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Results 511520 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.007 seconds)
devel/Sub-Prototype-0.02 (Score: 0.0026874295)
Set a sub's prototype
Set a subs prototype
textproc/XML-Handler-Dtd2Html-0.42 (Score: 0.0026678517)
SAX2 handler for generate a Html documentation from a DTD
SAX2 handler for generate a HTML documentation from a DTD
textproc/colorator-0.1 (Score: 0.0026678517)
Colorize your text in a terminal with a simple API
Colorize your text in a terminal with a simple API
Return a new instance a component on each request
Return a new instance a component on each request
www/Catalyst-Model-Adaptor-0.10 (Score: 0.0026678517)
Use a plain class as a Catalyst model
use a plain class as a Catalyst model
www/SlideShowPlugin-0.0.17261 (Score: 0.0026678517)
Convert a topic with headings into a slideshow
This plugin converts a topic with headings into a slideshow.
devel/JSON-Schema-0.016 (Score: 0.0026410385)
Validate JSON against a schema
Validate JSON against a schema.
textproc/print-n-times-1.0 (Score: 0.0026410385)
Print a string (n) times
Print a string (n) times
games/quake2max-0.45 (Score: 0.0026262251)
OpenGL-only Quake II engine modification
OpenGL-only Quake II engine modification with the following features: - Requires id Software's Quake II (patched to v3.20) - OpenGL only: no software mode; no 3dfx - 32-bit color skin/texture support: .jpg; .tga; .png. - Texture compression (for large textures/skins) - Particle engine: fast intuitive system; dynamically lit; custom special effects - RScript shaders: spheremapping; detail textures; animated skins; vertex deformation, other custom functions - Enhanced menus: mouse support in menus; menus scaled to fixed resolution; reorganized menus - Client side 3D chase camera: accurate aiming system; adjustable viewing distance; adjustable viewing angle - Miscellaneous special effects: improved model lighting system; improved dynamic shadows system; overbright maps, entities and particles; transparent surface vertex lighting - Miscellaneous gameplay enhancements: decals for blood, bullet marks, and impact explosions; mouse FOV autosensitivity; *.pak loading; CVARlist filter parameter - Backwards compatible with old mods
net-mgmt/nfdump-1.6.13 (Score: 0.0026262251)
Command-line tools to collect and process NetFlow data
NFDUMP tools support netflow v5, v7 and v9 capturing and processing. nfcapd - netflow capture daemon. Reads the netflow data from the network and stores the data into files. nfdump - netflow dump. Reads the netflow data from the files stored by nfcapd. It's syntax is similar to tcpdump. If you like tcpdump you will like nfdump. nfprofile - netflow profiler. Reads the netflow data from the files stored by nfcapd. Filters the netflow data according to the specified filter sets (profiles) and stores the filtered data into files for later use. nfreplay - netflow replay. Reads the netflow data from the files stored by nfcapd and sends it over the network to another host. ft2nfdump - flow-tools to nfdump - optional component.