Ports 搜索

共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,0212,030项(搜索用时0.008秒)
www/uwsgitop-0.9 (Score: 0.0045685717)
uWSGI top-like app
uWSGI top-like interface. Run your uWSGI server with the stats server enabled, for example: uwsgi --module myapp --socket :3030 --stats /tmp/stats.socket Then connect uwsgitop to the stats socket uwsgitop /tmp/stats.socket
audio/ruby-shout-2.2.1 (Score: 0.004522655)
Ruby binding to the libshout library
Ruby-shout is a binding to the libshout library, which sends streaming MP3/Vorbis to an icecast server with libshout.
devel/cpan-upload-2.2 (Score: 0.004522655)
Script for uploading distributions to CPAN
This is a script for uploading one or more distributions to CPAN using PAUSE, the Perl Authors Upload SErver.
devel/zope.processlifetime-1.0 (Score: 0.004522655)
Zope process lifetime events
This package provides interfaces/implementations for events relative to the lifetime of a server process (startup, database opening, etc.)
net-im/mu-conference-0.8 (Score: 0.004522655)
Multi-User Conferencing component for Jabber
MU-Conference is a Jabber/XMPP server component. It provides an implementation of Multi-User Chat (XEP-0045) - Jabber chatrooms.
net-mgmt/nat-20 (Score: 0.004522655)
NetBIOS auditing tool
SMB/CIFS server and file share auditing tool used to gather information and identify misconfigurations in security critical environments.
net/go.net-20160708 (Score: 0.004522655)
Additional Net packages for Go
go.net contains additional Go packages for net applications such as dict (the Dictionary Server Protocol), spdy and websocket.
net/socketio-client-0.6.5 (Score: 0.004522655)
Socket.io client library for Python
Socket.io client library for Python. You can use it to write test code for your socket.io server.
x11/xkill-1.0.4 (Score: 0.004522655)
Utility for killing a client by its X resource
This package contians xkill, which is a utility for forcing the X server to close connections to clients.
x11/xprop-1.2.2 (Score: 0.004522655)
Property displayer for X
This package contains the xprop utility, which is for displaying window and font properties in an X server.