction library for iso-codes
This library can be used to easily access XML data of the iso-codes package. It will provide an abstraction layer to handle both the version 3 and the upcoming version 4 of iso-codes. Moreover, all available translations can be used as well. This library makes use of the GObject introspection features, so that it is accessible from a variety of programming languages, for example C, Vala, Ruby, Python, Perl, Lua, JavaScript, PHP and many more.
misc/uuid-1.6.2 (Score: 0.039849535)
ISO-C API and CLI for generating Universally Unique Identifiers
OSSP uuid is a ISO-C and Perl application programming interface (API) and corresponding command line interface (CLI) for the generation of DCE 1.1 and ISO/IEC 11578:1996 compliant Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID). It supports DCE 1.1 variant UUIDs of version 1 (time and node based), version 3 (name based, MD5), version 4 (random number based) and version 5 (name based, SHA-1).
misc/uuid-1.6.2 (Score: 0.039849535)
ISO-C API and CLI for generating Universally Unique Identifiers
OSSP::uuid is the Perl API to the ossp-uuid library which is used to generate DCE 1.1 and ISO/IEC 11578:1996 compliant Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID). It supports DCE 1.1 variant UUIDs of version 1 (time and node based), version 3 (name based, MD5), version 4 (random number based) and version 5 (name based, SHA-1).
net/sa-1.2.6 (Score: 0.039849535)
Abstraction library for the Unix socket API
OSSP sa is an abstraction library for the Unix socket application programming interface (API) featuring stream and datagram oriented communication over Unix Domain and Internet Domain (TCP and UDP) sockets. It provides the following key features: address abstraction (local, IPv4, and IPv6), type abstraction, I/O timeouts, I/O stream buffering and convenience I/O functions.
print/lgrind-3.67 (Score: 0.039849535)
Produce beautiful listings of source code with LaTeX
LGrind is a descendant of the Unix utility vgrind. It is used to produce a beautified version of your source code using LaTeX. Unlike other packages this is not pure TeX but an external preprocessor. You run e.g. lgrind example.c > example.tex latex example.tex to get a complete listing. Options for producing includable files and pro- cessing embedded listings in LaTeX texts are provided.
textproc/linuxdoc-tools-0.9.71 (Score: 0.039849535)
Fork of SGML-tools specially tailored for linuxdoc SGMLs
Linuxdoc-Tools is a fork of SGML-Tools 1.0.9, capable of processing LinuxDoc DTD SGML files. Such files are sometimes used as an input format for generated documentation.