Ports 搜索

databases/ipa_sdb-1.1.1 (Score: 0.004375564)
IPA simple database module
IPA_SDB -- IPA simple database module Main features: - Distribution consists of database ipa_db_sdb(8) module, statistics ipa_st_mod(8) module and ipa_sdb_dump(8) utility; - Modules completely support dynamic and static rules, limits and thresholds; - All database files are stored in own record based database formats; - Formats of database files are machine architecture independent; - Sizes of database records are relatively small (binary data formats); - Access to statistics can be granted accordingly to the user group; - The ipa_sdb_dump(8) utility converts ipa_sdb(5) database files to text representation and back.
Automatically build HTML_QuickForm objects using DB_DataObject
PEAR::DB_DataObject_FormBuilder will aid you in rapid application development using the packages DB_DataObject and HTML_QuickForm.
databases/DB_Sqlite_Tools-0.1.7 (Score: 0.004375564)
an object oriented interface to backup Sqlite databases
PEAR::DB_Sqlite_Tools is an object oriented interface to effectively manage and backup Sqlite databases.It extends the existing functionality by providing a comprehensive solution for database backup, live replication, export in XML format, performance optmization and other functionalities like the insertion and retrieval of encrypted data from an Sqlite database without any external extension.
databases/MDB2_Driver_mysql-1.5.0.b4 (Score: 0.004375564)
PEAR MySQL MDB2 driver
This is the MySQL MDB2 driver.
databases/MDB2_Driver_mysqli-1.5.0.b4 (Score: 0.004375564)
PEAR MySQL MDB2 driver
This is the MySQLi MDB2 driver.
databases/MDB2_Driver_pgsql-1.5.0.b4 (Score: 0.004375564)
PEAR pgsql MDB2 driver
This is the PostgreSQL MDB2 driver.
DataSource driver using arrays
This is a DataSource driver for Structures_DataGrid using arrays. It is a base package for some other DataSource drivers like CSV or XML.
DataSource driver using CSV files
This is a DataSource driver for Structures_DataGrid using CSV files.
DB datasource driver for pear-Structures_DataGrid
This is DataSource driver for Structures_DataGrid which uses PEAR::DB. Please note that this driver is deprecated. Consider using DBQuery or MDB2 DataSource drivers instead.
DataSource driver using PEAR::DB and an SQL query
This is a DataSource driver for Structures_DataGrid using PEAR::DB and an SQL query.