Ports 搜索

devel/SVN-ACL-0.02 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Simple ACL frontend for subversion
SVN::ACL is a simple frontend to make the svnserve.conf, passwd, authz for Subversion. After subversion 1.3.0, it offers the new access control for using the svnserve. When you use svnadmin to create a new subversion repository. The svnserve.conf, passwd and authz will be generated by subversion automatically.
devel/Sys-SigAction-0.21 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
Sys::SigAction - Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling. With the use of this module, the signal handling behavior can be coded in a way that does not change from one perl version to the next, and thus using POSIX::sigaction() becomes a little easier.
devel/Test-Exception-0.43 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Test functions for exception based code
This module provides a few convenience methods for testing exception based code. It is built with Test::Builder and plays happily with Test::Simple, Test::More and friends. If you are not familiar with Test::Simple or Test::More now would be the time to go take a look.
devel/rngtools-1.2.4 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Utility functions for working with Random Number Generators
This package contains a set of functions for working with Random Number Generators (RNGs). In particular, it defines a generic S4 framework for getting/setting the current RNG, or RNG data that are embedded into objects for reproducibility. Notably, convenient default methods greatly facilitate the way current RNG settings can be changed.
devel/Test-Parser-1.9 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Parsing log files from test runs, and displays in an XML syntax
This module serves as a common base class for test log parsers. These tools are intended to be able to parse output from a wide variety of tests - including non-Perl tests. The parsers also write the test data into the 'Test Result Publication Interface' (TRPI) XML schema, developed by SpikeSource. See http://www.spikesource.com/testresults/index.jsp?show=trpi-schema
devel/Tie-DB_File-SplitHash-1.05 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Wrapper around the DB_File Berkeley database system
Tie::DB_File::SplitHash Designed for support of file size limited OSes. Transparently splits a DB_File database into as many distinct files as desired. Distributes hash entries between the files using a randomization algorithm. Has the effect of allowing DB_File hashes to grow to the full size of the partition. Requires 'Digest::SHA1' and 'DB_File' to be installed.
devel/carton-1.0.21 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Perl module dependency manager
carton is a command line tool to track the Perl module dependencies for your Perl application. The managed dependencies are tracked in a carton.lock file, which is meant to be version controlled, and the lock file allows other developers of your application will have the exact same versions of the modules.
devel/superclass-0.003 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Like parent, but with version checks
Allows you to both load one or more modules, while setting up inheritance from those modules at the same time. If a module in the import list is followed by something that doesn't look like a legal module name, the VERSION method will be called with it as an argument.
devel/Date_Holidays-0.21.8 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
PEAR driver based class to calculate holidays
Date_Holidays helps you calculating the dates and titles of holidays and other special celebrations. The calculation is driver-based so it is easy to add new drivers that calculate a country's holidays. The methods of the class can be used to get a holiday's date and title in various languages.
devel/liblognorm-2.0.1 (Score: 2.5742833E-4)
Log normalizer
liblognorm shall help to make sense out of syslog data, or, actually, any event data that is present in text form. In short words, one will be able to throw arbitrary log message to liblognorm, one at a time, and for each message it will output well-defined name-value pairs and a set of tags describing the message.