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Results 541550 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
www/tengine-2.0.3 (Score: 0.008069363)
Robust and small WWW server forked from Nginx
Tengine is a web server originated by Taobao, the largest e-commerce website in Asia. It is based on the Nginx HTTP server and has many advanced features. Tengine has proven to be very stable and efficient on some of the top 100 websites in the world, including taobao.com and tmall.com.
net-mgmt/BigIP-iControl-0.095 (Score: 0.008023783)
Perl interface to the F5 iControl API
This package provides a Perl interface to the F5 BigIP iControl API. The F5 BigIP iControl API is an open SOAP/XML for communicating with supported F5 BigIP products.
textproc/hunspell-0.18 (Score: 0.007972097)
Serbian hunspell dictionaries
Serbian hunspell dictionaries
chinese/irssi-0.8.20 (Score: 0.00790637)
zh-tw cursor movement friendly, wrapping clean irssi
chinese/Lingua-ZH-TaBE-0.07 (Score: 0.007883139)
Chinese processing via libtabe
This module is a Perl interface to the TaBE (Taiwan and Big5 Encoding) library, an unified interface and library dealing with Chinese words, phrases, sentences, and phonetic symbols; it is intended to be used as the foundation of Chinese text processing.
chinese/Lingua-ZH-Numbers-0.04 (Score: 0.007883139)
Converts numeric values into their Chinese string equivalents
This module tries to convert a number into Chinese cardinal number. It supports decimals number, and five representation systems (charsets): traditional, simplified, big5, gb and pinyin. The first two are returned as unicode strings; hence they are only available for Perl 5.6 and later versions.
www/mod_backtrace-1.0 (Score: 0.0078067575)
Collects backtraces when a child process crashes
mod_backtrace is an experimental module for Apache httpd 2.x which collects backtraces when a child process crashes. Currently it is implemented only on Linux and FreeBSD, but other platforms could be supported in the future. Requirements: Apache httpd >= 2.0.49 must be built with the --enable-exception-hook configure option and mod_so enabled. Activating mod_backtrace: 1. Load it like any other DSO: LoadModule backtrace_module modules/mod_backtrace.so 2. Enable exception hooks for modules like mod_backtrace: EnableExceptionHook On 3. Choose where backtrace information should be written. If you want backtraces from crashes to be reported some place other than the error log, use the BacktraceLog directive to specify a fully-qualified filename for the log to which backtraces will be written. Note that the web server user id (e.g., "nobody") must be able to create or append to this log file, as the log file is
textproc/Filter-Simple-0.91 (Score: 0.007775259)
Simplified source filtering
Filter::Simple - Simplified source filtering Source filtering is an immensely powerful feature of recent versions of Perl. It allows one to extend the language itself (e.g. the Switch module), to simplify the language (e.g. Language::Pythonesque), or to completely recast the language (e.g. Lingua::Romana::Perligata). Effec- tively, it allows one to use the full power of Perl as its own, recur- sively applied, macro language.
chinese/Lingua-ZH-Summarize-0.01 (Score: 0.0077585215)
Chinese Text Summarization
This module generate summarization from Chinese article.
chinese/Lingua-ZH-Segment-0.02 (Score: 0.0077585215)
Chinese Text Segmentation
This module currently only break chinese text into single character (Chinese word), it will not break up any alphabet.