Ports 搜索

math/octave-forge-zeromq-1.2.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Octave-forge package zeromq
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is zeromq. ZeroMQ bindings for GNU Octave.
math/octave-forge-sparsersb-1.0.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Octave-forge package sparsersb
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is sparsersb. Interface to the librsb package implementing the RSB sparse matrix format.
math/octave-forge-video-1.2.3 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Octave-forge package video
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is video. Implements addframe, avifile, aviinfo, and aviread, using ffmpeg. (and approximately conforms to Matlab interface)
math/Math-Complex-1.59 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
This package lets you create and manipulate complex numbers. By default, Perl limits itself to real numbers, but an extra use statement brings full complex support, along with a full set of mathematical functions typically associated with and/or extended to complex numbers.
math/Math-FixedPrecision-0.21 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Perl module that provides decimal math without floating point errors
Math::FixedPrecision provides a way to do decimal math without floating point errors. WARNING: In order for all tests to complete successfully, you must replace the stock BigFloat.pm with the one located in this distribution. This file will also be updated as part of the 5.6.1 distribution, when that is released. Please copy the included BigFloat.pm to {PERLVERSION}/lib/Math/BigFloat.pm.
math/GIS-Distance-Lite-1.0 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Calculate geographic distances in geodetic WGS84 format
The module provides a method to calculate geographic distances between coordinates in geodetic WGS84 format using the Haversine formula. It is similar to GIS::Distance, but without the extra bells and whistles and without the additional dependencies. Same great taste, less filling. It exists for those who cannot, or prefer not to install Moose and its dependencies.
math/Math-Gradient-0.04 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Calculating gradients for color transitions and the like
Math::Gradient is used to calculate smooth transitions between numerical values (also known as a "Gradient"). I wrote this module mainly to mix colours, but it probably has several other applications. Methods are supported to handle both basic and multiple-point gradients, both with scalars and arrays.
math/Math-BaseCnv-1.8 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Fast functions to convert between number Bases
BaseCnv provides a few simple functions for converting between arbitrary number bases. It is as fast as I currently know how to make it (of course relying only on the lovely Perl). If you would rather utilize an object syntax for number-base conversion, please see Ken Williams's <Ken@Forum.Swarthmore.Edu> fine Math::BaseCalc module.
math/Math-Cephes-0.5305 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Perl interface to the cephes math library
This module provides an interface to over 150 functions of the cephes math library of Stephen Moshier. No functions are exported by default, but rather must be imported explicitly, as in use Math::Cephes qw(sin cos); There are a number of export tags defined which allow importing groups of functions.
math/Math-GSL-0.36 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Perl interface to GNU Scientific Library
This is a very resticted perl interface to GNU Scientific Library. The GSL is itself distributed under GPL and is available from: Only the routines relating the solving of polynomials are exported. It exists to provide that function to "tkscope" in Audio::Data.