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Results 7,8617,870 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.013 seconds)
x11-fonts/stixfonts-1.1.1 (Score: 1.766042E-4)
OpenType Unicode fonts for Scientific, Technical, and Math texts
The mission of the Scientific and Technical Information Exchange (STIX) font creation project is the preparation of a comprehensive set of fonts that serve the scientific and engineering community in the process from manuscript creation through final publication, both in electronic and print formats. Toward this purpose, the STIX fonts will be made available, under royalty-free license, to anyone, including publishers, software developers, scientists, students, and the general public. These fonts cover all the symbols in MathML and this port can replace the former x11-fonts/mathfonts.
x11-themes/Kvantum-0.10.2 (Score: 1.766042E-4)
SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/5, KDE and LXQT
Kvantum is an SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/Qt5, KDE and LXQT, with an emphasis on elegance, usability and practicality. Kvantum has a default dark theme, which is inspired by the default theme of Enlightenment. Creation of realistic themes like that for KDE was my first reason to make Kvantum but it goes far beyond its default theme: you could make themes with very different looks and feels for it, whether they be photorealistic or cartoonish, 3D or flat, embellished or minimalistic, or something in between, and Kvantum will let you control almost every aspect of Qt widgets.
x11-themes/Kvantum-0.10.2 (Score: 1.766042E-4)
SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/5, KDE and LXQT
Kvantum is an SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/Qt5, KDE and LXQT, with an emphasis on elegance, usability and practicality. Kvantum has a default dark theme, which is inspired by the default theme of Enlightenment. Creation of realistic themes like that for KDE was my first reason to make Kvantum but it goes far beyond its default theme: you could make themes with very different looks and feels for it, whether they be photorealistic or cartoonish, 3D or flat, embellished or minimalistic, or something in between, and Kvantum will let you control almost every aspect of Qt widgets.
x11-toolkits/scintilla-3.6.7 (Score: 1.766042E-4)
Full-featured free source code editing component for GTK+
Scintilla is a free source code editing component. As well as features found in standard text editing components, Scintilla includes features especially useful when editing and debugging source code. These include support for syntax styling, error indicators, code completion and call tips. The selection margin can contain markers like those used in debuggers to indicate breakpoints and the current line. Styling choices are more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts, bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colours and multiple fonts. It comes with complete source code and may be used in any free project or commercial product.
games/icebreaker-1.9.8 (Score: 1.7504366E-4)
Game similar to Jezzball or Barrack
IceBreaker is a game similar to Jezzball or Barrack. So, uh, there's a bunch of penguins on an iceberg in Antarctica. You have been selected to catch them so they can be shipped to Finland, where they are essential to a secret plot for world domination. In order to trap the penguins, you'll need to break the iceberg into small chunks. (They're afraid of water, for no apparent reason.) You do this by melting lines in the ice with Special High-Tech GNU Tools. If a penguin hits a line in progress, however, it vanishes with a loud noise, and you lose a life. (Yes, a life. This story is really breaking down, isn't it? But never fear -- I'll keep going until it's completely dead.) Once 80% or more of the iceberg is gone, the remaining chunks are small enough for shipping. Of course, if you manage to get rid of more than that, you'll save on postage, thus earning you exponential amounts of Geek Cred (a.k.a. "score"). After you ship off one batch of penguins, it's time to move on to the next. Each subsequent 'berg will have one more penguin, and you'll have one more life. This will continue until you lose, or until you exceed level one hundred or so, which Ain't Gonna Happen.
net/l4ip-1.0.294 (Score: 1.7504366E-4)
L4 health check daemon for IPFILTER
The idea is that IPFilter in its current state can already do a simple L4 round-robin in its NAT rules. However, it does not detect or sense when a service and/or host is down. It will continue to send requests to a downed service/host. However, IPFilter lets us add and remove rules on-the-fly so it should be possible to build a daemon that lets you specify "clusters". In each cluster you would specify its members/hosts and services. As well as a health-check for the service to determine its current state. Once a service was deemed "up" we would add a Round-Robin rule to the NAT table, and naturally, the reverse once we detect a service as being "down". In addition to this, this program can optionally add ipf rules to log for RST (reset) packets coming from the members of your clusters. In the situations where the software/port goes down, but the host itself is still working, we would detect failure instantly. (Since the forwarded connections to the service would trigger a RST packet back). If this option is enabled, l4ip spawns the "ipmon" command to monitor for the "log" entries given when such a packet is detected. l4ip will then mark the service down. This is an add-on feature and is strictly not necessary for functional usage. It is currently only supported for TCP.
textproc/AI-Categorizer-0.09 (Score: 1.7504366E-4)
Automatic Text Categorization
AI::Categorizer is a framework for automatic text categorization. It consists of a collection of Perl modules that implement common categorization tasks, and a set of defined relationships among those modules. The various details are flexible - for example, you can choose what categorization algorithm to use, what features (words or otherwise) of the documents should be used (or how to automatically choose these features), what format the documents are in, and so on. The basic process of using this module will typically involve obtaining a collection of pre-categorized documents, creating a "knowledge set" representation of those documents, training a categorizer on that knowledge set, and saving the trained categorizer for later use. There are several ways to carry out this process. The top-level AI::Categorizer module provides an umbrella class for high-level operations, or you may use the interfaces of the individual classes in the framework. A simple sample script that reads a training corpus, trains a categorizer, and tests the categorizer on a test corpus, is distributed as eg/demo.pl .
audio/dekagen-1.0.2 (Score: 1.7492779E-4)
Frontend to rip, convert, and name MP3/Ogg
dekagen is a front-end to several tools for the ripping, converting, and naming of MP3 and Ogg-Vorbis files. It automates the whole process of ripping data from music compact discs (CD), the naming of the files, their converting into MP3 or Ogg-Vorbis format and the labelling of the MP3 files with an ID3 tag. dekagen uses dialog for a user interface that is intended to be "intuitive". Music data is read from CDs using cdda2wav, cdparanoia, dagrab, or tosha, and stored on your hard disk in wav-format. Note that this will have an excessive need of disk space. After this, the wav-data is converted into MP3 format using 8hz-mp3, bladeenc, l3enc, lame, mp3enc, or notlame, or into Ogg-Vorbis format using oggenc. This will take a while. To avoid manual naming and tagging for all the files, cda is used for CDDB lookups. To label the MP3 files with ID3 tags, id3ed, id3tag, id3tool, or mp3info, or the built-in capabilities of some encoders (lame, notlame) are used. Ogg-Vorbis files can be labelled with oggenc.
devel/git-annex-5.20150727 (Score: 1.7492779E-4)
Manage files with git, without checking their contents into git
git-annex allows managing files with git, without checking the file contents into git. While that may seem paradoxical, it is useful when dealing with files larger than git can currently easily handle, whether due to limitations in memory, time, or disk space. It can store large files in many places, from local hard drives, to a large number of cloud storage services, including S3, WebDAV, and rsync, with a dozen cloud storage providers usable via plugins. Files can be stored encrypted with gpg, so that the cloud storage provider cannot see your data. git-annex keeps track of where each file is stored, so it knows how many copies are available, and has many facilities to ensure your data is preserved. git-annex can also be used to keep a folder in sync between computers, noticing when files are changed, and automatically committing them to git and transferring them to other computers. The git-annex webapp makes it easy to set up and use git-annex this way.
devel/log4net-1.2.10 (Score: 1.7492779E-4)
Port for .NET of the Apache Logging Services project
log4net is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. In case of problems with an application, it is helpful to enable logging so that the problem can be located. With log4net it is possible to enable logging at runtime without modifying the application binary. The log4net package is designed so that log statements can remain in shipped code without incurring a high performance cost. It follows that the speed of logging (or rather not logging) is crucial. At the same time, log output can be so voluminous that it quickly becomes overwhelming. One of the distinctive features of log4net is the notion of hierarchical loggers. Using these loggers it is possible to selectively control which log statements are output at arbitrary granularity. log4net is designed with two distinct goals in mind: speed and flexibility. Features: * Support for multiple frameworks * Output to multiple logging targets * Hierarchical logging architecture * XML Configuration * Dynamic Configuration * Logging Context * Proven architecture * Modular and extensible design * High performance with flexibility