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Results 381390 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.008 seconds)
audio/sonata- (Score: 0.0064421142)
Elegant music player for MPD
Sonata is a lightweight GTK+ music client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). It aims to be efficient (no toolbar, main menu, or statusbar), user-friendly, and clean. FEATURES: + Expanded and collapsed views, fullscreen album art mode + Automatic remote and local album art + Library browsing by folders, or by genre/artist/album + User-configurable columns + Automatic fetching of lyrics + Playlist and stream support + Support for editing song tags + Drag-and-drop to copy files + Popup notification + Library and playlist searching, filter as you type + Audioscrobbler (last.fm) 1.2 support + Multiple MPD profiles + Keyboard friendly + Support for multimedia keys + Commandline control + Available in 24 languages
mail/postfix-2.11.8 (Score: 0.0064421142)
Secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible enough to not upset existing users. Thus, the outside has a sendmail-ish flavor, but the inside is completely different. Some feautures: Connection cache for SMTP, DSN status notifications, IP version 6, Plug-in support for multiple SASL implementations (Cyrus, Dovecot), TLS encryption and authentication, Configurable status notification message text, Access control per client/sender/recipient/etc, Content filter (built-in, external before queue, external after queue), Berkeley DB database, LDAP database, MySQL database, PostgreSQL database, Maildir and mailbox format, Virtual domains, VERP envelope return addresses and others.
mail/postfix-3.2.20160925 (Score: 0.0064421142)
Experimental Postfix version
Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible enough to not upset existing users. Thus, the outside has a sendmail-ish flavor, but the inside is completely different. Some feautures: Connection cache for SMTP, DSN status notifications, IP version 6, Plug-in support for multiple SASL implementations (Cyrus, Dovecot), TLS encryption and authentication, Configurable status notification message text, Access control per client/sender/recipient/etc, Content filter (built-in, external before queue, external after queue), Berkeley DB database, LDAP database, MySQL database, PostgreSQL database, Maildir and mailbox format, Virtual domains, VERP envelope return addresses and others.
mail/postfix-3.1.2 (Score: 0.0064421142)
Secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible enough to not upset existing users. Thus, the outside has a sendmail-ish flavor, but the inside is completely different. Some feautures: Connection cache for SMTP, DSN status notifications, IP version 6, Plug-in support for multiple SASL implementations (Cyrus, Dovecot), TLS encryption and authentication, Configurable status notification message text, Access control per client/sender/recipient/etc, Content filter (built-in, external before queue, external after queue), Berkeley DB database, LDAP database, MySQL database, PostgreSQL database, Maildir and mailbox format, Virtual domains, VERP envelope return addresses and others.
misc/boxes-1.1.2 (Score: 0.0064421142)
Draws ASCII-art configurable boxes around text or code
/*********************/ boxes draws any /* boxes draws any */ kind of boxes ===> /* kind of boxes */ around your text! /* around your text! */ /*********************/ The boxes command is a text filter which can draw ASCII art boxes around its input text. These boxes may also be removed, even if they have been badly damaged by editing of the text inside. Since boxes may be open on any side, boxes can also be used to create regional comments in any programming language. With the help of an editor macro or mapping, damaged boxes can easily be repaired.
mail/hashcash-1.22 (Score: 0.0061330274)
Anti-spam / denial of service counter-measure tool
The hashcash tool allows you to create hashcash tokens to attach to emails you send, and to verify hashcash tokens attached to emails you receive. A hashcash token constitutes a proof-of-work which takes a parameterizable amount of work to compute for the sender.
devel/xtl-1.4.2 (Score: 0.006073683)
Library for R/W structured data to/from an external representation
XTL is a library of template classes and functions for reading/writing structured data to/from an external (platform independent) representation. This process is also usually known as marshalling, serialization or pickling, and is useful both for heterogeneous network programming and portable persistent storage. Currently, XTL supports XDR (Internet standard), GIOP CDR (CORBA standard) and readable ascii text (write-only) as data formats. Memory buffers and C++ iostreams are usable as data sources/targets. Besides the usual C data types (basic, structs, pointers, unions), the XTL also supports C++ constructs, such as pointers to base classes and template types, namely, STL containers. XTL does not include any kind of IDL, and as such, the programmer is required to write a "filter" for each data type. The API is somewhat modeled on the original XDR library by Sun, in that the same filter is used for both reading and writing. However, heavy usage of templates makes the API simpler and type safe. Function inlining and careful avoidance of pointers or virtual functions, also make generated code faster.
mail/smtp-gated- (Score: 0.0059723235)
Proxy for SMTP sessions with virus and spam scan
This software block SMTP sessions used by e-mail worms and viruses on the NA(P)T router. It depends on netfilter framework of Linux, or ipfw on FreeBSD. It acts like proxy, intercepting outgoing SMTP connections and scanning session data on-the-fly. When messages is infected, the SMTP session is terminated. It's to be used (mostly) by ISPs, so they can eliminate infected hosts from their net work, and (preferably) educate their users.
mail/spamdb-curses-1.2 (Score: 0.0059723235)
Curses interface for OpenBSD spamd spam database (spamdb)
Human friendly curses interface for spamdb(8) to manage addresses for the whitelist/greylist. Note: This is for OpenBSD's spamd(8), which has absolutely nothing to do with SpamAssasin's spamd. It's simple, and "just works" ... What more is there to say?
devel/akismet-0.2.0 (Score: 0.005608785)
Python interface to the Akismet API
Akismet is a web service for recognising spam comments. It promises to be almost 100% effective at catching comment spam. They say that currently 81% of all comments submitted to them are spam. It's designed to work with the Wordpress Blog Tool, but it's not restricted to that - so this is a Python interface to the Akismet API. You'll need a Wordpress Key to use it. This script will allow you to plug akismet into any CGI script or web application, and there are full docs in the code. It's extremely easy to use, because the folks at akismet have implemented a nice and straightforward REST API.