Ports Search

Results 141150 of 8,048 for www%3Atrac.(0.115 seconds)
www/flashplugin-11.2r202.632 (Score: 0.03080031)
Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Plugin
This is the official Flash Player from Adobe. This plugin enables you to see .swf and .spl files on the 'net from your Opera, Mozilla or Firefox sessions. Please see the Adobe home page for more information. FreeBSD Flash License Agreement: http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/96374
www/tidy-html5-5.2.0 (Score: 0.0304108)
Tidy tidies HTML and XML documents
Tidy is a console application. It corrects and cleans up HTML and XML documents by fixing markup errors and upgrading legacy code to modern standards. TidyLib is a C static or dynamic library that developers can integrate into their applications in order to bring all of Tidy's power to your favorite tools. TidyLib is used today in desktop applications, web servers, and more. This is yet a development version. When it will become stable, it will supersedes the ports www/tidy-devel and www/tidy-lib.
www/LWP-Authen-Negotiate-0.08 (Score: 0.030299377)
Perl extension to enable LWP to authenticate using negotiate
LWP::Authen::Negotiate is a authentication plugin for LWP to support WWW-Negotiate.
www/seafobj-5.1.6 (Score: 0.030299377)
Python library for accessing seafile data model
This is a Python library for accessing seafile data model. www: https://github.com/haiwen/seafobj
www/varnish-nagios-1.1.20151214 (Score: 0.030299377)
Nagios plugin to check status of Varnish
Nagios plugin to monitor Varnish. https://www.varnish-cache.org/utility/nagios-varnish-plugin
www/interchange-5.6.3 (Score: 0.030165216)
RedHat's database-enabled e-commerce server
Interchange is the open source alternative to commercial e-commerce servers and "best of breed" application server/component applications. Interchange is one of the most powerful tools available to automate and database-enable your web site or build online applications. It's also one of the easiest tools to learn, plus it's open source, making it the most open and least expensive solution to implement. For some documentation and resources for it have a look at http://www.interchange.rtfm.info/
www/rssowl-1.2.3 (Score: 0.030165216)
Portable RSS, RDF, Atom Newsfeeds reader
RSSOwl is a free, opensource RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader. Some special features are: - Export News to PDF, HTML, RTF, OPML - Import Favorites from OPML - Full text-search with syntax-highlight of the results - Powerful Newsfeed search-engine - View news in internal browser - Manage favorites in categories (Drag and Drop support) - Runs on Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac For a complete list of features, see: http://www.rssowl.org/overview
www/varnish-4.1.3 (Score: 0.0301026)
High-performance HTTP accelerator
This is the Varnish high-performance HTTP accelerator. Documentation and additional information about Varnish is available on http://varnish-cache.org/docs/index.html Technical questions about Varnish and this release should be addressed to <varnish-dev@varnish-cache.org> Questions about commercial support and services related to Varnish can be directed here: https://www.varnish-software.com/contact-us
www/spreadlogd-1.4.2 (Score: 0.029713087)
The backend of mod_log_spread
If you kill -HUP or kill the spreadlogd process, it will not actually process the signal until after it has received its next message from Spread. You can move your log files to new names and then kill -HUP and it will reopen the log files. This is useful for seamless log rotation without losing any messages. Spread is really cool. It is a poweful group communication toolkit developed at the Center for Networking and Distributed Systems at the Johns Hopkins University (http://www.spread.org/ and http://www.cnds.jhu.edu/, respectively).
www/cadaver-0.23.3 (Score: 0.029467504)
Commandline client for DAV
cadaver: command-line DAV client. Like the original ubiquitous command-line FTP client except for WebDAV instead. Uses the sitecopy (http://www.lyra.org/sitecopy/) WebDAV code. Commands: open, close, cd, ls, get, put, mkcol, delete, copy, move, cat, less. Please send in bug reports, feature requests or any questions to the discussion list, cadaver@webdav.org. Discussion list: subscribe via <mailto:cadaver-request@webdav.org> or <http://mailman.lyra.org/mailman/listinfo/cadaver> Joe Orton