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security/api-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security solution - API
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types.
security/archiveInflate-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - Archive Inflator
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. This nugget handles archive decompression.
security/clamavNugget-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - ClamAV Detection
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. This nugget provides ClamAV integration.
security/dispatcher-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - Dispatcher
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types.
security/fileInject-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - File Injector
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. File Inject is a command-line file submission tool for the razorback framework.
security/fsMonitor-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - File System Monitor
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. This nugget uses inotify to monitor any number of file system paths and send any changed or created files to the dispatcher for collection.
security/fsWalk-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - File System Walker
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. This nugget uses inotify to monitor any number of file system paths and send any changed or created files to the dispatcher for collection.
security/masterNugget-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - Master Nugget
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types.
security/officeCat-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - OfficeCat Detection
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. The OfficeCat nugget provides the ability to examine Microsoft Office documents to determine the presence of potential exploit conditions in the file.
security/pdfFox-0.5.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Framework for an intelligence driven security - PDF Fox
Razorback is a framework for an intelligence driven security solution. It consists of a Dispatcher at the core of the system, surrounded by Nuggets of varying types. This nugget is an open-source PDF analyzer that does not require an external commercial application to function.