Ports 搜索

x11-toolkits/wrapper-1.1 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Shell wrapper for wish (Tk)
Tk-wrapper installs a shell wrapper for the "wish" command that comes with different versions of Tk. Users can define in a configuration file which version of the Tk shell wish should be called.
x11-wm/ratmenu-1.4 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Simple menu patterened for use with ratpoison
This is ratmenu, a simple program that allows you to create X menus from the shell, where each menu item will run a command. ratmenu is intended for use with ratpoison, but can be used with any other window manager.
x11-wm/wmfs-201104 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Floating and tiling Window Manager From Scratch
WMFS (Window Manager From Scratch) is a lightweight tiling window manager for X. It can be configured with a configuration file (made with LibConfuse), it supports Xft (FreeType) fonts and EWMH hints wm standards.
x11-wm/weewm-0.0.2 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Fast and ultra light windowmanager with total keyboard control
WeeWM (Wee Enhanced Environment) is a fast and light window manager for XFree86. Everything can be done with a keyboard. It is customizable, and has dock management, smart window placement, virtual desktops, and more.
x11/innerspace-0.2.0 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
GNUstep screensaver
InnerSpace is a screensaver. Innerspace is a screensaver which is compatible with BackSpace from the NeXTSTEP era. It can, with few changes to the module, run old BackSpace modules. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
x11/xfce4-goodies-4.12 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Meta-port for software and artwork from the Xfce4 Goodies Project
The Xfce Goodies Project includes additional software and artwork that are related to the Xfce desktop, but not part of the official release. The Xfce Project itself provides a lightweight desktop environment, which includes only the core compoments required for a desktop environment, like a window manager, a file manager, a session manager, a panel and a few utilities. Additional software packages and plugins to existing software, like the panel or the file manager, are provided by the Xfce Goodies Project. This meta-port does not install any software itself - it simply depends on other ports which are part of the Xfce Goodies Project, and a few additional ports which are not officially part of Goodies, but highly recommended for an Xfce desktop environment.
x11/numlockx-1.2 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Turns on numlock in X
This little thingy allows you to start X with NumLock turned on (which is a feature that a lot of people seem to miss and nobody really knew how to achieve this).
x11/gtk-launch-1.1.b (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Fast GTK+ program launcher
GTK-Launch is a program launcher, the equivalent of "Run Command" in KDE or GNOME. It features a command history, and only runs the command if it is valid.
x11/wmappl-0.71 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Application launcher dockapp similar to wmbutton
A dockapp for WindowMaker that displays a bunch of buttons. Each of these can be configured to run an application of your choice. Useful for people that have their dock already full.
x11/xbindkeys-1.8.6 (Score: 9.15773E-5)
Allows you to launch shell commands under X with your keyboard
xbindkeys is a program that allows you to launch shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse under X Window. It links commands to keys or mouse buttons, using a configuration file.